I gotta admit, at first I was worried that this would turn into another "Firebird and his friend against the rest of the forum" showdown, but after reading your latter posts, Senamian, I'm relieved. Maybe he'll listen to common sense when it comes from someone he knows? I sure hope so. There are actually members considering leaving this forum because they find his forum bullying too much, and I'd hate to see that happening. If I could choose, I'd definitely prefer to keep the nice people instead of the kid who does nothing but insult everyone simply because they disagree with him.
I actually PM'd him in here, apologizing for letting my temper get the better of me, and explaining in detail why I found his words so offensive. He replied by bashing me in a random thread, completely off topic. Reading your recent post updates, Senamian, I'm now even more convinced that I'm right: He might be lonely, but if he is, it's his own damn fault. People won't be friends with someone who is rude, obnoxious and call them an idiot when they won't accept brainwash ********.
Yes, but ... This has nothing to do with gender, but with attractiveness. If you are attractive, all you really have to do is be around girls to get a girl. A shy, but attractive man is no worse off than a shy, attractive girl, so girls in general have no advantage here. I've seen it countless times; some cute, quiet guy getting hit on by several girls within minutes. This applies to men and women alike.
I actually PM'd him in here, apologizing for letting my temper get the better of me, and explaining in detail why I found his words so offensive. He replied by bashing me in a random thread, completely off topic. Reading your recent post updates, Senamian, I'm now even more convinced that I'm right: He might be lonely, but if he is, it's his own damn fault. People won't be friends with someone who is rude, obnoxious and call them an idiot when they won't accept brainwash ********.
AFrozenSoul said:This is where girls get an advantage. If you are attractive, all you really have to do is be around men to get a man. Hence why being shy is not a deal breaker for girls.
Yes, but ... This has nothing to do with gender, but with attractiveness. If you are attractive, all you really have to do is be around girls to get a girl. A shy, but attractive man is no worse off than a shy, attractive girl, so girls in general have no advantage here. I've seen it countless times; some cute, quiet guy getting hit on by several girls within minutes. This applies to men and women alike.