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Loneliness, Depression & Relationship Forum

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Not really. I'm a creature of habit and I just like to go to a couple of different places right in my neighborhood.

Do you like to hear cats meowing like mine is doing right now?
Yes. It always surprises me when old people crab about hearing young kids laughing and playing.

Do you like to watch shows about travel like Rick Steves europe?
Me, too and Samantha Brown when she's traveling and Joe what's his name, etc.

Yes! I love classic rock if you are talking about music from the 1960s and 1970s.

Do you wish it was that era again?
Oh I hope you are wrong!

I do, but I prefer getting massages if someone else is doing it. It's uncomfortable at first, just the closeness aspect, but when I was in my 40s, I regularly went since I had a few health issues during that decade and I really liked the girl who did the massages.

Do you like to read up on what happened to some of the old great musicians or actors?