Deal breaker questions

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Not a deal breaker.

Same question.
What would you do if your gf/bf rarely wanted to have sex?
0CI355A said:
What would you do if your gf/bf rarely wanted to have sex?

Quite simply put, I would find another gf. Really, I wouldn't be with someone like that in the first place. Obviously there are a lot of variables here, but I love sex and I want it a lot. That's just how I am. But if she didn't want sex because she was upset or something I'd try to talk to her about it.

But if she just DIDN'T WANT IT for no real reason, just didn't feel like it... then I'd hafta move on. *shrug* Sounds awful, but at least I'm honest. And I would make sure she knew this before even getting together with me.

Would it be a deal-breaker if your date/partner couldn't cook?
Deal breaker. I can't cook for shiggles so my partner's gotta cook. Otherwise we'd starve.

Same question.
It wouldn't be a deal-breaker for me. I myself can cook, so we wouldn't STARVE. :p But it is nice to have a woman cook for me sometimes (yeah yeah make sexist blah blah blah).... so I'd like to be close to a woman who does cook. But like I said, if she doesn't, that's fine. And besides, anyone can learn. :D

Would it be a deal-breaker if your date/partner never went to bed at the same time as you? Stayed up late much longer than you, on the internet or playing games or something?
Not a deal breaker for the cooking, but I would teach him how to cook whether he liked it or not >: ( haha

Not a deal breaker, but it would be nice if he could try to sleep the same time as me every now and then....I like to cuddle while I sleep xD haha.

Deal breaker if your significant other got jealous easily?
Nah it would be different however if he was moody as in he gets mad when he gets jealous.

Same question.
Sterling said:
Deal breaker if your significant other got jealous easily?

Not really. I find that most women are fairly jealous when in a relationship anyway. Maybe not the cling-onto-your-arm-and-desperately-beg-for-you-to-coddle-her jealous, but... she'll notice when your eye accidentally strays to another woman's ****ies; even if you weren't ogling or staring on purpose. SHE WILL NOTICE, and most of the time hate the "little hussy" that you glanced at.

Is there anything wrong with that? Not really. I do the same thing when I notice that my girlfriend (if/when I had one) perhaps seemed to be a bit more lively when we were around a guy she might find attractive. Overall, it's human nature for us to react unconsciously in certain ways in regards to the opposite sex when we find them attractive. There's nothing inherently wrong with just sort of accidentally looking.

The jealousy thing becomes a problem when you start to make that innocent, semi-subconscious glancing into more than what it is. If someone interprets a wayward glance as open lust, then there's going to be a problem. Or if the girlfriend starts publicly berating the guy for "undressing every twitchskirt in the town with his eyes," or something... then it becomes a problem. Just understand it for what it is; innocent, meaningless, nature.

Wow.. that's a long-winded way of saying NO IT WOULD NOT BOTHER ME. Unless she became overly distraught about it all the time. Yeah then it would get old.

Would it be a deal-breaker if your partner/date had no manners when dealing with others? Like... always being first in line, never saying thank-you, overstaying their welcome, etc.
Would it be a deal-breaker if your partner/date had no manners when dealing with others? Like... always being first in line, never saying thank-you, overstaying their welcome, etc.

Yes yes yes yes yes! I can not stand rude people lol. He probably wouldn't last an hour with me.

To shave or not to shave? Trim? Natural?
Sterling said:
To shave or not to shave? Trim? Natural?

I super lolled at this =))

hmm though I might have to answer hypothetically on this one, to shave for licking purposes. (now I can't believe I just said that on an open forum)

Would it be a deal breaker if your partner has 6 toes on each feet?
floffyschneeman said:
Would it be a deal breaker if your partner has 6 toes on each feet?

of course not.
would it be a deal breaker if your person treated you horrible in public, but really well in private?
Deal breaker, if you mean by horrible never displaying affections or even acknowledging our relationship. But if it's an anti PDA thing I would understand. But being a douche is a deal breaker.

Would it be a deal breaker if your partner has a job that requires him/her to travel at least once a month?
^^^Not really. If it's like... travelling for a week at a time, once a month, then it would be a lot harder to have a close relationship. But if it's a good relationship otherwise, then I'd try to keep it going.

Would it be a deal-breaker if your date/partner continually compared you physically to his favorite movie stars or video game characters? As in... "OHHHhhh that lady is HOT! She doesn't have hips like yours," etc.
Deal breaker. If I'm always going to be compared and put down because I'm not as good looking as that freaking girl from Street Fighter or Christina Hendricks. Dammit that girl is hot, though.

Would it be a deal breaker if your partner was very mysterious with his/her feelings, not very keen on sharing or vague most times?
Deal Breaker,I hate stuff I can't understand.

Would it be a deal breaker if your partner would be a very conservative person from another religion (doesn't count if you're atheist though... but the inverse also happens)?
You mean we're both conservative but of different religions? Dunno I'm mostly atheist. (And a little bit is concerned God might be real and send me to hell.) But it probably would be a deal breaker especially if both parties were devout.

Same question.
Poueff said:
Would it be a deal breaker if your partner would be a very conservative person from another religion (doesn't count if you're atheist though... but the inverse also happens)?

It would only be a deal-breaker if she constantly preached at me or made a huge deal about when I did things that were against her religion. Like drinking or smoking a cigar or something; maybe her religion forbids that and she'd go on and on and on about how evil it is. I wouldn't be able to ******* stand that. lol

Would it be a deal-breaker if your date/partner had AWFUL taste in music, and wasn't willing to gain a better sense of what good music is?
My lovely partner does have horrible taste in music. He likes techno. So the answer is no.

And his dealbreaker question is

Would it be a deal breaker if your partner never read a book in their entire life?
Would it be a deal breaker if your partner smoked?

(I'm just quoting him, he wanted to ask two questions :p)
jales said:
Would it be a deal breaker if your partner never read a book in their entire life?
Would it be a deal breaker if your partner smoked?
Deal breaker. Hmm I don't think I can date a guy who isn't interested in books.

Not a deal breaker. Although I'd advise him to quit.

Same questions.

jales said:
Would it be a deal breaker if your partner never read a book in their entire life?

Yes. Books = brains. No books, no brains. 'Nuff said.

jales said:
Would it be a deal breaker if your partner smoked?

No, because I do on occasion. I would only have a problem if she smoked like a pack a day or more. That's quite excessive.

Would it be a deal-breaker if your date/partner frequently picked fights with others for seemingly no reason, and/or had a generally bad temper towards others (but not to you)?

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