I don't think its a case of nice guys or bad guys, just human beings taking on roles and acting them out, life basically... its just performance.
I have in my past been cheated on and hated those girls for what they did, I have in my past cheated and both hated and excused myself but that easily done, sin in haste repent in leisure etc....
I have been rejected by someone I loved and played the part of the agrrieved party and i have rejected someone who loved me and played the part of being cruel to be kind.
We are human basically and I try to remember this when I am hurt by someone. I know some fantastic really good people, male and female who are very dear to me and I know the majority have cheated on partners in some way at some point in their life, if I judged and cut everyone out of my life on such a basis I would be very lonely and a hypocrite.
I have been devestated by my recent break up, I really took it badly. I thought she was wonderful now at times I see she is selfish, but its pretty much the same girl I'm seeing from a different viewpoint. I wish I could just typecast her as selfish and write her off but I know I am only doing that to comfort myself, over simplifying her into one type of person to suit my needs. I know this hurt is real, but what else is real besides? Its all just my perception, my passing judgement. I know I can fool myself into thinking anything, but once I establish that, I know I can't really fool myself at all, its a sort of an annoying paradox.
So what is the truth and what is just what I want to feel? I try to hate her because it will make it easier bascially but I don't know deep down if she deserves to be hated by someone such as myself. Maybe I just deserve everything I got, maybe it was just all my fault we split all along and I'm just too stupid or egotistical to admit it or maybe I really am great and she really is horrible and I'm just being soft.
Well I'm ****** if I know.. so I try not to pass judgement, I'd rather not form an opinion at all than a wrong one, which does make closure difficult. I wish I could just write people off and take the moral highground like so many people do, I've just seen too much to kid myself its that simple anymore.
So do nice guys finish last? Well are we really all the nice guys on here? Does life owe me anything, what do I deserve from it exactly? I never want to feel I am a nice guy, its a comfort zone, conceited and an excuse. I'm human and just trying my best like everyone else.