firebird85 said:I respect women who at least admit to what's going on, and understand completely.
I'm not going to convince the foolish drones about this anymore. Only those who have an open mind, and don't live in illusions. Explaining this to a female with an average IQ is like talking to a brick wall, because her mind is caught up in reality TV shows, American idol and Fox news. She'll deny it's true, but deep down instinctively she knows it's true and she knows exactly what this is. When you sleep in your bed late at night, you say........"wow, that guy was absolutely right". And as for the pussy whipped guys who defend women about this, well, you are just man haters yourselves. As long as a man can have sex with a woman why would he care about 80% of his gender being dateless? It's no secret that the top 20% of guys who get women all the time will usually have up to 4 girlfriends at once. That's also a contributing factor. We are living in times where one gender (female) has been put totally above another gender (male). This is equality in women's eyes. Which is insane, in itself. Women are ultimately playing into some kind of genocidal, eugenics style catastrophe. Alot of women are playing into this, I don't think they realize what they're doing. But yeah, tell them. Just imagine if men and women were both clashing this same pedestal/niological/artifical/renaissance power at once? Women are lucky men don't have the same power they do, when it comes to the dating scene and pro-creation of the human race. Our species would be wiped out if we did.
When I point out the elephant in the room, people REPEL.
The phenomenon of female privilege, power, sexual power, and the dating scene and mating scene is worse then denying the holocaust. That's how controversial it is.
Vagrant Legacy said:I wish I could reply to this, making some kind of awesome point that nobody has thought about before - unfortunately, I can't. I surely do feel as if women generally have it easier, but I can't fully express why. Girls just actually seem to have much less difficulty in picking up guys, and sure - it may not be exactly what you want, but the more you get.. the bigger the chance gets that eventually you will find what you're looking for, as opposed to guys such as me, who are practically invisible to women, and therefore don't get anything at all.
That's your instinct telling you the truth. No need to feel shamed about it.
I share some of your views... As time goes by, I realize that most weman act instictvly or emotionally... What they say they want in a guy is not what they are looking for. As you say they tend to go for guys who are with many girls, the "players"...
But I believe that's not entierly a woman's fault, most man out there don't know how to treat a girl and/or seduce her... So I think both sexes FAIL equally lol
If only weman valued more qualities like loyalty, respect, kindness, being a good person perhaps it would be more fare for most guys... But then that's not what they want... They are not turned on by those qualities... Some of then even WANT to be treated bad... That's partially why many of them end getting beaten up... sadly...
It's tuff... And it's not like the poor girls can use reason when it comes to relationships... us man also FAIL at that, maybe not that bad but...It's tuff...