Do you ever allow this to ruin your day or do you even do this?

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Butterfly 2

Well-known member
Aug 15, 2022
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While out walking this morning, I bumped into someone I hadn't seen for a couple of months and I was telling her about my husband's illness and passing and then I got on the subject of how disgusting the hospital and some of their employees are.

At times, I ramble on too much and I end up hating myself for hours after I do that. I feel like I am such a Debbie Downer and such a babbler. I regret not just giving the highlights and walking away and wishing her a nice day.
While out walking this morning, I bumped into someone I hadn't seen for a couple of months and I was telling her about my husband's illness and passing and then I got on the subject of how disgusting the hospital and some of their employees are.

At times, I ramble on too much and I end up hating myself for hours after I do that. I feel like I am such a Debbie Downer and such a babbler. I regret not just giving the highlights and walking away and wishing her a nice day.
I dont do this but I beat myself up about other things. I sometimes say petty mean things to people when all I truly wanna do is be nice… I can really beat myself up for that sometimes
Yes. I’m the queen of oversharing but I don’t usually feel about it because I prefer the details...the whys, hows, and whos. I need the whole story to understand as opposed to just a general statement. I don’t plan on stopping this. I figure if someone doesn’t like it then f*** them. You should never hate yourself for expressing yourself especially with what you are talking about.
I dont do this but I beat myself up about other things. I sometimes say petty mean things to people when all I truly wanna do is be nice… I can really beat myself up for that sometimes
I tell my son to not do and say things that you have to apologize for later. If you are going to be mean then own it and don’t expect people to accept apologies and if you don’t like the way it makes you feel then don’t do it.
I tell my son to not do and say things that you have to apologize for later. If you are going to be mean then own it and don’t expect people to accept apologies and if you don’t like the way it makes you feel then don’t do it.

Yeahhh its like im trying to master the art of just “walking away”… I hate when I let people control me by getting a response out of me… but for me its an uphill battle sadly🙃
You’ll get there. At least you are aware now and not 35. The high road is harder to get to but definitely worth it when you get there. You have a much better view from the top.
Thank you all for the input and support. I didn't have a problem with the lady I was talking to because she also knows our hospitals is lacking in many things. She was very nice and listened except she had to get going because she needed to get to work. I just feel bad about getting too chatty and unloading things on people they shouldn't have to put up with. Poor girl was just out for a nice and peaceful walk with her dog and I went on and on.

I think I started doing that several years ago because if I would just say a few sentences. People seem to be confused and felt what I was saying was unclear. Maybe I just don't understand conversation well?
Well see you are obviously a thoughtful person which is why it bothered you that you said what you did and then felt as though you disturbed her time. This is a quality I’m trying to improve. Your scenario is helpful to me so if nothing else you can now feel as though you helped someone else. So thank you, sincerely, for your second post. It was beneficial to my understanding.
Lol....I do this all the time. Like...why did I say that? That wasn't a positive interaction with that person...
Well, I like to keep things short and sweet. But, if someone decides that want to keep talking to me then I make sure and talk more and longer then they do. Even when they say they have to go I will make some kind of motion and then just keep talking. It gives me a headache. But, it's a teaching moment for them. Rarely do they ever talk to me again. Ha! ha!
Yes. I’m the queen of oversharing but I don’t usually feel about it because I prefer the details...the whys, hows, and whos. I need the whole story to understand as opposed to just a general statement. I don’t plan on stopping this. I figure if someone doesn’t like it then f*** them. You should never hate yourself for expressing yourself especially with what you are talking about.
Context is very important in communication, its better to be very clear about something than to leave things open to interpretation.

I feel like i fall on both extremes on the spectrum, in written form i over share, in person you can call it a miracle if i even say "hi"

Also find myself agreeing with @Finished yet again. Im also familiar with those kinds of headaches.
nobody can fake not being anxious, lonely, worried, confused, etc. the only way to stop faulty external functioning (in this case wrong speech) is by mastering internal functions.
Firstly, I am sorry to hear of your husbands passing and what sounds like a bad experience of hospitals and some of its staff. I have no knowledge of hospital over there, but I have plenty of experience with the ones over here and can say that I can't really complain about the care that I have received, it's always been the administration side of things where it all seems to fall down.

The other side of the rambling on coin can be just as bad. I can sometimes beat myself up through holding back and not saying enough. There seems to be a very fine line between not say enough and saying too much and hitting that line is a very tricky thing to do at times.

Don't hate yourself for doing it, if they didn't want to listen they could have made their excuses and walked away themselves. To me, the fact that they didn't shows that they were happy to listen. :)
quite often in conversation, i get the dreaded hindsight-dread, yeah. I give myself a good lashing afterwards, for a bit; even though that probably isn't necessary.. oh well.

my condolences :/


And yeah, hospitals can often be hell.

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