Well if Bush jr can be president then why can't we have a female porn star? I don't really see any real reason it wouldn't make sense in the grand scheme of things.
Would probably do a better job.
I think our election process is flawed. When you elect someone who is a coke head that just sort of got through high school. Where people declare stupidity and deceit as strength.
The way the world is half the time I am surprised that we don't have a cult of the atom (been playing fallout 3). I could see us having a cult where people bang on atomic bombs as a method of worship. Sometimes people do the strangest things. In a world like that how could we not have a female president?
If Obama can hold up a birth certificate and people still declare him an illegal alien. When events take place like people letting billionaires rob the whole nation and walk away with the money, but want revenge on people who take $100. Nevermind the fact that they crashed the global economy. Then we can have a female president.
Hell, from some things I have seen women were not even seen as lesser by all cultures. Several European cultures pretty much worshiped women before Christianity came along. Of course when you declare sexuality as evil... well, women are likely to end up targeted as bad.