Batman55 said:
Cavey said:
I have 3 Risk of Rain PC Steam keys that I do not need. I have to gift them by the 25th Nov or they will be lost. Everyone I know personally, already owns this game, so if there's anyone here wants one, then send me a PM.
That would not be me.
I just got the same Humble Bundle! I know nothing about Risk of Rain, though. I got this bundle for Amnesia: Pigs and Jazzpunk, the other titles don't interest me.
You should try it. Risk of Rain is a great game. Very old-school graphics and a high difficulty level, but great fun once you get going. It's good fun to play co-op with a couple of mates too.
I don't know why I even bought the bundle - I already owned all but 2 of the games, but it seemed too good to miss. Strictly speaking I have 4 RoR keys, because I already owned it
I doubt anyone here will want them, but I thought I may as well ask rather than have them disappear into the ether.