Fat Bashing.

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Opinions are like ******** ...everyone has one
Just because you have one doesnt mean you need to share

In high school i was one of the biggest kids
I was friends with 2 of the smallest kids
They often got picked on for no other reason than being small
Ironically around me they were left alone because most guys were afraid i would knock them on there ass for picking on them ...if not a verbal lashing

If you have nothing better to do than negatively impact someone its probably more of a sign how misserable a person you yourself are
TheDude76 said:
TheRealCallie said:
TheDude76 said:
EmilyFoxSeaton said:
VanillaCreme said:
So, you're basically saying that it's just people being rude about where their bodies land. Because I have to say that as a fat person, and a person in general, I try my best not to get into people's personal space, as I don't like them in mine.

But again, it is an issue that applies to everyone, period. Everyone can take up too much space... small large or not. Just another way to fat bash. But pretending this is a known common problem with regard to fat people. Every human being that is taking up too much space or sitting on someone else, period, should apologize for it. Not in anyway more common to fat people.

Might I suggest people NOT apologize for taking up space? I used to weigh 350lbs, and I never apologized for simply "being there". There seems to be this communal idea that people should apologize for themselves, for simply being there. How is that good for anyone?

There is a difference between simply taking up space and taking up someone else's space....If you are falling out of your seat, into someone else's, you shouldn't apologize for that? Or if you accidentally slip and fall into someone (not necessarily a fat person), you shouldn't apologize for that?

If I accidentally ran into someone, sure. Otherwise, I'd say the venue needs bigger chairs. Honestly, I still find a lot of chairs to be small, and I've lost a lot of weight. I advise the "I'm here. Deal with it." approach.

If you are above the national average in height or weight, then why should the venue change to fit your needs, the needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few. It would be crazy to expect venues, transportation to change to fit my standards when I am highly above the average.

Perhaps it's just a British thing where we at least value(d) politeness and consideration. The "I'm here. Deal with it." is very selfish, and as ignorant as this sounds it suggests to me what country you are from, which I honestly think is a bad thing on both parts, as I know that every country is made up of a wide range of people.

Again with the point on weight, it is in the large majority of overweight people to change things, and is it so wrong to judge them differently, if a person vomits on you because of genuine sickness, it is unfortunate and you should feel compassion and display understanding for the other person, if a person vomits on you out of sheer drunkness, then why should you not have a stern opinion on the person, and condemn him. Selfishness should not be excused, and everyone has the right to be selfish, but do not cry victim when you get a response (well deserving in my opinion) that you don't like.
Jōkā said:
TheDude76 said:
TheRealCallie said:
TheDude76 said:
EmilyFoxSeaton said:
But again, it is an issue that applies to everyone, period. Everyone can take up too much space... small large or not. Just another way to fat bash. But pretending this is a known common problem with regard to fat people. Every human being that is taking up too much space or sitting on someone else, period, should apologize for it. Not in anyway more common to fat people.

Might I suggest people NOT apologize for taking up space? I used to weigh 350lbs, and I never apologized for simply "being there". There seems to be this communal idea that people should apologize for themselves, for simply being there. How is that good for anyone?

There is a difference between simply taking up space and taking up someone else's space....If you are falling out of your seat, into someone else's, you shouldn't apologize for that? Or if you accidentally slip and fall into someone (not necessarily a fat person), you shouldn't apologize for that?

If I accidentally ran into someone, sure. Otherwise, I'd say the venue needs bigger chairs. Honestly, I still find a lot of chairs to be small, and I've lost a lot of weight. I advise the "I'm here. Deal with it." approach.

If you are above the national average in height or weight, then why should the venue change to fit your needs, the needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few. It would be crazy to expect venues, transportation to change to fit my standards when I am highly above the average.

Perhaps it's just a British thing where we at least value(d) politeness and consideration. The "I'm here. Deal with it." is very selfish, and as ignorant as this sounds it suggests to me what country you are from, which I honestly think is a bad thing on both parts, as I know that every country is made up of a wide range of people.

Again with the point on weight, it is in the large majority of overweight people to change things, and is it so wrong to judge them differently, if a person vomits on you because of genuine sickness, it is unfortunate and you should feel compassion and display understanding for the other person, if a person vomits on you out of sheer drunkness, then why should you not have a stern opinion on the person, and condemn him. Selfishness should not be excused, and everyone has the right to be selfish, but do not cry victim when you get a response (well deserving in my opinion) that you don't like.
Why do they build bigger hospitals ... majority of peeople dont need them ...
Jōkā said:
TheDude76 said:
TheRealCallie said:
TheDude76 said:
EmilyFoxSeaton said:
But again, it is an issue that applies to everyone, period. Everyone can take up too much space... small large or not. Just another way to fat bash. But pretending this is a known common problem with regard to fat people. Every human being that is taking up too much space or sitting on someone else, period, should apologize for it. Not in anyway more common to fat people.

Might I suggest people NOT apologize for taking up space? I used to weigh 350lbs, and I never apologized for simply "being there". There seems to be this communal idea that people should apologize for themselves, for simply being there. How is that good for anyone?

There is a difference between simply taking up space and taking up someone else's space....If you are falling out of your seat, into someone else's, you shouldn't apologize for that? Or if you accidentally slip and fall into someone (not necessarily a fat person), you shouldn't apologize for that?

If I accidentally ran into someone, sure. Otherwise, I'd say the venue needs bigger chairs. Honestly, I still find a lot of chairs to be small, and I've lost a lot of weight. I advise the "I'm here. Deal with it." approach.

If you are above the national average in height or weight, then why should the venue change to fit your needs, the needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few. It would be crazy to expect venues, transportation to change to fit my standards when I am highly above the average.

Perhaps it's just a British thing where we at least value(d) politeness and consideration. The "I'm here. Deal with it." is very selfish, and as ignorant as this sounds it suggests to me what country you are from, which I honestly think is a bad thing on both parts, as I know that every country is made up of a wide range of people.

Again with the point on weight, it is in the large majority of overweight people to change things, and is it so wrong to judge them differently, if a person vomits on you because of genuine sickness, it is unfortunate and you should feel compassion and display understanding for the other person, if a person vomits on you out of sheer drunkness, then why should you not have a stern opinion on the person, and condemn him. Selfishness should not be excused, and everyone has the right to be selfish, but do not cry victim when you get a response (well deserving in my opinion) that you don't like.

In regards to the venue, many here are old, and that average you've mentioned has changed over the years. New movie theater? No prob, most folks are comfy. Old theater downtown? Everyone's squished.

As for apologizing, screw that. It's not selfish to have respect for oneself, even if that person is not the socially dictated ideal. Just for clarity, there is more than a fine line between being overweight and vomiting on people.
BadGuy said:
Jōkā said:
TheDude76 said:
TheRealCallie said:
TheDude76 said:
Might I suggest people NOT apologize for taking up space? I used to weigh 350lbs, and I never apologized for simply "being there". There seems to be this communal idea that people should apologize for themselves, for simply being there. How is that good for anyone?

There is a difference between simply taking up space and taking up someone else's space....If you are falling out of your seat, into someone else's, you shouldn't apologize for that? Or if you accidentally slip and fall into someone (not necessarily a fat person), you shouldn't apologize for that?

If I accidentally ran into someone, sure. Otherwise, I'd say the venue needs bigger chairs. Honestly, I still find a lot of chairs to be small, and I've lost a lot of weight. I advise the "I'm here. Deal with it." approach.

If you are above the national average in height or weight, then why should the venue change to fit your needs, the needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few. It would be crazy to expect venues, transportation to change to fit my standards when I am highly above the average.

Perhaps it's just a British thing where we at least value(d) politeness and consideration. The "I'm here. Deal with it." is very selfish, and as ignorant as this sounds it suggests to me what country you are from, which I honestly think is a bad thing on both parts, as I know that every country is made up of a wide range of people.

Again with the point on weight, it is in the large majority of overweight people to change things, and is it so wrong to judge them differently, if a person vomits on you because of genuine sickness, it is unfortunate and you should feel compassion and display understanding for the other person, if a person vomits on you out of sheer drunkness, then why should you not have a stern opinion on the person, and condemn him. Selfishness should not be excused, and everyone has the right to be selfish, but do not cry victim when you get a response (well deserving in my opinion) that you don't like.
Why do they build bigger hospitals ... majority of peeople dont need them ...

Not really the same thing, if the hospitals are constantly full then they need to be enlarged, if the train is constantly overcrowded, it needs to have carriages added, if 1/25 people or w/e takes up more than one seat, every seat should be changed to double size, or should every carriage have a special seat for that one person?
I'm fat and very proud. Me being a nudist on top
Of that raises eyebrows like I'm riding a steamroller on a highway. Yes there is things I do is unhealthy to some people's eyes. Not long ago I was at the Chinese buffet with a friend of mine that was super skinny and ate 5 plates of food, and I only ate two. This one couple kept staring at me like I was going to eat it all, even making whispering comments towards me. The waitress heard them and told them no discrimination is allowed here,they got mad and left.

If people are "fat phobic" then deep inside they have problems within themselves. Unfortunately fat peoples like myself will always be under fire. My oldest stepson was getting bullied in school and he told the teacher and the teacher actually told him to lose weight, and they'll stop bulling you. I was so ******* angry and I filled a complaint against the teacher. She got suspended for a month and her defense was "I was just trying to help" .
TheDude76 said:
Might I suggest people NOT apologize for taking up space? I used to weigh 350lbs, and I never apologized for simply "being there". There seems to be this communal idea that people should apologize for themselves, for simply being there. How is that good for anyone?

I will always apologize for bumping into someone or somehow putting myself in their space. At the size I am or if I were a quarter of my size, it doesn't matter. All that matters to me is that I realized I was intentionally inconsiderate, and I'm not going to be arrogant about it. It really has nothing to do with being fat, and everything to do with the fact that I didn't mean to invade someone's personal space if I can help it.

BadGuy said:
Why do they build bigger hospitals ... majority of peeople dont need them ...

And that's completely irrelevant. Saying, "bigger this and that," doesn't mean it's in the same sense. Think about it before just trying to prove your point. You're perfectly capable of having your own opinion, but that doesn't mean people should just think as you do.

Bigger hospitals aren't equal to someone being in other's personal space.
Part of s9me peoples thinking is i dont use it so why should it exist ....thats the part that your missing

Take a look at the USs fear of affordable health care ... seems everyone is very anti UNTIL they have cancer or a child with cancer
Do you feel the same way about smokers ...drinkers ...recreational drug users
Nobody needs to do any of those things to survive but it is tolerated

People must eat to survive and eating disorders come in a multitude of extremes
TheRealCallie said:
TheDude76 said:
VanillaCreme said:
I will always apologize for bumping into someone or somehow putting myself in their space.

What constitutes "their space"?

I would guess the space they are occupying or the space they paid for.

Someone would have to a bit beyond "obese" for that to be an issue.
Paraiyar said:
I wonder if this thread will end up with anyone getting a ban at some point.

We dont seem to have the rediculas trolls around here right now so it might take a little more time than normal
If people are "fat phobic" then deep inside they have problems within themselves. Unfortunately fat peoples like myself will always be under fire.

Yes the biggest bully on the internet was someone who had lost weight and you could tell was just terrified of gaining it back. If some people who were "struggling" to lose weight were lying and eating 5 supersized meals per day, then, it was them and it would never happen to her.

Might I suggest people NOT apologize for taking up space? I used to weigh 350lbs, and I never apologized for simply "being there". There seems to be this communal idea that people should apologize for themselves, for simply being there. How is that good for anyone?

There are many different ways people fat and thin, tall and small can seem to take up others space. If you can't see how far fat phobic you are, with this entire line that fat people are intrinsically more likely to do this, than you are the problem. Today I was on the train and this guy got way too close. The train lurched and I was pushed back on him. I stepped on his toe merely trying to remain upright. I apologized but later I thought I shouldn't. He was way too close to me and I didn't do a darn thing. It is obvious that a train could cause something like that.
The other problem I have to is when your eatting a cheeseburger or whatever, you have some ******* intentionally telling you or someone else "I lost 20 ibs and I feel great" making them feel guilty for eatting that cheeseburger.
My ten year old daughter doesn't like that her tummy isn't flat and that most of her classmates are thin. I tell her that if she is unhappy with her tummy, that she should cut back on the amount of snacking she does. I tell her that she's a lovely young lady (and she is). I tell her that she should try not to compare herself to others. However, I don't tell her it's ok to be overweight (in general, not just her). I reiterate that she can change the size of her tummy if she's willing to cut back on snacks. lol...so far she hasn't.
I think it's sad that a ten year old child is having body image issues. She has mentioned (last year) that someone made fun of her because of her tummy. I was appalled of course, because she not really overweight and is healthy. "Fat shaming" can start at an early age.
More people should keep their opinions to themselves. It's OK to have an opinion. It's NOT
OK to make someone else feel like crap. Just my two cents.
TheDude76 said:
VanillaCreme said:
I will always apologize for bumping into someone or somehow putting myself in their space.

What constitutes "their space"?

If you're right in someone's face... Yeah, that's their space. If you're sucking in their hair, making it loft in the wind from the follicles... Yeah, that's their space. People do get super close when it's not necessary. I keep my distance from people when standing in the register line, waiting for my order if I happen to be in a food place, or just waiting for them to finish up what they're looking at or grabbing in an aisle of a store. This isn't even about size anymore. It's about basic courtesy to not step up to someone like you came out of the same womb at the same time holding hands. I don't appreciate when someone's close to me for no reason, so I don't do it to anyone else. And if I ever do, my doing or not, I apologize.
VanillaCreme said:
If you're right in someone's face... Yeah, that's their space. If you're sucking in their hair, making it loft in the wind from the follicles... Yeah, that's their space. People do get super close when it's not necessary. I keep my distance from people when standing in the register line, waiting for my order if I happen to be in a food place, or just waiting for them to finish up what they're looking at or grabbing in an aisle of a store. This isn't even about size anymore. It's about basic courtesy to not step up to someone like you came out of the same womb at the same time holding hands. I don't appreciate when someone's close to me for no reason, so I don't do it to anyone else. And if I ever do, my doing or not, I apologize.

Brilliant and hilarious! So true!

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