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Full honesty, 'legality' could bother me less. With objective exceptions. I mean, the law is not the same as justice. At one point there were laws that enforced segregation.. So Just because it's within the laws, doesn't mean that it has any true merit within our lives. I believe that's what people mean when they speak of government over-reach. The government has become far too comfortable in it's established position, and have gotten to the point of testing how far they can go before the people will react.. And corporations are perpetually doing the same..that are all still rooted within the realm of legality.
I personally think it's ********, how little government oversight is given to something as powerful as multi-billion dollar corporations. They're allowed to sell people half finished, half broken, low quality goods, at full price, and not be penalized for it.. Honestly, it's getting to a point, that I can't even get through my day to day life, without stumbling upon yet another frustration caused by corporate greed and their desire to control people's actions (all in an effort to sell them more **** that they don't initially want, or need).
Apologies, that's likely on me. I kinda told you to speak up, then semi-ditched the conversation. Been pretty busy the last week or so.There are a lot of things I'm not picking up on..
IRL, I've often been in that position, and no, I would not. ignoring someone, is not the same as attempting to silence their voice all together. That is the point at which it goes against human rights. People have the right to speak, you have the right to ignore them. But, someone will always listen to what you have to say, unless they can't because you're persistently being told to shut up, or being warned by mods, or banned. A lot of the smartest people out there, with the brightest opinions, remain mostly silent because their opinions defy the mainstream, and therefore they are shunned for it.I bet the ignored would disagree.
The same happened to the first people in which theorized that the earth is round.
It's funny, I've always said, there's more enlightened and deserving politicians in comedy, than there is in politics.. RIP: George CarlinHumor.
I don't know if you ever watched the John Cleese interview where he speaks about political correctedness and it's impact on humor, but it's very informative. I think that when what is arguably one of the funiest men of the last few decades speaks about the dangers correctness has on humor, people should pay close attention. He's been criticized for some of his comments by people who know very little of humor and I think that's objectively unfair and very worrisome...
Eh, hard to say. This is definitely a two sided issue, but if comedy were to be hit with the same level of censorship as the internet is headed for, we'd be a pretty sad world, stuck with not much more than knock knock jokes. IMHO, it'd be the death of comedy. But that's not to say that I can't see where you're coming from either.I agree with you, but IMO some jokes should never be considered funny, like mocking disability. In before times, it wasn’t possible to push back on this. Dunno. What do you think about that? Will you clap and laugh, would you roll eyes, would you laugh but feel dirty. It all very complicated.
Sadly, that limit is mostly only drawn at violence. IMHO there should be a limit to what can be expected from anyone working an hourly job at minimum wage. The general mentality is that if you want to earn more, work harder. But that doesn't work in practice, not for min wage, where your yearly/bi yearly raises amount to 5-10 cents, which then gets cancelled out like it never happened when the min wage goes up. I knew this old guy that worked at Tim Horton's, for over 10 years, and he was only making a dollar or 2 more than the kids that were just getting hired, and he worked graveyard shifts..but there's a limit to what an employer can demand from employees.
I'm sure they know. Only the ignorant ones make a big deal about it when you call them him/her instead of them/they.. People have a lot to keep track of on the day to day as it is, and I personally think they're being a bit demanding with the whole thing. I mean, to expect it outta their close friends is one thing, but to start gettin all snarky about it to people they've just met, that's another..I just try to stick with they or them when talking about that person to another. I do sincerely hope that anyone I do encounter knows my....confusion is solely from a lack of experience, and not malicious.
I'm not the ignorant type, but we've always called people by their sex, not their gender.. Gender is just a word that got mistakenly used in place of sex, because society is all oppressive about sex, and makes it out to be this gross embarrassing thing (Well, that or this great amazing thing, that entire relationships should be built upon..).. Society is stupid and confusing to that degree.. But him/her, are sex, not gender. You're not born as a 'trans-dolphin' or w.e (unless you were born in a lab performing odd genetic experiments)..
I think you mean 'claim'. But no, it's more fun to not be silenced while trying to make a point because your wording is somehow deemed 'harmful'..You are right but it is more fun to gripe about it as if it did apply to private companies, ya know, calm a 'right' that never existed.
Those terms of service are nothing more than to cover their ***** in case people claim to have like, rights or w.e.. And people have literally no choice but to 'agree' to them. It's like several pages of **** that'd probably take you a full day to read, or a week, depending on how fast or slow you read, but no one is going to take the time because the fact is, you can't dispute what they put in there, regardless of how close to downright criminal it is.. Hell, they could be putting in there that 'by signing this, you agree to kiss any Facebook employee that you see right on the butthole', but you agreed to it.. So would you?There are terms of service and fine print on everything. If you sign whatever it is or agree to it, you are therefore bound to honor them or face the consequences of them. It has nothing to do with whether or not your "freedom" has been taken away. You AGREED to the terms. You don't HAVE to use Facebook or Twitter or this forum, you CHOOSE to, so yeah, sorry, but your arguments are entirely invalid.
Seriously, would you argue so hard for contractual obligation at that point?
That's the prob, forums are disappearing from the net, and most of the ones that exist are either run by corporations, or influenced by them enough to follow suite and warn/ban anyone that talks politics and such.thats why i stick to forums ive been banned like 24 times off of discord banned from insta twitter etc and ip banned on reddit
Honestly, I give this one five more years at most before it's either removed or taken over by a more 'politically correct' mind set..
Your examples are almost comical. Have you been attempting to work on your common sense at all?So no red line anything goes. Should kids be allowed to mock disabled classmate?
Tossing out extreme examples doesn't make your side right.
By your logic, all Americans should have their guns taken away, because when we allow people to have guns, 'anything goes'. Are we gonna give the kids, guns too??
Exactly, we've gotta weed out the precious snowflakes before they destroy our society more than they already have..How do we create a more perfect Union if we keep making each other miserable. Life is hard for many
Ever wonder why so many people in the modern day are anti-social, despite having access to the most diverse social engineering tools in history? It's not because they're afraid of hearing things they don't want to hear; it's because people are afraid to ****** talk at all because they might offend someone (god forbid..).
I'm social as all hell, I talk to lots of people all the time. Do I offend people, Yes, Do I still talk to a lot of people, Also Yes. It's called being human. You can't talk openly and truly be yourself, and not offend someone. There sure should be a line, but it shouldn't be drawn so close to the edge that people have to talk like mindless robots, give up their humanity and stick to small talk only.
We learn so much about one another and about ourselves, in discussing the more diverse subjects. What else are we left with otherwise? We'd better have exact aligning interests, with exact aligning opinions on those interests, or else we'd best not talk, and just remain silent..
Eh.. If you're talking about illegal stuff, like people trying to upload CP or gore pictures to facebook, then that I can understand, but I certainly hope you aren't implying that they have PTSD, over reading disagreeable text..These “villains” have PTSD from all the disgusting things they see.