Deal breaker questions

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Eh, yeah. Well I'd ask him to deal with it. Quit, go to AA I dunno. But if it starts to disrupt our lives in a negative way, ultimatum time baby.

Same question.
I'm not dealing with a drunk lol. Sorry, but no. I wouldn't deal with a drug addict either. Just wouldn't work out in the end and neither of us would be happy in the relationship probably.

What would you think of your significant other if they were into some type of club that met up every week to play a certain game or discuss something...such as a Dungeons and Dragons League or a Book Club.
Not a deal breaker. It's better than having him in a bar or some other.

Same question.
0CI355A said:
Not a deal breaker. It's better than having him in a bar or some other.

Same question.

I wouldn't have a problem with my significant other being part of a club that included regular meetings. Actually that sort of separation is healthy. People need to live their own lives to an extent. (as long as the 'game' they play isn't strip poker)

Question: Would it be a deal-breaker if your significant other was obsessed with one particular color? and all their clothes, accessories, purchases, were all that color? :D
Not a deal breaker. Although, it could get annoying. But I wouldn't mind especially if he has other qualities I like, love.

Same question.
0CI355A said:
Not a deal breaker. Although, it could get annoying. But I wouldn't mind especially if he has other qualities I like, love.

Same question.

Actually, this could be very annoying for me, but I would willingly overlook it in the name of true love! :D

Question: Would it be a deal-breaker if your significant other went around singing loudly everywhere (even in public) but had a really bad singing voice?
Lol not a deal breaker. Although I'd be brutally honest so as to save him some embarrrassment. But hey if he doesn't give a **** then I'd back him up.

Same question.
Yes, it would be a deal-breaker if my significant other had any habit that was obnoxiously rude and offensive to the public at large, but simply blazed on unphased, because this would show an inability to consider the comfort or happiness of others. Nothing is wrong with being confident, but insane overconfidence is bad.

Question: Would it be a deal-breaker if your significant other had a hairstyle that you hated?
Yes. Mullets are a big no no. For the love of all holy cut it.

Same question.
No, I don't think hairstyle would be a deal-breaker. My mother was/is a barber and hairstylist, so I was used to growing up around people with funky hairdos including my sisters and even myself. I tend to see hairstyle as a piece of a person's individuality that I don't have any say over.

Now for the risqué question!

Question: Would it be a deal-breaker if your significant other wanted to have erotic conversations with people online who they never planned on meeting, seeing, or connecting with in any other way?
On one hand, I see that as something similar to porn - and porn is not a deal breaker for me. On the other hand, it would be unsettling if my partner preferred the online friend over me. And on the left foot, it sometimes doesn't matter if you weren't planning on connecting with this online person if they're determined to find YOU. It may not be a deal-breaker yet, but it would be easier if he just stuck with porn.

Would it be a deal-breaker if your partner wanted to be "on top"(dominant) if it's a female or "on bottom"(submissive) if it's a male during sex?
No, not a deal breaker. As a female sometimes is fun to be in control. But I would encourge variaty.

Would it be a deal breaker if your bf/gf sometimes do very childish things such as howl at the moon, swim in a fountain, play in the rain or dance in public?
Ladysphinx said:
No, not a deal breaker. As a female sometimes is fun to be in control. But I would encourge variaty.

Would it be a deal breaker if your bf/gf sometimes do very childish things such as howl at the moon, swim in a fountain, play in the rain or dance in public?

Heavens NO! I am a huge advocate of immaturity! The more fountain-swimming and moon-howling, the BETTER! It's all good!

Question: Would it be a deal-breaker if your significant other was anti-social?
Well, my hubby is anti-social big time so I guess no.

Deal breaker or not, Your partner is the oppesite of you in almostevery thing but yet you can find one or two things you can do together.
If it's just a matter of interests (he likes twilight; I don't) then it wouldn't necessarily be a deal breaker if he's willing to try new things with me. If he did things against my principles or was absolutely set in his ways then yes, total deal breaker.

Would it be a deal breaker if your partner spent most of his/her playing video games?
Yes, deal breaker. I once dated a guy like that and it was a deal breaker it was basicly all he did, and I just got sick of it. I don't mind if it's like an hour a day or a few hours once or twice a week. I also sometimes play a little video games.

Would it be a deal breaker if your partner is not very neat ?
Ladysphinx said:
Yes, deal breaker. I once dated a guy like that and it was a deal breaker it was basicly all he did, and I just got sick of it. I don't mind if it's like an hour a day or a few hours once or twice a week. I also sometimes play a little video games.

Would it be a deal breaker if your partner is not very neat ?

No, that wouldn't be a deal-breaker. We are speaking of "not being neat", which is totally different from having absolutely no understanding of the fact that homes 'eventually' must be cleaned and everybody has to pitch in. THAT is a deal-breaker. People who live together have to discuss how they are going to maintain a home, and be willing to compromise and work together. People who can't compromise on things so basic to existence (such as cleaning) have a hard time compromising or genuinely working together on the big things that really matter. It's a bad omen.
Well since you didn't ask a deal-breaker question I'll just answer the same one :p
Not a deal-breaker if we're just talking about being a little disorganized; I'm not all that neat either. But at least every couple of weeks, a good cleanin' is definitely in order. Besides - It's much more fun to do that with another person.

Would it be a deal-breaker if your partner had a life passion that wasn't exactly lucrative? Such as an artist who works part-time at a restaurant.
Not a deal breaker. If I want jewelry and whatnot I'll get a job and pay for them myself. If his passion does not allow him to make much money I can deal with it.

Same question.
Deal breaker.

This^ makes me sound bad, but I am not supporting someone throughout life. If he only had a part-time job, I would feel that I would have to take care of him, like a child. I would get irritated that he only has a part-time job, instead of full time. If he likes painting, fine, but at least get a job that you can live off of. I'm not saying that I expect expensive things, I just expect him to be able to take care of himself financially by himself.

Same Question.

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