johnny196775 said:
Living on dissabilty is an aweful way of living. If people are stupid enough to try to scam the government this way then let them. they are ******* idiots who would rather be poor than work. i do not think there is a lot of this going on. If there is there is nothing to do about it. So why complain at all.
There is more of it going on than you think. However, there IS something that can be done about it. REPORTING the fraud will do something about it. Any report they get, they have to investigate and they do. If they find the person is misusing the benefits or is actually committing fraud, they will terminate the benefits.
I know a person who seems to enjoy committing welfare fraud so she can be lazy and not have to get a job, although, she flat out lies about her living situation, she does not claim to have medical problems. I have reported her a few times and they have taken the welfare away each time. But she just waits a few months and reapplies with the same lies, so I report her again.
Nothing can be done to stop it if people who know about the fraud are not reporting it, whether they know the person or not. I don't care who you are, whether you are a close friend or a stranger, if I know you are committing fraud, I will report you for it, because it is WRONG and it hurts those who actually need it.