I don't mean to start another war here, but the title just made me crack up.
Anti-male sexism, much ?
However, I have always found interesting and useful, the comparison of human behavior to that of wild animals.
Male tigers will instinctively (and concurrently) mate with several females in neighboring territories, in order to spread their genes as much as possible. It seems logical for any animal species, from an evolution standpoint. They also take no part, other than physical protection of the territory, in the cubs' upbringing.
Female tigers, however, will only come into heat/season again once their conceived cubs have reached maturity (~2 years), unless a male stronger than her current mate invades her territory and kills her cubs. So, they are serial monogamists.
In other words, male tigers are more promiscuous than females
Does human behavior mirror this ? Do we men do the same, driven by the same instinct ? If so, how wrong is that ? I don't know.
I, personally, have never cheated on my women, and probably never will.