Being bullied

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Bluey said:
LonelyDragon said:
That was what I ended up doing in school. I was in a new school every year (sometimes even with the change of the semester). I was a prime target for the bullies. Well one year when the bully in the school I had just started in tripped me in the hall I got up and drove his head into the lockers. That was the start of a bad rep that followed me from school to school. Unfortunately I tended to live up to that rep too. Rather than let it rest I started taking the offensive.

There is a difference in sticking up for your self and terning into a bully yourself. I think to do what you did cos some body tripped you up was a bit OTT.

What I don't understand is when kids get like this and how you was why dose an adult somewhere like your dad or teacher not seat you down and explain to you that what your doing is out of order. In all honesty if I had a son and found out he was being like this and bulling other ppl he's life would stop in tell he had stopped being a little ****.

So why did this not happen with you? Something must had happend cos you don't come across as a dick any longer. And as am sure you know there are plenty of dicks that are grown men. Some ppl never change.

LOL did Bluey just call someone a ****?:p:D:rolleyes:
If anyone need Bully protector 2.0, just call me up:) Crap I just realize I'm an adult now, dang it. I probably could pass as a middle school kid though, until my ID show up:rolleyes:
haha, Am sure your number well start ringing very shortly for your serveries lol. And Ive called ppl a lot worse. I think if I did have a son there would not be much that he could do that would make me feel ashamed of him. Bing a bully is one thing that would though.
I've fortunately never been bullied in school. People just tended to walk past me and ignore me, and not be aware of my existence. Most of the time I just hid away in the library or IT workroom. However, if anyone did try to hurt me, or lie to me, or annoy me, I would make their life hell. I'd tear them apart. We can't let people push us around.
Bluey said:
LonelyDragon said:
That was what I ended up doing in school. I was in a new school every year (sometimes even with the change of the semester). I was a prime target for the bullies. Well one year when the bully in the school I had just started in tripped me in the hall I got up and drove his head into the lockers. That was the start of a bad rep that followed me from school to school. Unfortunately I tended to live up to that rep too. Rather than let it rest I started taking the offensive.

There is a difference in sticking up for your self and terning into a bully yourself. I think to do what you did cos some body tripped you up was a bit OTT.

What I don't understand is when kids get like this and how you was why dose an adult somewhere like your dad or teacher not seat you down and explain to you that what your doing is out of order. In all honesty if I had a son and found out he was being like this and bulling other ppl he's life would stop in tell he had stopped being a little ****.

So why did this not happen with you? Something must had happend cos you don't come across as a dick any longer. And as am sure you know there are plenty of dicks that are grown men. Some ppl never change.

Well, it started out as just "having enough". I kinda snapped and took out all the years of being the target on that one guy. But then once I realized I could do that I kinda let it get out of control. Some of the teachers kinda stepped back and let be stand up for myself (within reason) at first because they had seen in the little time I had been there how I had been on the receiving end. That changed pretty quickly.

My father also figured I had "finally developed a back-bone" in his own words. But then got pissed at me for continuing after a while. But then that never stopped me from doing anything. He was very "heavy handed" raising me and I resented that to a point that I'd do anything that he told me not to.

I'm really not sure when I changed. Or what brought it on. It continued on from Jr High through High School and on into my 20s. I think it may have been when one girl used it to her advantage and baited me to go after her ex for what turned out to be fictitious reasons. I went from that to turning it all inward. Hurting myself instead, a few suicide attempts, trying to drown it all in alcohol. But then there have been times that I regret ever having changed my ways. I firmly believe that my oldest friend would still be alive if I had done something to deter the guy that killed him.
LonelyDragon said:
Bluey said:
LonelyDragon said:
That was what I ended up doing in school. I was in a new school every year (sometimes even with the change of the semester). I was a prime target for the bullies. Well one year when the bully in the school I had just started in tripped me in the hall I got up and drove his head into the lockers. That was the start of a bad rep that followed me from school to school. Unfortunately I tended to live up to that rep too. Rather than let it rest I started taking the offensive.

There is a difference in sticking up for your self and terning into a bully yourself. I think to do what you did cos some body tripped you up was a bit OTT.

What I don't understand is when kids get like this and how you was why dose an adult somewhere like your dad or teacher not seat you down and explain to you that what your doing is out of order. In all honesty if I had a son and found out he was being like this and bulling other ppl he's life would stop in tell he had stopped being a little ****.

So why did this not happen with you? Something must had happend cos you don't come across as a dick any longer. And as am sure you know there are plenty of dicks that are grown men. Some ppl never change.

Well, it started out as just "having enough". I kinda snapped and took out all the years of being the target on that one guy. But then once I realized I could do that I kinda let it get out of control. Some of the teachers kinda stepped back and let be stand up for myself (within reason) at first because they had seen in the little time I had been there how I had been on the receiving end. That changed pretty quickly.

My father also figured I had "finally developed a back-bone" in his own words. But then got pissed at me for continuing after a while. But then that never stopped me from doing anything. He was very "heavy handed" raising me and I resented that to a point that I'd do anything that he told me not to.

I'm really not sure when I changed. Or what brought it on. It continued on from Jr High through High School and on into my 20s. I think it may have been when one girl used it to her advantage and baited me to go after her ex for what turned out to be fictitious reasons. I went from that to turning it all inward. Hurting myself instead, a few suicide attempts, trying to drown it all in alcohol. But then there have been times that I regret ever having changed my ways. I firmly believe that my oldest friend would still be alive if I had done something to deter the guy that killed him.

So in Short you basically grow up. I also had a dad that was very much way to heavy handed. I Guss when someone is heavy handed all the time it dose mean when there is a need to be heavy handed it makes that occasion no different from say leaving the door open. So I kinder get where your coming from. Even though I was bulled at school I never sew the need to bully myself.

Sounds like you have been through it since. Suicide is never the answer and I think that is one of the most selfish things anyone could do. I hope your over that stage now though.

I don't know what happend with your friend but it seems to me that its not going to do you or anyone else much good by regretting stuff. Am sure he would not blame you for anything.
I was quite a bit smaller than other kids in elementary(primary) school. Naturally this led to an endless series of large, empty headed idiots that felt they could try to call me names, trip me or just beat on me like their own personal pinata.

I think I was in 5th grade when i finally lost it and jumped on this bully kid's back as he was leaving class. The guy had to be a foot taller than me, so it was a bit like riding on the back of a wild bronco. He kept trying to flip me off, but I just clung to him as hard as I could. At the same time I was repeatedly swinging my fist into the side of his head and calling him various names that I had yet to figure out the meaning of (I just knew they were bad words).

I finally stopped when he fell to his knees and started crying. I always found it odd that no one tried to stop me before that.

Anyway, we both ended up in the principal's office with our parents being called. These days they'd probably call the police, S.W.A.T., the bomb squad and a hazmat team. It was easier to get away with this kind of thing back in the day.

Gosh I miss school. :shy:
Satyr said:
I was quite a bit smaller than other kids in elementary(primary) school. Naturally this led to an endless series of large, empty headed idiots that felt they could try to call me names, trip me or just beat on me like their own personal pinata.

I think I was in 5th grade when i finally lost it and jumped on this bully kid's back as he was leaving class. The guy had to be a foot taller than me, so it was a bit like riding on the back of a wild bronco. He kept trying to flip me off, but I just clung to him as hard as I could. At the same time I was repeatedly swinging my fist into the side of his head and calling him various names that I had yet to figure out the meaning of (I just knew they were bad words).

I am glad that I am no longer in Elementary School or Middle School. I feel sorry for the teachers that have to put up with this immaturity and attempt to sort it all out. I could never teach kids under the age of 15. In my school, it seems that bullying is pretty much non-existent in my grade, and there's a strong stigma against bullying nowadays as well, so if someone was aware of a bullying incident, they probably would not stand by and let it continue. But then again, maybe I am just not seeing the bullying at school. For all I know, girls could be getting stabbed with scissors in the bathroom or something, or there could even be 'cyber-bullying' going on. Fortunately, cyber-bullying can be solved quite simply, with the 'block' tool present in most instant messaging and email clients :)
I didn’t get bullied at school. I am not sure why. I did get bullied at home along with my brother, by both adopted parents. (Loads of issues about that!) So I developed low self-esteem and no confidence, and have been bullied off and on my whole adult life. If there is a bully anywhere in a company that I work at, IT finds me. :(
I get bullied once in my school that I remembered clearly.

The comments of the bully was so cutting that I could not take it.Make a big lie that he extorted my money but in the end,I stopped at the end when confirming that he was extorting me.
Yes, i was bullied so much, so much that I think the most nightmarish of my years was there, at school. For some reason, since I was pretty much or always alone in school, I get made fun BIG TIME. It sucked cow ass. I even think that some of them would make fun of me, just so they can become more popular for making fun of "the outcast". I even dropped out of school because it was so bad, and yes it was REALLY that bad.

There too many wannabes at school. Gotta hate it.
I was bullied at all angles; I'd get it from elementary school,day care and home.
I was the fat kid,so, of course I was teased about that and didn't have a whole lot of friends.
In day care kids would throw sand in my hair, and call me was brutal. I also sustained an injury in day care where a girl thought it would be fun to jump on the other end of a see saw I was standing on. I ended up breaking out a few of my teeth,and had to get them repaired. The gum eventually got infected and I developed an abcess, and I had to have two root canals on the same tooth.
I had a group of bullies one year in school (three girls),and then two bullies another year who were sisters.
My grandfather was verbally abusive too. He'd tell me how stupid and fat I was...
My aunt would bully me too. She'd dig her nails in my skin and hurt me.
Everything I've gone through has crippled me in adulthood. I wish I could let all of it go,but it's gotten to me...deeply.
I was bullied until I learned that my fists could make bullies go away. I guess I learned to deal with it the oldskool way. *shrug* I'm not so sure that my approach was a bad thing, either.

Badjedidude said:
I was bullied until I learned that my fists could make bullies go away. I guess I learned to deal with it the oldskool way. *shrug* I'm not so sure that my approach was a bad thing, either.


*ducks out of the way*
Badjedidude said:
@_@ You lookin' for a fight? HUH? BRING IT!!!


P.S. I don't hit women.

What if I hit you first? lol :p jk aww...that's so sweet. :club:
Speaking of being bullied... Seems like there's a lot of it going around to me... I don't like it much, and I'm here to bully the bully. Stand up to someone who will step up.
HiddenHydey said:
Yeah, it's basically a lie that bullying makes people stronger..

Well to be honest its happens to me once..thats the worst thing that evr happen...

well thats can helps u to become stronger.however still depends on how ppl take it..

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