I think in the beginning it would make me laugh, I would find it funny ..but I would always be telling him to stop apologizing so much. I would not stop dating a guy just because he apologizes a lot.
Also I do the same, 'Sorry' is sort of an instinctive word for me to say, if I'm not sure what to say in a situation I always say sorry. Or if something unexpected happens.. I say sorry.
People I know say 'A truck could run me over and leave me to die at the side of the road and I would say 'Sorry''. But yea I dont do it to people that I am familiar with. Only in new situations.
So if a guy did this, I would expect that with time, and with us getting closer, and me telling him he does not need to apologize so often for random things..I think he will stop.. after a while I think he will say it less and less.
Also the answers are surprising because I thought the whole point of dating was to end in marriage.
Would you date someone who said to you; (and this question comes from a true story of a couple i know). So yea it's for guys.
Would you date a girl who says she will not have sex before marriage. She is virgin and you really love everything about her. But she says no sex before marriage. The catch is, she is a med-student and says she wont get marriage till she is out of school. She will graduate in seven years. Would this be a deal breaker?
jjam said:
To women:
Would a guy apologizing often for things that you do not believe warrant an apology turn you off in some way? Elaborate if you feel like it.