0CI355A said:Not a deal breaker. It's better than having him in a bar or some other.
Same question.
0CI355A said:Not a deal breaker. Although, it could get annoying. But I wouldn't mind especially if he has other qualities I like, love.
Same question.
Ladysphinx said:No, not a deal breaker. As a female sometimes is fun to be in control. But I would encourge variaty.
Would it be a deal breaker if your bf/gf sometimes do very childish things such as howl at the moon, swim in a fountain, play in the rain or dance in public?
Ladysphinx said:Yes, deal breaker. I once dated a guy like that and it was a deal breaker it was basicly all he did, and I just got sick of it. I don't mind if it's like an hour a day or a few hours once or twice a week. I also sometimes play a little video games.
Would it be a deal breaker if your partner is not very neat ?