So I was wondering if anybody here knew any ways to "cure" depressions without using prescription meds. Because of my job if I were diagnosed with clinical depression it would automatically close allot of doors for me. I guess I might as well give you some insight so all you keyboard physicians have something to work with. I'm sure that I have something wrong with me. I go through these high and low points where ill either feel good, or even happy one day to feeling terrible the next. Today I went from bad, to good, to really bad, all within the course of a day. Usually it comes and goes lasting a couple days but today was extreme. I had a serious "what the ****" moment. When I'm bad I do lots of stupid ****. I won't feel like doing anything, and no matter where I go or what I do it seems impossible for me to feel happy. I know that its ridiculous but I tell myself that ill feel better in a couple days and I usually do. This has been happening for as long as I remember. I never show it in public but my parents have always known what was up. They always offered to get me help but I basically told them to **** off. I have a whole history of this, blowing up for no reason in particular on my family and even some now lost friends. It's pretty ******* stupid. I'm getting super tired of it but this just does'nt seems like something I can change with positive thinking. So if anyone out there has some GOOD advice or has something similar going on I could use some feedback. This ******** is keeping me from leading a normal life. I'm sick of it.