Deal breaker questions

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DTR said:
Would it be a deal-breaker if your partner had a life passion that wasn't exactly lucrative? Such as an artist who works part-time at a restaurant.

Nope. Not a deal-breaker. Everyone should follow their passions in life, and if that means a little less green from the wifey or girlyfriend... then so be it. Besides, I plan to make a decent amount of money for myself anyway. ;) lol

Would it be a deal-breaker if your date/partner admitted that they had killed someone in the past (and gotten away with it)?
Deal breaker. If it was self defense or anything like that then he should report it. But if it's straight up murder and the proper authorities don't know about it what if he kills me and gets away with it. That's scary. Lol

Same question.
o.o Deal breaker. I'd be scared if I made him mad, that he would kill me and get away with it.

Would you date someone off of the internet? Why or Why not?
Not a deal breaker. Although it would require a lotta face time for me to actually trust someone especially off the internet.

Same question.
There would be requirements....I would have to be talking to them for 3+ months before meeting, and if we were to meet, it would be in a public place for the first few dates just to make sure everything is okay. I wouldn't meet someone I felt un-safe about.

Age limits?
Not a deal breaker, I met a friend on internet and we are still friends. If it can work with friends it can work with relationship too. But you have to make sure that person is who they say they are. To me it's much the same risk as meeting someone in a pub. Alway be careful is my motto.

Would you date someone who believes they where ubducted by aliens.

I won't date someone 10yrs older or younger then me, that's my limit about. But I'm married and hubby is only a year older then me. So I prefer my age bout.

Same qeustion
Sterling said:
Would you date someone off of the internet? Why or Why not?
:p I have done this. I would do this again, provided the following. I get to see a picture of her. Not just one of those head shots either. I want to see her full body. Second depends on how clear she is about romantic intent and the amount of time that has passed. If I am talking to a female for more than 3 months and she does not know if she wants to be with me, then no. Really if I am in regular communication with a female for more than a month and she is gray in her feelings or desire for me she is not worth my time. Finally if she expresses romantic intent and does not put out she is not worth my time. Especially if we talk for more than a month

As far as age limits. I think 12 years is pushing it for me. 7 years is probably my limit for a real relationship. 15 years is my Max for a meaningless fling.

Would you date someone who has a very different diet and is not willing to alter it in consideration for you?
AFrozenSoul said:
Would you date someone who has a very different diet and is not willing to alter it in consideration for you?

Yes, I would "date someone who has a very different diet and is not willing to alter it for me". However, I would not date someone who ate nothing but junk food because I would not want to watch them die of diabetes and heart disease. That would be heart-breaking. As far as them liking totally different foods from me, that is fine. Everybody can't be the same. Junk food is where I draw the line. If we were cohabitating, I can't have a house full of junk food, because, quite frankly, I will eat it and get fat. If I like Chinese and she likes Indian, not a problem. If I like Chinese, and she likes Twinkies, big problem. Although a twinkie every now and again shouldn't kill you, I think. :D

Question: Would it be a deal-breaker if your significant other never showed an interest in ANYTHING that you like? (I don't mean enthusiasm, I mean interest)
Joseph said:
Question: Would it be a deal-breaker if your significant other never showed an interest in ANYTHING that you like? (I don't mean enthusiasm, I mean interest)

Yes, that would be a deal breaker. My ex husband was like that. He didn't give a rat's patooty what I was interested in. I took it to mean he wasn't interested in me and I realized I might as well be single if I'm going to do everything by myself anyway.

Would it be a deal-breaker if your partner doesn't like to spoon at night? (It was for me :) )


Not a deal breaker. But I like cuddling so he better be alright with other forms of it.

Same question.
SofiasMami said:
Would it be a deal-breaker if your partner doesn't like to spoon at night? (It was for me :) )

No and Yes.

No, in that I wouldn't demand "spooning" per se.

Yes, in that I would demand some sort of affection or there is no reason to be in a relationship. If one person no longer feels affectionate enough to show it, there is a serious problem. If I want to be lonely and alone and untouched, I can do that beautifully all by myself and have more free time for my hobbies. When one person is very affectionate, it is never received well when his or her partner does not reciprocate.

Personal anecdote:

My ex, who is a bona fide sociopath, eventually turned into a frigid bitch. She withheld all intimacy (except sex, not even she could deny how good that was) including spending time together, snuggling, talking, hugging, kissing, whatever, in an attempt to control me. Instead of being controlled, I regrew my testicles x 10 and got ******* pissed off and cut her off. I started sleeping alone on the couch and completely quit speaking to her, and I refused her sex. She went elsewhere to get it instead of doing the work in our relationship so it would naturally happen, she went elsewhere. That's the great thing about being a man in your 30's, sex drive begins to wane, and you can be the sexual camel for a change. I learned a lot from the over ten years that we were together, the one thing I learned is that I am ok being alone and I will never be treated like I am unlovable again.

^ Wow, that was rantish. Ha! This is better than therapy!

SofiasMami said:
Would it be a deal-breaker if your partner doesn't like to spoon at night?

Yes. I like being close to wimminz. End of story. :D

Would it be a deal-breaker if your partner/date likes to smell and sniff at things? EVERYTHING?
Badjedidude said:
Would it be a deal-breaker if your partner/date likes to smell and sniff at things? EVERYTHING?

I've got to admit, that would be more than just a bit creepy. If everything truly means EVERYTHING, then yes, that would be a dealbreaker.

Question: Would it be a deal-breaker if your significant didn't like to reciprocate 100% on things? Maybe only 80% or 90%? (intentionally left vague)
No, not a deal breaker. As long as he does show interest then I'm fine, Sometime one wants way more than what the other does and balance is the key.

Same question
Joseph said:
Would it be a deal-breaker if your significant didn't like to reciprocate 100% on things? Maybe only 80% or 90%? (intentionally left vague)

Well, speaking sexually (because that's the only thing I ever think about (not really)), yes it would be somewhat of a deal-breaker. If I'm going down on her, then I should expect her to return the favor, even if it's just at a later date. Honestly I've never really had a problem with this in a relationship, though. I've always made it clear that things need to be more or less even in that regard.

Sure, sometimes there's no time for "reciprocation." Maybe there's only time (for whatever reason) for her to give me a quick bj. I'd accept it graciously and go on with my day, knowing that at some point in the future I would give her a "gift" that's similar. A massage, some "reciprocation," whatever.

But it would definitely be a deal-breaker if she outright refused to give me oral if I were giving her oral. Something like that.

Same question.
Well I have answered vaguely for a reason, since I'm married too much detail is like kiss and tell. let's just say a lot of the joy I find is in how my affection is received, with no need to give back. Almost like a goodbye kiss before going to work, something like that. His joy is my joy. Can't believe I just typed that!!!!!

Would it be a deal breaker if your partner isn't good with home work?
Badjedidude said:
Well, speaking sexually (because that's the only thing I ever think about (not really)), yes it would be somewhat of a deal-breaker. If I'm going down on her, then I should expect her to return the favor, even if it's just at a later date. Honestly I've never really had a problem with this in a relationship, though. I've always made it clear that things need to be more or less even in that regard.

Same question.

Shouts out to you for your honesty. That is why I left this question intentionally vague, so that the respondent could read into whatever he or she wanted to. And you are right, the first thing that comes to mind is something sexual, and probably activities such as oral sex, whatever, etc. And that is a very valid point.

That is kind of a micro view (which is totally valid), now let's blow it up to a macro view, what if your significant other only reciprocated 80 or 90% of the way with everything. Attention, Favors, Love and Affection, Time Spent, Thoughtfulness, Respect, Consideration, etc, etc, etc.

I'll admit this is a personal subject to me, because my long-time ex never reciprocated equally. It was like her way of saying "You love me more. I have control."

Ladysphinx, how about this question...
I think that it could pose a problem. If after I have communicated this as a problem I think that it could become a deal breaker. If Thoughtfulness, Respect, Consideration is not equal it would show that he does not really love me. I'm just there for comfort and I'm not wasting my love on some one as such.

Would it be a deal breaker if your partner has trust issues due to a past experience ?
Ladysphinx said:
I think that it could pose a problem. If after I have communicated this as a problem I think that it could become a deal breaker. If Thoughtfulness, Respect, Consideration is not equal it would show that he does not really love me. I'm just there for comfort and I'm not wasting my love on some one as such.

Would it be a deal breaker if your partner has trust issues due to a past experience ?

No, for two reasons. First reason, as long as she was honest about it, we could work through it. Second reason, I would be a hypocrite.

Same Question...

No it would not. Cause after being betrayed a person fears going through the same so I will help them by proving that they can truly trust me. i especially understand since I have trust issues my self due to past experience, guess most of us has.

Would it be a deal breaker if the person you are dating uses foul language extensively ?

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