Bluey said:LonelyDragon said:That was what I ended up doing in school. I was in a new school every year (sometimes even with the change of the semester). I was a prime target for the bullies. Well one year when the bully in the school I had just started in tripped me in the hall I got up and drove his head into the lockers. That was the start of a bad rep that followed me from school to school. Unfortunately I tended to live up to that rep too. Rather than let it rest I started taking the offensive.
There is a difference in sticking up for your self and terning into a bully yourself. I think to do what you did cos some body tripped you up was a bit OTT.
What I don't understand is when kids get like this and how you was why dose an adult somewhere like your dad or teacher not seat you down and explain to you that what your doing is out of order. In all honesty if I had a son and found out he was being like this and bulling other ppl he's life would stop in tell he had stopped being a little ****.
So why did this not happen with you? Something must had happend cos you don't come across as a dick any longer. And as am sure you know there are plenty of dicks that are grown men. Some ppl never change.
LOL did Bluey just call someone a ****?