Lonesome Crow said:
ambientspark said:
Van Hooligan said:
Lonesome Crow said:
Oh my, are those charmers..
#14 on my 'things to do before i die list': Successfully read a whole post by Lonesome Crow'
took awhile but i was patient enough to wait until he didn't write 50 lines.
thank u lol
Hee hee... apparently, bewbs are the answer.
VAn, I want to be your #1
Yes...Ambeint, ****s can bring world peace or dominations...whichever you prefer
#1 on the list:
get laid
#2 on the list:
once properly 'laid' ask the girl to make me a sandwitch, hopefully she'll either make me 1 or think im joking...instead of grabbing my balls and squeezing.
#3 on the list:
take out ball insurance but #2 occurs
#94 on the list:
successfully do something or other
#95 on the list:
understand what the hell #94 means
#96 on the list:
steal ladies underwear
#97 on the list:
go into ladies underwear buisness
#98 on the list:
#99 on the list:
#100 on the list:
finish all 101 items on your list
and then it ends there
also i must agree about the bewb comments, they are a wonderful place that must have a day named after them, i propose september 12th, national bewb day, because i think americans could do with a happy holiday after the 11th day