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I used to have a huge collection of really disgusting gore movies. Movies like Guinea Pig, Cannibal Holocaust, Zombie Flesh Eaters, Anthropophagus, New York Ripper etc. I stopped watching them when I realised that the real world was just as disgusting :(

Do you like idiots that leave overly long replies?
Depends on the idiot. Some people never know when to shut it, regardless of topic. Hence why 'TL;DR' was invented! :)

Do you like hearing a very loud cat serenading you at 3am outside your window?
Yes, though I tend to think any time is an appropriate time for silliness. After all, just because Uncle Henry's being cremated doesn't mean my sense of humor has to be.

Do you like lucid dreaming?
Don't really talk to them, but they haven't tried to murder me yet, which is an important thing I look for in a neighbor.

Do you like taking selfies of yourself eating food?
I do not, nor do I take selfies in the bathroom making a duckface. Don't those people realize they look constipated, not sexy?

Do you like the idea of a mop that attaches to a baby so it can clean the floor while crawling around?
Constipated is sexy because it demonstrates that a potential mate needs to be fed copious amounts of dietary fiber, thus acivating ones primal instincts.

I like the idea of being able to outsource my cleaning to someone else. However, I'm not sure whether the time saved on cleaning would outweigh the added responsibility of making sure this baby doesn't die. Also, it depends on whether I'd be able to "rent-a-baby" for this and if so, would the rates be that much cheaper than a traditional cleaning service. If I could only do this with a baby I birthed biologically, then no thanks.

Do you like making simple questions more complicated than they need to be?
When the opportunity arises, absolutely. Call it personal amusement.

Do you like having a schedule?
I don't really like most things that aren't sleeping related. But I have been thinking that keeping to a more organized schedule in certain areas of life might benefit me.

Do you like dub step?

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