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That is it bluey I have enough you think I am spamming for telling the bloody truth and being called an idiot for telling this people that is wrong to smoke canabis and weed etc. This is what is wrong with society, simply people get condemn for standing up for what is right. What is wrong if i make an action and tell the police that someone is taking drugs and smoking pot.
cklove said:
I used to love pot when I was younger but now don't enjou it as much can make me feel anxious.

I have taken prozac for depression and I found it to help. I was on a very low dose. It doesn't make you feel high or happy just makes the dead depression feeling go away. It lifted the clouds away finally felt "normal".

If anyone feels depressed on this site please don't be embarassed . Do seek out some kind of counseling therapy. It can get better I know

Now heres my proof you think im the one talking about drugs here it is. All i can do is just laugh you think Bluey that im making a thread about drugs, no its about contacting the police and getting every single one in here like her who has possession of canabis. That is it. YOu forward my IP go ahead, i will forward this link to the police at this very moment. I dont care if i get banned, getting banned is better than seeing youse in Jail with a criminal record.
Guest said:
That is it bluey I have enough you think I am spamming for telling the bloody truth and being called an idiot for telling this people that is wrong to smoke canabis and weed etc. This is what is wrong with society, simply people get condemn for standing up for what is right. What is wrong if i make an action and tell the police that someone is taking drugs and smoking pot.

If you think someone is illegally doing drugs then by all means report them. But one of my jobs hear is to make sure ppl don't feel frightened to express how they feel. So by all mean express how you feel about drugs but pleas don't be saying any names as it looks like your trying to frighten them.

The post above is fine cos in that post your not actually flaming any one
Feya said:
weed is awesome....i dont like alcohol cuz of the whole getting sick part but i still drink more than i should....i used to go to a shrink and he gave me all sorts of happy pills that didnt work. thats about it.

here is another one who will be in trouble with the NYPD. You think im making this up, this words are confessed by a 16 year old female member of ours who lives in New york and she confesses that she takes weed. And what about underage drinking?

See your like everybody else why do you hate ppl for standing up for what is right and you call them an idiot. Its like saying ppl who protest about the war in Iraq as ******* and they should just get over it.

And yes I will file a police report
I don't hate you but your going on about the same thing and that is spamming.

You can make your point with out ridiculing other members
bluey said:
Guest said:
That is it bluey I have enough you think I am spamming for telling the bloody truth and being called an idiot for telling this people that is wrong to smoke canabis and weed etc. This is what is wrong with society, simply people get condemn for standing up for what is right. What is wrong if i make an action and tell the police that someone is taking drugs and smoking pot.

If you think someone is illegally doing drugs then by all means report them. But one of my jobs hear is to make sure ppl don't feel frightened to express how they feel. So by all mean express how you feel about drugs but pleas don't be saying any names as it looks like your trying to frighten them.

In reply to what you say about me ridiculing other members this is the internet as far as I know of they are criminals in real life, drug users a menace and a burden to our society. Well they cannot get away with it, they are not above the Law. If someone is doing something as illegal as taking cannabis, maximum punishment should apply whether you are rich or poor, powerful or weak, beautiful or ugly, lonely or popular.
bluey said:
Guest said:
That is it bluey I have enough you think I am spamming for telling the bloody truth and being called an idiot for telling this people that is wrong to smoke canabis and weed etc. This is what is wrong with society, simply people get condemn for standing up for what is right. What is wrong if i make an action and tell the police that someone is taking drugs and smoking pot.

If you think someone is illegally doing drugs then by all means report them. But one of my jobs hear is to make sure ppl don't feel frightened to express how they feel. So by all mean express how you feel about drugs but pleas don't be saying any names as it looks like your trying to frighten them.

The post above is fine cos in that post your not actually flaming any one

Well its not my problem its theirs, they shouldve known as mature adults what is right and what is wrong and the possible outcome and consequences.

UK, USA, CANADA, AUSTRALIA, NEW ZEALAND. Living in one of these five countries means democracy and i should be entitle and be free to express my own opinions.

If you have a problem with that tough luck you can file a police report if you think im spamming but almost nothing is as big as having possession of illegal drugs. You know People who get caught with cannabis and drugs actually get executed or get a life sentence, or a very very long jail sentence for doing this in countries like Indonesia and Singapore.
For the past 3 years I have smoked pot on and off without any issues incurred as a result of the drug. I got into it with my friends who were also going through difficult patches in their lives. It was and still is a cheap way to relax and spend time with friends while forgetting about the horrors of day to day life.
I find that pot helps me to enjoy the things in life that are here now while screening-out the painful reality of what is a loveless existance. It helps me to focus my energy and attention on the task at hand and aids me to get my work done, even when I feel **** emotionally.
During my time using it, I have still managed to complete my university degree with honours, buy two cars, learn to speak a new language fluently (working on another now) and generally learn so much about my self I never knew before.
I am not an abuser and have my off periods but if there is one thing that makes my life that bit easier at the moment, then it would have to be glorious green
ricardo361 said:
For the past 3 years I have smoked pot on and off without any issues incurred as a result of the drug. I got into it with my friends who were also going through difficult patches in their lives. It was and still is a cheap way to relax and spend time with friends while forgetting about the horrors of day to day life.
I find that pot helps me to enjoy the things in life that are here now while screening-out the painful reality of what is a loveless existance. It helps me to focus my energy and attention on the task at hand and aids me to get my work done, even when I feel **** emotionally.
During my time using it, I have still managed to complete my university degree with honours, buy two cars, learn to speak a new language fluently (working on another now) and generally learn so much about my self I never knew before.
I am not an abuser and have my off periods but if there is one thing that makes my life that bit easier at the moment, then it would have to be glorious green

What a punk obviously you have no idea what is going on junkie? Ive just filed a police report on two members who have claim to have possession of cannabis. Surely you dont want to be the next one to be tracked down do you?
bluey said:
Sorry josh I edited your post cos guest is spamming so am deleting hes posts ,,, This forum is about drugs related to loneliness not just about drugs.

Guest if you wont to make a thread about drugs make your self a member and post it in the off topic. But plies refrain from trying to frighten any body on hear, btw your IP has been forwarded to the admin.

Ah np I tend to go overboard often I just can't stand idiots like this one he is a grade A troll though you notice how he only will respond to things he can attack he so far has ignored what I have said. I mainly posted to try and tell anyone that there is no way they will get in trouble. I work in law enforcment somewhat. I work in a pharmacy at a prison but in order for me to get the job there I had to undergo something called POSTthat stands for peace officer standards and training so I pretty much have as much education as most police officers. So pretty much unlike this guest I am not just speaking out my ass but from experince.
Josh said:
bluey said:
Sorry josh I edited your post cos guest is spamming so am deleting hes posts ,,, This forum is about drugs related to loneliness not just about drugs.

Guest if you wont to make a thread about drugs make your self a member and post it in the off topic. But plies refrain from trying to frighten any body on hear, btw your IP has been forwarded to the admin.

Ah np I tend to go overboard often I just can't stand idiots like this one he is a grade A troll though you notice how he only will respond to things he can attack he so far has ignored what I have said. I mainly posted to try and tell anyone that there is no way they will get in trouble. I work in law enforcment somewhat. I work in a pharmacy at a prison but in order for me to get the job there I had to undergo something called POSTthat stands for peace officer standards and training so I pretty much have as much education as most police officers. So pretty much unlike this guest I am not just speaking out my ass but from experince.

What the **** are you on about you blind COWARD do you even know what im talking about its about ppl in here posting threads about them possessing illegal drugs and marujana and now you are calling me an idiot for standing up against what suppose to be is wrong. Are you on drugs or something, cant you see what im trying to point out here that im sick of seeing negative posts about illecit drugs and suicide, and smoking pot.

I want to ask you something you immature piece of rat? Are you a rapist, do you hang around with drug junkies. If so then why are you defending this criminals?
Josh said:
bluey said:
Sorry josh I edited your post cos guest is spamming so am deleting hes posts ,,, This forum is about drugs related to loneliness not just about drugs.

Guest if you wont to make a thread about drugs make your self a member and post it in the off topic. But plies refrain from trying to frighten any body on hear, btw your IP has been forwarded to the admin.

Ah np I tend to go overboard often I just can't stand idiots like this one he is a grade A troll though you notice how he only will respond to things he can attack he so far has ignored what I have said. I mainly posted to try and tell anyone that there is no way they will get in trouble.

Hey ******* how old are you. Do you know what im talking about. Im talking about possession of illegal drugs and marujuan
Guest said:
Josh said:
bluey said:
Sorry josh I edited your post cos guest is spamming so am deleting hes posts ,,, This forum is about drugs related to loneliness not just about drugs.

Guest if you wont to make a thread about drugs make your self a member and post it in the off topic. But plies refrain from trying to frighten any body on hear, btw your IP has been forwarded to the admin.

Ah np I tend to go overboard often I just can't stand idiots like this one he is a grade A troll though you notice how he only will respond to things he can attack he so far has ignored what I have said. I mainly posted to try and tell anyone that there is no way they will get in trouble.

Hey ******* how old are you. Do you know what im talking about. Im talking about possession of illegal drugs and marujuan

Hmm resorting to attacking my age now are you? Oh and to answer your prior question no I am not a rapist but yes I do hang out with junkies in a since. I work at a state prison. I almost can relate to one thing you said if you really are just trying to stand up to people doing the wrong thing that I would admire you are right most drugs are a negative and bad thing. Once again if you had read my first post I said I was going to stay away from this one even though I am very much against drugs every day at my job I see the effects.

Why I ended up posting here is though your an idiot you posted some very dumb things and that I can stand even less then people talking about drugs.

Once again there is no possession of ilegal drugs or marujuan (also it is spelled marijuna which you have mispelled so many times) The offense they could possibly be guilty of is called possesion of a controlled substance.
Your calling me an idiot and posting dumb things for standing up what is right. You condemn, harrass and put people down just because of spelling errors. Gosh Josh I wish I was just as smart as you. What can i say your always right. Im sorry for speaking out and expressing my own opinions. And your 100% correct of preventing me from expressing my point of views. Thank you Josh, i never felt so much more special my dear, thank you as well for making us feel and our opinions worthless
I haven't done drugs before since I'm a very addictive personality. The only thing I have been addicted to was junk food and sugar! (perfectly legal, and perfectly harmful to many!)

I think that drugs SHOULD be legal for use in the home. NOT for transporting large amounts nor for using in a public place nor for driving in which case you are putting many people at risk due to your own selfishness.

But the problem some of these 'guests' are having is WHY do people use drugs? I say, to kill their pain! Modern life is painful, lonely, and depressing. People react by using drugs to make them feel better. Many become addicted. Others just use on occasion. In any case, throwing people in jail for trying to self-medicate with drugs is NOT a good way of handling the problem.
Guest said:
Your calling me an idiot and posting dumb things for standing up what is right. You condemn, harrass and put people down just because of spelling errors. Gosh Josh I wish I was just as smart as you. What can i say your always right. Im sorry for speaking out and expressing my own opinions. And your 100% correct of preventing me from expressing my point of views. Thank you Josh, i never felt so much more special my dear, thank you as well for making us feel and our opinions worthless

Bah your good at this so if you are really are just trying to express you point of views how about instead of threating people and trying to scare them with some ********. Bring up good points in how drugs are bad maybe explain how they destory families, the extra crime due to them or the hundreds of other good points there are out there. Oh and research it don't just do some google searchs and then suddenly your an expert if you really want to learn some good points and have a good logical base when you agure against drugs I know some good books and resources.
Bah other thread got deleted where you had posted something pretty good.

Yes it is hard to get anyone to listen to you but no one is ever going to listen if you try and threaten them and scare them into not doing drugs that just won't work I know this for sure because I see people that had been scared into not doing drugs they are at the prison right now as immates.

What you need to do is educate them. That is a best prevention if people know the dangers of them. Now if you want to discuss this or try and express your beliefs I am fine with this I would love to but don't do it with threating people and without good solid aurgments.
This may be opened again at a later date but for now am locking it.

Any thread made about drugs well be deleted as soon as I see them.

Sorry for any one that's been bothered by this.

If any one wants to ask me any thing you can always PM me are Queen Cleocatra are even bjarne him self
I had to copy and paste this reply as it was deleted. But see what i mean Josh, I have no rights at all to stand for myself and have a say. And when I do I just get pushed around, making my views aint important

But yeah this is what i posted earlier

Im sorry I had i think i had some mental black out and yes i am on meds anti depressent but its just makes me even more lazier, and the more lazier I am the more I feel kinda worthless as I am not doing much, and also more depressed considering I have nothing better to do but think about negativity and depression.

but what is so frustrating Josh is the fact that you were like condemning me for my lack of knowledge. For it is like you are playing the power game because what you are trying to do is mock me considering that your strengths are my weakness.

And if I spelt marijuana wrong well im sorry, dont get so upset and so serious about it, thats just kinder garden stuff.
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