Dating sites are depressing

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putter65 said:
putter65 said:
NotDarkYet said:
As much as I can't stand dating sites, I have joined a few recently after the desperation in me to find some company(not sex :)) took over.Not liking them at all so far.

one woman in her profile said she would definately send a reply to every message. So I sent her a message and guess what ? No reply ! lol !

I've give up with the ******* thing, waste of time. I found a good profile from the internet and posted that up. I also found a photo of a decent looking bloke. Already had loads of views and one as added me as a favourite. They say they want genuine, honest. They never say attractive. My photo (even though it's a good one of me) will put off 95% of the women.

Balls to it all, better things to do !

I've had a few messages. It never goes far. Once I mention I live with my Dad and I haven't had a long term relationship - well that kills it. I'm not going to lie. I live with my Dad because I want to. **** all these women who judge me.
putter65 said:
putter65 said:
putter65 said:
NotDarkYet said:
As much as I can't stand dating sites, I have joined a few recently after the desperation in me to find some company(not sex :)) took over.Not liking them at all so far.

one woman in her profile said she would definately send a reply to every message. So I sent her a message and guess what ? No reply ! lol !

I've give up with the ******* thing, waste of time. I found a good profile from the internet and posted that up. I also found a photo of a decent looking bloke. Already had loads of views and one as added me as a favourite. They say they want genuine, honest. They never say attractive. My photo (even though it's a good one of me) will put off 95% of the women.

Balls to it all, better things to do !

I've had a few messages. It never goes far. Once I mention I live with my Dad and I haven't had a long term relationship - well that kills it. I'm not going to lie. I live with my Dad because I want to. **** all these women who judge me.

so sick of women saying 'are they any genuine guys out there ?'

Yes ! me ! but of course I'm not good enough. Not good looking enough, tall enough, rich enough, powerfull enough, funny enough, whatever.

my advice is stay clear of dating sites, pure **** !
nerdygirl said:
"Stay clear of dating sites"... because there's better luck elsewhere? If so, where?

i think it's better to meet a person the correct way.

You can't properly judge a person by a photograph and a few words (even though women reject me easily enough !)

I am losing interest in them. The oversea's ones are a waste of time. That Plenty of Fish - I have no chance. I may delete my profile on there !
Dating websites aren't worth the fuckery. Spare yourself and don't waste on your time on it.
on line or face to face......

A grown man living home with his parant is a turn off to most women.
Even if you had to move back home due to hardtimes.
You might get sympathy from people or woman that's not going to wanna date you
but it's gonna be a turn off to women that's looking for a partner.

Even when I was dating younger women. Most if not all of the women didnt live
at home with thier parants. Evidently they had sometype of standard they choose
to live by.....

You can hate women all you want for not being able to accept certain baggages
or barriors in forming a healthy relationship.

Plus there's 3.5 billions other dudes on the planet you're running up against.
Some women your age will go couger on your ass. **** it...a 25 year old that
aint living at home with fire in his eyes is always optional.

You weed out certain women for whatever reasons you find unacceptible just the same.
What do you expect????
Lonesome Crow said:
on line or face to face......

A grown man living home with his parant is a turn off to most women.
Even if you had to move back home due to hardtimes.
You might get sympathy from people or woman that's not going to wanna date you
but it's gonna be a turn off to women that's looking for a partner.

Even when I was dating younger women. Most if not all of the women didnt live
at home with thier parants. Evidently they had sometype of standard they choose
to live by.....

You can hate women all you want for not being able to accept certain baggages
or barriors in forming a healthy relationship.

Plus there's 3.5 billions other dudes on the planet you're running up against.
Some women your age will go couger on your ass. **** it...a 25 year old that
aint living at home with fire in his eyes is always optional.

You weed out certain women for whatever reasons you find unacceptible just the same.
What do you expect????

yes your right but I know a few people who still live with their parents. (And some are older than me !) It is not uncommon. House prices and rent are so expensive, the only option is to stay at home.

I was talking to this woman yesterday about the same thing and she said it is a turn off. She suggested that I shouldn't mention it.

I don't weed out certain women either. Very few, women who take drugs is an example. I am prepared to give any woman a chance.
I haven't read the earlier posts but don't you think it really depends on one's luck or fate whether dating sites work for them or not?

I've heard of people who are happily married with children and they met through dating sites. It's not exactly such a terrible thing if you're willing to give it a shot. If it sucks then... too bad, try elsewhere. Doesn't mean it's a bad place altogether. *shrugs* just my opinion.
ladyforsaken said:
I haven't read the earlier posts but don't you think it really depends on one's luck or fate whether dating sites work for them or not?

I've heard of people who are happily married with children and they met through dating sites. It's not exactly such a terrible thing if you're willing to give it a shot. If it sucks then... too bad, try elsewhere. Doesn't mean it's a bad place altogether. *shrugs* just my opinion.

my brother met his current girlfriend on a dating site.

I think they are okay for people who are 'dateable' - attractive people etc.

Not for people like me though.
putter65 said:
my brother met his current girlfriend on a dating site.

I think they are okay for people who are 'dateable' - attractive people etc.

Not for people like me though.

I think majority of the people on dating sites are quite concerned of physical attractiveness. But there's that rare group of people who wouldn't matter about looks. I was one of them, being on some dating sites, I wasn't really looking for attractive people? But I was mainly looking for people who can hit it off with me when we message. I'm sure many would also look for that instant connection, but they usually come with the expectation of somebody attractive. So yeah, you're right.

But, with that rare group of people out there on the dating sites, means there's still a possibility. Just keep on going. You can still check out dating sites and not have expectations of girls responding to you. Just be on there for fun just to see if anything happens. If you set expectations of meeting a girl there, of course you'll be disappointed. You never know when you'll hit the girl who's a rare one. :)
ladyforsaken said:
putter65 said:
my brother met his current girlfriend on a dating site.

I think they are okay for people who are 'dateable' - attractive people etc.

Not for people like me though.

I think majority of the people on dating sites are quite concerned of physical attractiveness. But there's that rare group of people who wouldn't matter about looks. I was one of them, being on some dating sites, I wasn't really looking for attractive people? But I was mainly looking for people who can hit it off with me when we message. I'm sure many would also look for that instant connection, but they usually come with the expectation of somebody attractive. So yeah, you're right.

But, with that rare group of people out there on the dating sites, means there's still a possibility. Just keep on going. You can still check out dating sites and not have expectations of girls responding to you. Just be on there for fun just to see if anything happens. If you set expectations of meeting a girl there, of course you'll be disappointed. You never know when you'll hit the girl who's a rare one. :)

well yes I will keep my profile on there. It can't do any harm. I don't expect any messages though !
I had to move back home to my parents serveral times in my life.
Usually after a relationship break up. Im fulley awear it's not uncommon.
It's a temporary situation or arrangement. My love life didnt get beyound
a certain level while I was living with my parents that's for sure.

Nothing wrong with living with your parents when you have to or choose to.

Obviously, my life wasnt so good if i had to move back in with my parents by default
or by chioce.
What woman wants a man in survival mode, dosnt have his **** or life together???
It aint rocket science..

Living at home with your parents while trying to date, develope a relationsip
with a woman or have a life with a woman isnt a good idea.
Or it's like going agianst grain. Most people would rather do without the ********
or hazzle. Plenty of fish avaliable out there.

Yes, there's gonna be some women that's willing to tolerate it..but the odds
of finding that woman is slim to none. Plus all the other factors....
It's like looking for a needle in a hay stack or trying to move a mountain with a tea spoon.
But hey....I have a chance of winning to super loto tonight too. It's a long shot..but i have
a chance.
Lonesome Crow said:
I had to move back home to my parents serveral times in my life.
Usually after a relationship break up. Im fulley awear it's not uncommon.
It's a temporary situation or arrangement. My love life didnt get beyound
a certain level while I was living with my parents that's for sure.

Nothing wrong with living with your parents when you have to or choose to.

Obviously, my life wasnt so good if i had to move back in with my parents by default
or by chioce.
What woman wants a man in survival mode, dosnt have his **** or life together???
It aint rocket science..

Living at home with your parents while trying to date, develope a relationsip
with a woman or have a life with a woman isnt a good idea.
Or it's like going agianst grain. Most people would rather do without the ********
or hazzle. Plenty of fish avaliable out there.

Yes, there's gonna be some women that's willing to tolerate it..but the odds
of finding that woman is slim to none. Plus all the other factors....
It's like looking for a needle in a hay stack or trying to move a mountain with a tea spoon.
But hey....I have a chance of winning to super loto tonight too. It's a long shot..but i have
a chance.

I agree with everything you say.

Together with alot of other issues, I have nothing going for me at all !
Completely and utterly nothing ! Zero ! Yes I am a nice guy but so are about a million others ! I have as much chance of meeting a woman as winning tonights lottery. But I have known this for a very long time !

It's what I have been trying to say since I have been on here. But so what ? I can still enjoy my life. I have my health and my work and my hobbies and I am generally happy. (It's only when I have tried to meet a woman that I have become miserable)
If you're not attractive physically you WILL NOT have any luck on a dating site.
LonelyInAtl said:
If you're not attractive physically you WILL NOT have any luck on a dating site.

I'm not. I've put the best photo I can find on there but not had any luck so far !
putter65 said:
I agree with everything you say.

Together with alot of other issues, I have nothing going for me at all !

So why are you still living with your father?
IgnoredOne said:
putter65 said:
I agree with everything you say.

Together with alot of other issues, I have nothing going for me at all !

So why are you still living with your father?

to keep him company. He's recently had cancer.
LonelyInAtl said:
If you're not attractive physically you WILL NOT have any luck on a dating site.

"Beauty is in the eye of the beholder." I've known some people who definitely do not fit in with society's standard ideas of beauty (masculine or feminine), but who have had great experiences on dating sites.
Lonesome Crow said:
What woman wants a man in survival mode, dosnt have his **** or life together???

Can a man say the same? If your a woman, you don't have to be a slave to the system, or have anything together. You have the option of being a "homemaker" heck, I've known a lot of them that don't even have their heads together, let alone their life? Being "crazy" is also a valid option.

Just like all the religions... On the surface they all claim to worship God the father, but secretly they're all cults that serve the queen of heaven. The common link in all of them is Kabalah or kaaba-allah. The triple veil Wicca goddess, universe womb, three dimensional black cube, housing the vagina inside, Mary to the Catholics, Oral tradition to the Jews, Sophia to the Gnostics, age of the divine feminine to the newagers, Ishtar (stature of liberty) to the Freemasons, and Kabalah is considered the "Yoga" of the west. The harlot queen of babylon sits above all of them, but I digress

Its just not worth it these days... you can keep all the drama, and I'll keep the expense. Love is for the lowly, the high and mighty deserve nothing but a swift kick to the shin... I guess I yearn for simpler times...
Phaedron said:
Lonesome Crow said:
What woman wants a man in survival mode, dosnt have his **** or life together???

Can a man say the same? If your a woman, you don't have to be a slave to the system, or have anything together. You have the option of being a "homemaker" heck, I've known a lot of them that don't even have their heads together, let alone their life? Being "crazy" is also a valid option.

Just like all the religions... On the surface they all claim to worship God the father, but secretly they're all cults that serve the queen of heaven. The common link in all of them is Kabalah or kaaba-allah. The triple veil Wicca goddess, universe womb, three dimensional black cube, housing the vagina inside, Mary to the Catholics, Oral tradition to the Jews, Sophia to the Gnostics, age of the divine feminine to the newagers, Ishtar (stature of liberty) to the Freemasons, and Kabalah is considered the "Yoga" of the west. The harlot queen of babylon sits above all of them, but I digress

Its just not worth it these days... you can keep all the drama, and I'll keep the expense. Love is for the lowly, the high and mighty deserve nothing but a swift kick to the shin... I guess I yearn for simpler times...

Yes, I was a stayed at home daddy when my ex-gf was working and
attending school. i was one of those 47% living off of the government.

Actaully **** that ****...I paid all my taxes. Which is alot more
than 14%. i cant imagine being unemployed and still making 14 million..though.lmao

Now...I gotta hear your **** too???? Im probably the 99.999999999% that cant figure
or understand ya. Wasting our times and lives on this fucken rock.
With no purpose, sense of directions and misded guided :p, even a caveman had to go out and hunt.
He probably exchanged his hunting knife for a spear with another caveman.
If he was luckie...his cave woman knew the art of making **** loads of

Ultimately I had to go out and bring home the bacon....government
cheese totally sucks ass.....I like fancy sports car, a nice pad
to live. The life style of living beyound the government's
Money cant buy love...but sure makes living easier......

I have news for you Pherdron. Hate to burst your bubble....
The world donsnt evolve around your ideas, thinking, or beliefs.
You gatta eat dude. And you certainly cant manufacture
all the electronic components that's in your PC. So that you
can get on line to express your opinions....
God save those worthless souls that puches into a time clock
in a factory, mill, warehouse, farm, mines..ect so that you
may have your conveinces, opinions and options.....

For this.....
I am truely grateful Renae loves me. I certainly dont have my ****
together at the moment.

Dating scenes and the games that comes with the playing fields.
I can hit a triple and steal home base. I have decent batting

Never the less...I rather be with Renae. I love her so very much.
Im blessed in many ways. Ive never taken her love or her for
granted. I appreciate all of it. Even with the dramma...
The truama...I just do the best as I can to get through it so how.
Her big ass titays, perfect ass, and pretty face is the iceing on the cake...

Being single and dating is a lonely empty feeling for me.
It twists my mind and souls in ways i can not bare.
Kindda like living in the twighlightzone

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