Being bullied

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I was bullied often in middle school and somewhat throughout highschool. In college, it happens less - but it still happens. (I'm a bit socially awkward, so people tend to think I'm strange)

It's probably one of the most depressing feelings. I remember walking back to my dorm and a bunch of guys made fun of my hair (I had it in braids), for some reason it really got to me, and I was devastated the rest of the night. I got over it though, but the feeling just sucked at the time.
yai said:
I was bullied often in middle school and somewhat throughout highschool. In college, it happens less - but it still happens. (I'm a bit socially awkward, so people tend to think I'm strange)

It's probably one of the most depressing feelings. I remember walking back to my dorm and a bunch of guys made fun of my hair (I had it in braids), for some reason it really got to me, and I was devastated the rest of the night. I got over it though, but the feeling just sucked at the time.

Its a funny thing when I get a complete stranger take the Micky it has never really bothered me at all. Its when the ppl I know do it that it gets to me. But only if they do it in a non joking way. All though I have not had anyone take the mick for a long time now.

My friend who is like a good 15 years older then me is the sort of person I think to not let what ppl say get to her. She last year was walking down the street and some guys in there teens called her fat. She was devastated. I could not understand why she had took what they had said to her to hart. She is I would say very slightly over weight. But nothing moor then what 50% of the population is. I Guss they said something that she already lets get to her.

I walk with a limp and have had perfect strangers make noses at me cos of it and shout things like spake'o out. Normally I have found it to be teenage girls. Boys generally don't as there probably frightened of a slap coming there way, where as girls know that most of the time a guy is not going to hit them. But I have in the past made a few little spoilt girls look very silly indeed. I think ppl like this get a bit to used to ppl not confronting them about it.

Whither you confront the ppl that do this sort of thing or not. They don't know you so really there is no need to let what they say get to you.
There was this one girl at the school i went, she was taller and bigger then everyone else(even some of the guys) and she was just plain nasty. She would make you do what she wanted and because she was intimidating, you did even though you dint want to.
I lost friends because of her, if she dint like them she would make fights so that you all fell out.
I bunked off so many times and got into so much trouble but what was i ment to do?
ANywhoo, the day came when we left school and i was so glad i wouldnt have to see her anymore
I bumped into her in town a few months ago after not seeing her for years and you know, my stomach still lurched at the site of her and she still makes me feel sick. Sge spoke to me and i realised that she has not changed one bit and was still the same as she always was and somthing just clicked into place, and i thought no i am not going to be walked on by you anymore.
A few months back, i bumped ito another girl that was at school in the same year as me when i was at work, and we got chatting and the subject of who do you see from (1985) school comes up.
It turns out that not only was i bullied and intimidated by this girl, so was pretty much half of the other girls too.
My friend said, she actualy would thank her if she saw her as it has made her the person she is now and she would never allow anyone to make her feel that way again.
I felt better for knowing that there is a positive that can come out of the negative, but it just seems a shame that we let one person spoil things that do and have a huge impact on who we become.
If you see her again, ask if she has a site and how many money slaves she has. If she has none, laugh and tell her she is full of fail. As must fail as someone who follows a treasure map to X but forgets to bring a shovel.
Its true... well people ...and sadly everyone bullies me all the time. Maybe I am a pushover or something or i look weird. But, sometimes, people just say the nastiest of things..and it makes me sad...and so much so now, if people praise me...I sometimes doubt their intention for 100% of the time, its up to no good. * I guess I am repeating myself*
Pretty mutch the same story here, ive been bullied since i was about err 6-7? and it stopped in about the 3rd grade because ive moved houses... its one of the worst things that can happen to you, it affects you whole life, i still dont really have mutch friends, im too shy to step to girls, but the baddest thing is you gonna believe the things those ppl scream towards you, as you being called ugly or stuff like that you really gonna think there is something wrong with you, to everyone out here that is being bullied, dont let them...ive always let them walk over me, and i regret it every day now. go to your parents, friends, teacher and talk about it, dont let them hit you.

Remember: Bullieng doesnt stop until you do something about it.
Skorian said:
I was bullied a little by a couple of people. Mostly on the school bus. Mostly though I was to good at staying invisible for even the bullies to knowtice me. I also think a few people knew I had a mean streak in me at the time because of what was going on at home. Only no one knew what was going on in our home.

Bullies make me think of the movie "Butterfly Effect" . If I could go back in time and deal with people who pushed me around. I wouldn't fight physically. I would use my mouth and have a much better idea of what to say.

Ive i could go back in time, i would fight now... i never really fight at school because i was scared they would be stronger, but seeing how my life is now...i would.
lonelyloser said:
mink said:
mimi38 said:
i was bullied and almost killed when i was in 5th grade,,,so i know how that is
You almost got killed from being bullied?? That was terrible..
I'm glad you got through that :)

I wish the bullies killed me when I was in the 5th grade. Would have saved me from a lot of pain, agony, ridicule, and shame in the future years. If I could go back in time I would fight back at the bullies so that they can beat me up even harder to the point that I would bleed to death.

Same story here, ill rather wished to be dead then being lonely the rest off my life (like i feel now )
Darkblade said:
Remember: Bullieng doesnt stop until you do something about it.

So true. Good advice. After all if your all ready being bullied then you have nothing to lose by telling ppl and doing something about it. Bullies hate it when you tell someone. Only cos it normally shows then up for the coward they are.

Darkblade said:
Same story here, ill rather wished to be dead then being lonely the rest off my life (like i feel now )

That feeling well not last forever. You know there is a lot of ppl that understand how your feeling right now but are not really able to give advice on what to do about it. I Guss that is cos we don't have much information on you as of yet. It makes it difficult with very little information to give advice. Am guessing your still Farley young. If your still at school then the advice I would give you would be very different then the advice I would give someone that is still bothered about the things that happend to them at school.

If your still at school then to take your own advice is what I would very much agree with. Tell the hole wide world. Anyone that well listen or help. Its really up to you to make the ppl like your teachers and your parents aware of just how bad your feeling. You don't have to do that crying about it. You can approach who ever you like and Carmely explain what is happening and express that in no uncertain terms that it needs to stop because its making you feel very bad and very upset with life. If your unable to say this then write it down and give someone the latter. Also there is nothing to be ashamed of. And if you need to cry then do so. crying is very good to release bad feelings. I have cred many times be for and I have always felt better after once I have dried my eyes. It dose not make you any less of a man cos you had a good cry. It makes you a normal human being.
Bullying sucks...but let us face the fact, we can't do anything about it. Cause it exist everywhere...the only way for us not to be bullied is to bully other people into submission yourself. Then, people will see that you aren't good to mess with, and weirdly, and sadly, they will stop bothering you. The saying that the good always get rewarded does not necessary applies in this world i think. Infact, I think rather, it is of the opposite.
SadRabbit said:
Bullying sucks...but let us face the fact, we can't do anything about it. Cause it exist everywhere...the only way for us not to be bullied is to bully other people into submission yourself. Then, people will see that you aren't good to mess with, and weirdly, and sadly, they will stop bothering you. The saying that the good always get rewarded does not necessary applies in this world i think. Infact, I think rather, it is of the opposite.

You could be right in that the good do not always get rewarded. But thats not why your good now is it. Most ppl are good cos that's just the way they are.

There are plenty of small, soft and even wimpy ppl that do not get bullied. Why I ask? Well that's because them ppl that are like this that do not get bullied are honest with the ppl around them and are not frightened of asking for help. There not ashamed of them self are the fact that somebody tried to bully them. Of course bully's only bully fro there own insecurities. No matter what kinder person you are you must not let other ppl ruin your life cos there not happy about there own.

Learn to except that you well in life need help from time to time. We needed help as a baby to be feed. We need help for other ppl to bailed our home, our cars. And such things. And we well need help when where ill and have to go into hospital sometimes and if course in old age we well need help. everyone in this world needs help at some point. Just the ppl that do not allow them self to get bullied realize this why them that do get bullied do not. Have you never wondered how another kid who is smaller then you dose seem to never get bulled? well that's the reason I think.
One...haha bluey...once cannot judge people by their size...he might be small but he is one heck of a fellow...good in sports...good with people and have all that he for the rabbit over here, he has nothing and worse of all, a face that writes...Pick on ME!, all over it. So hence, its not that people who are genuine to the people around them do not get picked at. Sometimes, a person gets picked on for no damnest of reason.
SadRabbit said:
Sometimes, a person gets picked on for no damnest of reason.

Agreed, But there is always a reason to why a person would let it Cary on.

Sometimes a problem can be solved much faster then a person thinks just by telling the right person. If only moor ppl and kids realized this.
i agree with bluey, if you dont do anything they will just cary on, either with or without something to get picked on, they just make up storys, or find something else to bully you with...just remember those guys are the weak ones, and not you for asking help to someone,
Haha, I am not suggesting doing nothing at all. Thats why i suggested taking a hit back and hard, and when that guy/girl finally stops bullying you, its now your turn to do the same to him to show him who's the boss =)
SadRabbit said:
Haha, I am not suggesting doing nothing at all. Thats why i suggested taking a hit back and hard, and when that guy/girl finally stops bullying you, its now your turn to do the same to him to show him who's the boss =)

lol, This is a problem. ppl who have got bullied tend to become a bully them self.

You never heard of the expression two wrongs never made a right?
Dont bully other people, not even the ones who bullied you....That only makes the problem bigger, and if you go bully someone else....They will feel exactly how you feel now...dont hurt other people...just dont..
Bluey said:
SadRabbit said:
Haha, I am not suggesting doing nothing at all. Thats why i suggested taking a hit back and hard, and when that guy/girl finally stops bullying you, its now your turn to do the same to him to show him who's the boss =)

lol, This is a problem. ppl who have got bullied tend to become a bully them self.

You never heard of the expression two wrongs never made a right?

That was what I ended up doing in school. I was in a new school every year (sometimes even with the change of the semester). I was a prime target for the bullies. Well one year when the bully in the school I had just started in tripped me in the hall I got up and drove his head into the lockers. That was the start of a bad rep that followed me from school to school. Unfortunately I tended to live up to that rep too. Rather than let it rest I started taking the offensive.
LonelyDragon said:
That was what I ended up doing in school. I was in a new school every year (sometimes even with the change of the semester). I was a prime target for the bullies. Well one year when the bully in the school I had just started in tripped me in the hall I got up and drove his head into the lockers. That was the start of a bad rep that followed me from school to school. Unfortunately I tended to live up to that rep too. Rather than let it rest I started taking the offensive.

There is a difference in sticking up for your self and terning into a bully yourself. I think to do what you did cos some body tripped you up was a bit OTT.

What I don't understand is when kids get like this and how you was why dose an adult somewhere like your dad or teacher not seat you down and explain to you that what your doing is out of order. In all honesty if I had a son and found out he was being like this and bulling other ppl he's life would stop in tell he had stopped being a little ****.

So why did this not happen with you? Something must had happend cos you don't come across as a dick any longer. And as am sure you know there are plenty of dicks that are grown men. Some ppl never change.

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