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Now, I'm not condoning illegal drug use in any way. "Do as I say and not as I do"

What drugs have you used, prescription or otherwise to cope with your situation or use in an attempt to make things better?
I do take drugs. but they are legal. given to me by my doctor. and I gotta tell you, it was no easy task getting medication for my depression. it wasn't only till I was taken to the hospital by ambulance for attempting to commit suicide. that I started taking the meds I'm on now. at first I was taking Prozac. but that didn't help. and it made me sick to my stomach. it wasn't till the doctor put me on Celexa that I started to get a little better. I mean, I'm still sad. and still lonely. but nothing compared to the way I used to feel. my only worry is that the medicines affect may begin to ware off some day. if it ever does, I'm screwed! I can barely keep my head a float as it is. any ways.... any one on here want to be my friend!? whatta yuh say?
oh guest. im so curious where u live. cuz around here. they hand out drugs like candy.
ooooh i broke a nail!!!!!!!!! :(
here have some prozac haha
but yeah im sure plenty would wanna b ur friend guest. y not reg so we can tell u apart from the 50million other guests okay :)
NewBirth said:
oh guest. im so curious where u live. cuz around here. they hand out drugs like candy.
ooooh i broke a nail!!!!!!!!! :(
here have some prozac haha
but yeah im sure plenty would wanna b ur friend guest. y not reg so we can tell u apart from the 50million other guests okay :)

I am from Texas. and I just registered. but I'm not getting the confirmation message. so I can't sign in. does it always take this long?
i use buprenorphine it is meant for opiate addiction to help someone quit misuseing opiates
in asia getting opium isnt a problem tho illegal , but i am not a drug addict either
however prozac is not legal in japan
buprenorphine has pain relief and euphoric qualities like opium and its prescribed in that grey area while not meant to treat depression it does treat it very well
my doctor gives it to me as a way to kill 2 birds with one stone
it works wonders with my depression and it kills the extreame pain i have in my back
the side effects for me were that i would be nauseated and vomit for 1st month i took it till i got use to it
i lost alot of weight which also helped my depression ,lowered amount i eat due to a loss of appetite
so i had 3 fold effects
pain relief
depression relief
and appetite supressant
for years i was on all kinds of drugs then i switched over to this drug and it has changed so much
my advise go see a real doctor list everything wrong and see if all your meds can be combined to one drug that works better for everything . now i take one drug and its great. havent been this happy in years ,lost 50 kilos , geting a divorce , changing my life in a good way finally instead of hiding and i have a boyfriend that is really great . dont sit at home really see a good doctor and if it doesnt work keep going to different doctors till you find one willing to really sift thru things and find what you need even if it isnt conventional treatments.
I've been on Zoloft once and then Paxil, plus Xanax for acute problems. Those were with prescription. I've long since stopped using them because of the side effects they had at the time. I thought because I was 21 at the time I thought the increased suicidal thoughts wouldn't affect me, but it wasn't until after I stopped that they changed the label to say "up to 25 yrs old." Now they say anyone at any age can get increase suicidal thoughts while on the drugs.

I don't have access to most recreational drugs although many times I wish I did. I've done steroids once in the past and am starting a new cycle this week, because when they start working I feel like a million bucks. While on them I felt like I could achieve anything. My self esteem improves dramatically and because I go to the gym frequently, my looks improve too. The only problem with steroids, is that when the testosterone finally converts to estrogen I get more mood swings than a depressive woman on PMS. I guess in the end the good outweighs the bad because I get about 2-3 months of pure bliss following by only about 2-3 weeks of hell.

Steroids and many drugs in general can make you do messed up things so always make sure you think logically before you act.
I used to love pot when I was younger but now don't enjou it as much can make me feel anxious.

I have taken prozac for depression and I found it to help. I was on a very low dose. It doesn't make you feel high or happy just makes the dead depression feeling go away. It lifted the clouds away finally felt "normal".

If anyone feels depressed on this site please don't be embarassed . Do seek out some kind of counseling therapy. It can get better I know
I signed up today for counseling again. They will be able to get me medicine too :)
Guest said:
NewBirth said:
oh guest. im so curious where u live. cuz around here. they hand out drugs like candy.
ooooh i broke a nail!!!!!!!!! :(
here have some prozac haha
but yeah im sure plenty would wanna b ur friend guest. y not reg so we can tell u apart from the 50million other guests okay :)

I am from Texas. and I just registered. but I'm not getting the confirmation message. so I can't sign in. does it always take this long?
oh tx okay. got it. imagine that. nah the confirm thingy should be instant. ive heard some have probs w/their emails. & changing the email addy u gave might help
-Meth once on accident
Think that's about it.
alcohol makes me happy for a moment, but it get worse in the morning

pot makes me laugh and paranoia at the same time

so, i quit both,
but i'll enjoy drink and pot occasionally
weed is awesome....i dont like alcohol cuz of the whole getting sick part but i still drink more than i should....i used to go to a shrink and he gave me all sorts of happy pills that didnt work. thats about it.
yeah. those happy pills didnt work 4 me either. all i ever got was sleepy :rolleyes:
oooh i forgot that.....salvia kind of goes under the weed catigory i think though.
Feya said:
oooh i forgot that.....salvia kind of goes under the weed catigory i think though.

It does get you high... and fast. But for 15-30 minutes, it's one of the strongest hallucinagins(I just murdered the spelling) pretty much known to man. It affects everyone differently though. I'd tell ya how much I did... but I don't remember anything after exhaling my first bowl, til about 4 am.
I guess I'm the only one here that doesn't have access to any kind of drugs. I'm not against drugs. I simply don't know anyone that would help me get them. ----_---- You need some ****ing social contacts to get drugs, and I don't have any. Even on this forum, I'm the lowest of the low.
I don't think your the lowest of the low, I think your cool :) and come across as a very intelligent person.
Looks like we have someone who really needs some med's.

Now there are two major problems with your statements.

First off no police force in the nation has the manpower to track someone down from the internet on a possible lead to marijuana it would cost the a lot of time and money for the possiblity of a small bust so I highly doubt any police force would ever do what you claim they will.

Now for the second problem people can freely admit they have used marijuana that is not illegal. If you don't believe me, I remeber back when a certain president admitted to using marijuana and he never got in trouble. So so far none of them have done anything illegal now yes possession of marijuana is illegal but no one here claimed that they do so there would be no grounds for police to do any kind of search.

Here is the funny thing I am pretty much against all drugs and was just going to stay out of this one but I am even more against idiots. So before you make some ******* comments like you just did maybe have some education or atleast do a bit of research before you make your self look really dumb. I mean atleast know some legal terms if you are going to try something like this for example it's not you possess marijuana it is possession of marijuana. Oh and associating as a drug dealer what the hell was that one even supposed to me. The closet real legal term I can think of is they would be guilty by association but unfortuantly for that charge they would have to physically be there.
Sorry josh I edited your post cos guest is spamming so am deleting hes posts ,,, This forum is about drugs related to loneliness not just about drugs.

Guest if you wont to make a thread about drugs make your self a member and post it in the off topic. But plies refrain from trying to frighten any body on hear, btw your IP has been forwarded to the admin.
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