oopsiedoop said:
No, you're being dense. Feminism isn't about hating men, it's about hating male privilege and tyranny.
You're just showing how naive and ignorant you are of reality.
Are you implying that no woman anywhere has ever become a feminist because she hates men?
I never ONCE said that EVERY feminist hates men. Actually, I never even said that feminism is a bad thing. I think you need to calm down and reassess the situation and understand what I said in the first place. Take a breather and actually read what I'm writing, OK?
Many women DO join feminist movements because they hate men.
That is a fact. Not all of them, but they DO exist.
And to pretend that they don't is just blind, unforgivable ignorance.
oopsiedoop said:
I suppose you think those uppity blacks who are against racism hate white people.
But there ARE black people who abuse their protections to gain an upper hand in the name of racial equality.
Again... to pretend that there aren't is kinda stupid.
Honestly, oopsiedoop, you need to open your eyes and realize that in ANY movement, there are people who will abuse the system and who will use the movement for their OWN ENDS. Some women join feminist organizations because they perceive them as men-hating organizations and they wish to "make men suffer," which is what some of these women believe it's all about. It's the same with racism. It's the same with Christianity. It's the same with Sam's Club.
Some people, regardless of race OR sex, will always use movements like these (feminism and racial equality movements) for the wrong reasons and try to manipulate them into becoming something that they aren't.
Now I hope I've cleared some things up.
Because if you can't understand what I just explained, then I might as well leave the thread because it'd be hopeless to continue with you blindly holding to your
emotional beliefs rather than calmly and logically thinking things out... and for your sake, I do hope you understand. Because if you don't, then there's scant little chance of you growing and learning anymore. And that's just sad.
For your own sake, open your eyes.