EveWasFramed said:
MisterLonely said:
EveWasFramed said:
MisterLonely said:
I think he/she ment "especially females," note the added comma
Which would STILL be ******** and a misogynistic remark.
I'm all for feminism and such, but reality states that in some cases women are more at risk, take for instance rape and/or sexual harrasment, women are more at risk and I think almost everyone will agree with that, is it misogynistic to make that clame then ?
When someone shows me a legitimate, broad study, with unequivocal evidence that women who you meet on dating sites lie more, I will rescind my remark.
By the way, I'm not a fememist. Not even remotely close.
Still think there is a mis understanding here, the way I read it the reply states that women have to be carefull of lying men. and I think that was what wasintended by the reply.
Here the original line:
Yeah, lies are some of the stuff you need to keep an eye out for, especially females who meet men from online dating websites.
Now with the added comma:
Yeah, lies are some of the stuff you need to keep an eye out for, especially females, who meet men from online dating websites.
I'm not good at this interpuntion thingy so maybe that comma is total BS, but I think it's saying females have to watch out formen on dating sites.