coping with depression

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Aug 12, 2010
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So I was wondering if anybody here knew any ways to "cure" depressions without using prescription meds. Because of my job if I were diagnosed with clinical depression it would automatically close allot of doors for me. I guess I might as well give you some insight so all you keyboard physicians have something to work with. I'm sure that I have something wrong with me. I go through these high and low points where ill either feel good, or even happy one day to feeling terrible the next. Today I went from bad, to good, to really bad, all within the course of a day. Usually it comes and goes lasting a couple days but today was extreme. I had a serious "what the ****" moment. When I'm bad I do lots of stupid ****. I won't feel like doing anything, and no matter where I go or what I do it seems impossible for me to feel happy. I know that its ridiculous but I tell myself that ill feel better in a couple days and I usually do. This has been happening for as long as I remember. I never show it in public but my parents have always known what was up. They always offered to get me help but I basically told them to **** off. I have a whole history of this, blowing up for no reason in particular on my family and even some now lost friends. It's pretty ******* stupid. I'm getting super tired of it but this just does'nt seems like something I can change with positive thinking. So if anyone out there has some GOOD advice or has something similar going on I could use some feedback. This ******** is keeping me from leading a normal life. I'm sick of it.
Okay.. Wow.. My story is like exactly the same as yours.. I was about to post something in the welcome thread, because I felt exactly the same way .. but here is my first post.. replying to you lol.. dude .. Today started okay I had plans and everything.. but now im drinking and about to smoke weed to help myself out and go to sleep.. i havnt been employed full time for almost 5 months now.. nor getting school either.. but im 21.. and had very serious positions since I finished high school... I live off employment insurance right now.. and live with my best friend .. we just moved to Vancouver me and him so we can find some new lives/jobs/people/money..
I lost control of my anger so many times in my life.. lost a whole group of friends and had to find another .. and that at an older age it wasnt easy.. I used to live with a gal that I was about to get married with ... and lost her because I got hyper angry this one time.. lost alot.. could say I pretty much lost everything....dude that feels so heavy.. I think this is the reason why I have been smoking weed every day for the past 3 years.. not in the day or at work or anything like that.. just before bed.. to forget **** that makes me not wanna sleep.. I dont want to promote any marijuana here but instead I want to promote your own feelings.. this **** was meant to happen so I learn some lessons.. you will see yourself in 5 years from now you will be totally different you wont even remember those problems.. and to lead a normal life I guess you gotta find a way to cope with those feelings without taking any ****/meds/weed/whatever.. just like a man I guess.. I think that men were ment to be born to do **** they dont want : work/pay/deal with the major ****... just keep that in mind brotha.. pm me if you wanna talk more .. you made me write this and it actually helped me in some way lol
stokedv said:
Okay.. Wow.. My story is like exactly the same as yours.. I was about to post something in the welcome thread, because I felt exactly the same way .. but here is my first post.. replying to you lol.. dude .. Today started okay I had plans and everything.. but now im drinking and about to smoke weed to help myself out and go to sleep.. i havnt been employed full time for almost 5 months now.. nor getting school either.. but im 21.. and had very serious positions since I finished high school... I live off employment insurance right now.. and live with my best friend .. we just moved to Vancouver me and him so we can find some new lives/jobs/people/money..
I lost control of my anger so many times in my life.. lost a whole group of friends and had to find another .. and that at an older age it wasnt easy.. I used to live with a gal that I was about to get married with ... and lost her because I got hyper angry this one time.. lost alot.. could say I pretty much lost everything....dude that feels so heavy.. I think this is the reason why I have been smoking weed every day for the past 3 years.. not in the day or at work or anything like that.. just before bed.. to forget **** that makes me not wanna sleep.. I dont want to promote any marijuana here but instead I want to promote your own feelings.. this **** was meant to happen so I learn some lessons.. you will see yourself in 5 years from now you will be totally different you wont even remember those problems.. and to lead a normal life I guess you gotta find a way to cope with those feelings without taking any ****/meds/weed/whatever.. just like a man I guess.. I think that men were ment to be born to do **** they dont want : work/pay/deal with the major ****... just keep that in mind brotha.. pm me if you wanna talk more .. you made me write this and it actually helped me in some way lol

I live in Vancouver :D.

Buddy I know EXACTLY how you feel. I smoke/drink to forgot my problems as well.

OP, talk to your doctor about prescribing some medication?
I smoke/drink here also, no idea what your age is but if you don't want to use self medicating practices and prefer prescriptions you can try seroquel because you'd probably fall into the bi-polar category. Mood swings will lesson when you get older and decide to think hard and postive about your reactions naturally but only in time. I still smoke and drink though, the only thing that makes me stop briefly is when I meet a girl that has long term potential that abstains from indulgences (hopefully not ruthless sex though)....but I'm sitting here smoking and drinking because I ****** up somewhere again, somehow again, yet again.

Younger I was privy to flipping/blacking the **** out, you'll mellow out, just keep reminding yourself that you're ******* awesome.

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