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SullenGirl said:He wanted me to leave so he could "cool off" from his anger, but I don't deal with issues in that way. I like to deal with the problem NOW and TALK about it.
I'm the same way. I like to handle problems IMMEDIATELY... heh humorously enough, one of the problems I had with my ex was that she tried to pretend that fights didn't happen or she tried to just leave and forget things... and that always irked me. I'd seek her out to finish the argument or find common ground and she'd get upset and claim that I was trying to be a parent to her... and ughhhh. What a mess.
SullenGirl said:We were "in bed", and I wanted him to do me a "favor" (wink wink). He suggested "69" and I refused (don't like that position). Then he started bitching because I didn't want to do something that was "mutually gratifying" and saying that I was being "selfish" (which is not the case, because I was going to do him a "favor" afterward...I don't have a problem with that). Then he went on to complain about how his jaw would hurt blahblahblah and that he already did it earlier that day (I guess there is a limit to once a day?)
Honestly, it could be that he simply isn't a huge fan of giving a woman oral sex. *shrug* Some guys just aren't into it, even if they're willing to do it a few times to give their woman pleasure. I don't see why he'd get so pissy about sex like that, though. I have a pretty strong sex drive and I've never really begged or bitched about not "getting my way" or whatever. And I like pleasing the wimmins. .... but maybe he's not entirely into that? I don't know. You'd know that better than I.
I think it might be good to start seriously considering the relationship; its pros, its cons... and maybe begin to form an idea in your mind of what the relationship is worth and how much of this behavior you can take. Because I PROMISE you, if he gets away with it once, he'll get away with it again in the future.
Alright, now here comes Devil's Advocate:
I'm a hot-head myself sometimes. In the past, during arguments with my ex, I would occasionally say things that I'd regret later, things that hurt her... but did I honestly mean what I was saying? No. It came from anger, that's all. I don't think that your boyfriend LITERALLY wants you to die or slit your wrists... so you shouldn't put much stock in WHAT he said, OK?
It's the anger that you want to get a handle on in this situation. Trust me, guys say all sorts of **** that they don't really mean. Ever see guys working together on a roof or in construction or something? A shift boss may yell at one of his guys: "GET THE **** DOWN FROM THERE, BJD, WHAT THE HELL HAS GOTTEN INTO YOUR MUSH BRAIN THIS TIME? I'M GOING TO COME OVER THERE AND KICK YOUR ASS IF YOU DO IT AGAIN!".... does that mean that he hates me or is actually going to assault me if I don't do what he tells me to?
Probably not. Guys often communicate in harsh language, but that doesn't necessarily mean that guys HATE the person they're yelling at. Men yell because it's how we get **** done. Half of the time when I tell any of my guy friends something, there's at least half of an insult thrown in just because... well, because I'm a dude and that's what dudes do, I guess.
I'm sure your boyfriend DOES like you, but he may have been hurt and unable to show it in a "mature" manner. Remember, not all guys have enough sensitivity to react in a calm manner, especially about sexual subjects. It just depends on the person's personality, on his upbringing, and his view of things. So... yeah, think hard about the relationship, but also consider his abilities to communicate and deal with his own feelings while you're running things through your mind.
*hug* I'm sure you'll come to find a way through this. Just give it patience and think things through as level-headedly as possible... and remember, communication is the key. Maybe bringing the issue up now in a gentle way might be able to get through to him... but you're the best judge of that.
Good luck! *HUG*