SofiasMami said:
Would it be a deal-breaker if your partner doesn't like to spoon at night? (It was for me
No and Yes.
No, in that I wouldn't demand "spooning" per se.
Yes, in that I would demand some sort of affection or there is no reason to be in a relationship. If one person no longer feels affectionate enough to show it, there is a serious problem. If I want to be lonely and alone and untouched, I can do that beautifully all by myself and have more free time for my hobbies. When one person is very affectionate, it is never received well when his or her partner does not reciprocate.
Personal anecdote:
My ex, who is a bona fide sociopath, eventually turned into a frigid bitch. She withheld all intimacy (except sex, not even she could deny how good that was) including spending time together, snuggling, talking, hugging, kissing, whatever, in an attempt to control me. Instead of being controlled, I regrew my testicles x 10 and got ******* pissed off and cut her off. I started sleeping alone on the couch and completely quit speaking to her, and I refused her sex. She went elsewhere to get it instead of doing the work in our relationship so it would naturally happen, she went elsewhere. That's the great thing about being a man in your 30's, sex drive begins to wane, and you can be the sexual camel for a change. I learned a lot from the over ten years that we were together, the one thing I learned is that I am ok being alone and I will never be treated like I am unlovable again.
^ Wow, that was rantish. Ha! This is better than therapy!