Thanks man. It's just that kind of REAL example that folks might never forget after witnessing it is all. That kind of thing stays with a person ya know. I hope that you understand.Aihpames said:Apologies. I've taken it out... If anyone wants to see, just PM me for a link.
No. No. Cruelty such as that is damn near impossible for anyone to get out of their head. Believe me, I know. I sound like a hypocrite here because I'm a fan of the macabre. Horror movies, gore, etc. But even I can't bear to watch cruelty to animals and children. I know it sounds dumb.Aihpames said:Yeah, of course... I wish I could forget it
Fighting over caves and relics because a piece of literature says the land belongs to you... Never understood that.
What exactly are you saying Vanilla?VanillaCreme said:Be extremely closed-minded. No one said that people had to agree with one person or live by one way of life. There's more than one opinion in existence.
Hi perfanoff.perfanoff said:imprison and rape others, the children born in captivity, and the grandkids.
He doesn't deserve a respectable life in prison. Not even to live.
It's people like that ****** that are the reason I authored this thread. It's amazing the things we are capable of when unrestrained by God. If you've heard of this knob then you know why I can't post images and videos of what he did. Another example of evil to the core!perfanoff said:This is not a human being. It's not.
LoneKiller said:Hi Hearmenow2012.
I'm the same way. I used to watch wrestling 24/7 back when Hulk Hogan, Randy Savage, Andre The Giant, and Jake The Snake, etc. were wrestling. When they began to wrestle less frequently, I just drifted away from watching the sport from that point.