Does this talk to you?

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Although I could pospone the haircut I think an avatar must meet the person's face and not aborrowed kitchen.
Diagnosed said:
Nationalisms suck.

That's the type of creeds I spared my kids to be talked.

PandaSwag said:
Diagnosed said:
Wow! Now I learnt a New Word to avoid saying homosexual: Cisgender

Umm that's not what that means.  It just means you Id as the same sex you were born biologically. "Normal" as the lgbtq says.  Or some say.
 Oh ! Thanks.

 I'd better to read that from the Germán Dr who coined the term before I get totally confused.

Mr Panda!

Is all California on fire? The News I overheard say something

Some parts of CA are yes. I don't live near those areas fortunately. And thankfully I also don't live in areas affected by PG&E's incompetent policy of shutting peoples power off.
I feel it dishonest!

I'll see an updated pic leaves the track , to be followed with responsibility

Thanks God (If He is somewhere out there to hear me).

Those "blackouts" could be a lie when probably there's not a cable to send electric power. Now Californians are feeling the heat Zulians, in Venezuela, suffered several months.

I wish snow came down to stop Californian fire, along with the help needed to get electricity and shelters.
The Bible is not original concerning a say about the dead, and the Old Testament contradicts a couple of sayings If you have read what Jesus said about the hell.

Those who hallucinated a NDE have described hell another way Jesus vaguely said so, If someone is concerned about his/her loneliness, I wouldn't deter a folk from reading what they deeply experienced and suffered under a heart attack (Brittens call it heart arrests) Ha! Ha!
MissBehave said:
Heart arrest. ❤️
I like that one better.

Ha! Ha

I fooled myself again ... But your heart has a brighter color, it isn't dark and I'm falling in (...)

I loved those things you colored...

Diagnosed said:
The Bible is not original concerning a say about the dead, and the Old Testament contradicts a couple of sayings If you have read what Jesus said about the hell.

Those who hallucinated a NDE have described hell another way Jesus vaguely said so, If someone is concerned about his/her loneliness, I wouldn't deter a folk from reading what they deeply experienced and suffered under a heart attack (Brittens call it heart arrests) Ha! Ha!

I plan to write a lot when I get back home...

But I'm arrested in a city I don't like. 😐

Diagnosed said:
The Bible is not original concerning a say about the dead, and the Old Testament contradicts a couple of sayings If you have read what Jesus said about the hell.

Those who hallucinated a NDE have described hell another way Jesus vaguely said so, If someone is concerned about his/her loneliness, I wouldn't deter a folk from reading what they deeply experienced and suffered under a heart attack (Brittens call it heart arrests) Ha! Ha!

I plan to write a lot when I get back home...

But I'm arrested in a city I don't like. 😐

Twitter remains being  the same... 👇


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Aww. That's sweet of you to say. 🐦
I really love coloring. I'm waiting for new folders to organize my new colors, so when I get those I'll make a new one.
How are you doing?
Have you ever tried a program like Art Rage2?

By using it, you can paint or copy-paint a picture. I don't know where's the nearst hyperlink for you to download by I could sort it out so you get a copy.

I left my mother at the hospital. I'm somewhat disturbed but she's not well and I needed to flee from all I'm witnessing over. Before 7 pm I'll be back to the hospital to pick my Mom her home.

Thanks for interacting!
Diagnosed said:
Have you ever tried a program like Art Rage2?

By using it, you can paint or copy-paint a picture. I don't know where's the nearst hyperlink for you to download by I could sort it out so you get a copy.

I left my mother at the hospital. I'm somewhat disturbed but she's not well and I needed to flee from all I'm witnessing over. Before 7 pm I'll be back to the hospital to pick my Mom her home.

Thanks for interacting!

Your mom isn’t doing too well?

I’ve never tried painting on pc. I kind of like the feel of the paper and the colors. 
Makes it more... real. At least for me. 
Thanks for the tip though. 
And for the interactions. 🦄
I'm enjoying myself on here today!

Does this talk to you?

(I watched someone else browsing this thread, but I don't want to miss the spot on HONESTY)

[Oh! Here's again a thought about her feet or toes] 😉

I'm enjoying myself on here today!

Does this talk to you?

(I watched someone else browsing this thread, but I don't want to miss the spot on HONESTY)

[Oh! Here's again a thought about her feet or toes] 😉

I think I'll visit one of my friends to update my HDD.

 I'm learning a New thing today!

I don't know If I'm in the same bus you take, but I'm also checking the evil streets of egolatry and narcissism.

If was fed up during childhood and when I grew up I didn't notice the evil was in me: That's why I got rid of Facebook!

I uploaded this avatar just to be or feel somewhat honest, since I learnt we ppl are prone to idolize in online fantacies. I myself have seen how I screwed up in the lies of narcissism (i liked ppl other ways their body/face were).

If i won the lottery to travel abroad, I won't be "sold out" another way I wasn't. 

Ha! Ha! If i was shorter or fat, I won't permit any reader lied to THEMself

(but I'm here alone, typing in a borrowed phone).
One of the good things of loneliness it is you would probably think about being HONEST...

If i stayed home I'll be working to help Josh's plants produce fruits or either I were seated in front of my PC (which actually is my best friend).

I have to keep notes about certain customs in India. Married women have a VISIBLE red sign in that foreheads... But most of men prefer their games and, in LatAm , no one could be sure if we men cheated more than "single" girls.
One of the good things of loneliness it is you would probably think about being HONEST...

If i stayed home I'll be working to help Josh's plants produce fruits or either I were seated in front of my PC (which actually is my best friend).

I have to keep notes about certain customs in India. Married women have a VISIBLE red sign in that foreheads... But most of men prefer their games and, in LatAm , no one could be sure if we men cheated more than "single" girls.
I'm not used to see ppl falling down or dying, but yesterday that ER was filled and messy. 

At first I stepped in controlled. The nurse in charged was taking her dinner around a corner I respected. Foolishly I gave her the drug my mother needed and I was near to be upset after I waited for an hour (that nurse wasn't aware she worked in an ER the moment she received visitors at her booth)
Someone made a point with a thread named DON'T forget the abuse... 

These things I said elsewhere to someone I like:

I was (an ABUSER) and I could be If I'm not on guard. Examples?

In primary school I laughed at anyone who looked UGLY or beautiful . It was easy to spot ppl flaws (while i hid mine OR I wasn't aware the ugly ppl I was)
In high school I was the same abuser and cared too little about my misbehaving...

I think I made a significant move when got the Christian FAITH.

Today I'm not the religious believer I was but, when I permit myself to abuse or when i permit other to be abused, I'm an abuser."

Someone made a point with a thread named DON'T forget the abuse... 

These things I said elsewhere to someone I like:

I was (an ABUSER) and I could be If I'm not on guard. Examples?

In primary school I laughed at anyone who looked UGLY or beautiful . It was easy to spot ppl flaws (while i hid mine OR I wasn't aware the ugly ppl I was)
In high school I was the same abuser and cared too little about my misbehaving...

I think I made a significant move when got the Christian FAITH.

Today I'm not the religious believer I was but, when I permit myself to abuse or when i permit other to be abused, I'm an abuser."

Years ago, I permitted a woman hit His little kid in the face with her slipper in the subway... Why do men and women talked about "domestic" violence?

We all are abusers when WE don't stop the abuse or those abusers.
Are all of them TRUE souls? 

Here's a pic.👇


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Although I'm aware of my belief/disbelieve, those prayers are working for anything I don't know (yet).
I'm mean!

Does this talk to you?

I have read from dozens and few received "points" in the score of REPUTATION.

I'm aware THEY don't need my stimuli or approval, but most of the ppl on this site came to share anything from their lives.

We're ewatched! Yet some do need seeds to plant what's not loved.

I won't tell anyone what to do. Mean ppl do not share a single "hello" but, in return, they expect to be worshipped... How many fans or real followers do they have on Twitter?

I'm mean! If i did not pay attention to YOU, I don't deserve your attention (but I started to love those I love).

And when I get off this bus, the next stop, I have loved lovers (abusers, scammers or narcissist depredators aren't on my way).

I'm Diagnosed! Any day I will die sick of love, sick of mean ppl I've met, ill with the sickness of ill-biased minds and ther sordid shadow.

I wish i weren't mean -ingful
Like i said,. I'm mean!

I never planned to be married and hadn't concerns on being alone, and now it's too late:

1) Poor as a church rat
2) Old as all as the aged I despised when I was younger 
3) My own kids don't love me the way I dreamed. 😝

I avoided to be committed since I knew no one who was faithul or were totally committed to love me the way I am (my Ex wife wasn't the type of girl I should have married?)

Most of ppl I've known of my age need a doctor (or diapers). Many died or were cheated on... 

Who am I to dayream? I'm not any better than those who save money to share with their children and wife when the died.

I'm not worth than those who cheated or got too old in a way few might like.

I'm unique! I had no twin brother or more sisters so, I'm healthy alone, single like any churchy mouse... It's better to love those dreams I cannot chase!

Just this moment I feel SORRY for a person I don't know who is HURTING. She's been the type of person she said she was (a thing I don't know) but she's almost torn into pieces and I don't have any means to help her to heal nor to say a, "CHEER up, ArZangal !!!

I dared to write a PM. I hope it reaches her before her heart get hurt.

I wish an angel came down to heal her, and a friend came around with hugs , but I'm nothing here to be supportive and I know I have nothing to give at distance.

Will any of you join me in prayers for her?

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