OK God! Lol“Friendship” by Shel Silverstein
I’ve discovered a way to stay friends forever—
There’s really nothing to it.
I simply tell you what to do
And you do it!!
OK God! Lol“Friendship” by Shel Silverstein
I’ve discovered a way to stay friends forever—
There’s really nothing to it.
I simply tell you what to do
And you do it!!
I do enjoy alone time immersing in hobbies but I'd like to have a friend or two. But I am concerned how much energy I can have since I get depressed every now and then. I'm not sure how long friends can be understanding when you decline invitations or just don't seem excited to see them you know?Do you have any friends or do you choose not to have any friends,I don't have any friends and choose not to have any friends,I like being by myself a lot more than having friends.
The problem I find now I am on my own is; when things go sideways for me, and you need some help / assistance its not there, but again was it anyway, if I was a Butt kisser, I think not. Lol… as I just about have no friends; after winning the Mr universe competition for the most UN -popular person in the universe. I am just plainly way too honest and often outspoken for 95% of earthlings. Most can’t begin to handle that, But I can, but I have doding for about 1000 years, getting to know me, introspectioon, know my weaknesses and errors, But I have never spretendedto be Jesus. in short most do not knowselves,but they believe they excel in somehow knowing everyone else, shame they put that effort in on themselves, but they way prefer, fantasies and delusions about themselves and these plastic, fake perceptions of this rock. I do love to be positive though, only when I see it, did I miss something? HAHHA!!I do enjoy alone time immersing in hobbies but I'd like to have a friend or two. But I am concerned how much energy I can have since I get depressed every now and then. I'm not sure how long friends can be understanding when you decline invitations or just don't seem excited to see them you know?
Yes I do,I understand,it can be very frustrating.I do enjoy alone time immersing in hobbies but I'd like to have a friend or two. But I am concerned how much energy I can have since I get depressed every now and then. I'm not sure how long friends can be understanding when you decline invitations or just don't seem excited to see them you know?
So is little bit of a Self fulfilling prophecy then ! You manifest your inner view about yourself externally, the visual appearance reflects the inner self. As the bible says ( Jesus said, first clean the inside of the cup, and the outside will become clean). Its like saying, NOT EASY, change your view of yourself, in time it be reflected outwardly, the opposite of now. Think about your strengths and skills, look for the +s about yourself, and build on them. Everyone has something to give and add, dig for it and feed it! I have faith in the Spirit, you are way stronger than you think. LOVE!!Nope. I have ADD, mental illness, scars from cutting, and overweight. No one wants to be around the guy with scars on his arms and the "slow" person.
HAHA, Your not the only one in that boat!For me having no friends is the best. Because my friends from secondary school (high school) always let me down regarding plans etc a few years after we left school. Now if i meet someone i am always just waiting for the time they **** me over or leave me feeling disappointed which doesn't take long. I do want a gf though
Which I had some...I have aquaintences.Do you have any friends or do you choose not to have any friends,I don't have any friends and choose not to have any friends,I like being by myself a lot more than having friends.
I am in the same situation. I am in my 50's, no family, no friends. The only thing I worry about is I have no one to manage my health care or financial matters when I get sick. All health care facilities require an emergency contact person, and I have none.And , what is a friend ? description, As I can't find NOT one, they have all fallen short, and I am 66 years old, and have met all sorts of social groups in my life. I have never came across one genuine altruistic person, NOT ONE! Except one, my wife of 42 years who God has taken home, and my dogs and they are all gone to. Thats about it. I am a realist, the reality today is humanity sucks..
Your correct, seems 98% the very same as myself. I could die were I live, and I joke not, it would be possible that 2 to 4 months would go past being anyone would know. I used a worry about starving, or illenss, as could not look after myself. Now, most of the time if honest, I try not to think about it. Live each day as it comes. I have a mega strong belif in God. I never fear so called death, I fear how it happens. But I am Fortunate a while ago someone left enough Morphine enough to kill a heard of African elephants. I never normally take drugs, still don’t, but I keep it in cool dark room, Should Some terrible thing happen to me and I can’t get it sorted out. Or I get some horrible condition like advanced dementia or something. About 10 or 15 mill. And I would go to sleep and just never wake up. Its my ultimate backup, Which I hope I will never need. But it helps me to know its there should that worse thing happen! Still own a number weapons, eg .44cal revolver ) 2 week after she left I loaded it up. Instantly fast, a millisecond and its all over. But NOT an option for me. ( but 2 years ago I did load up and I was going to do it, I just could not live without her, she was my life.) On the way home to do this thing, I felt God say its not my time and my wife will not be happy with this thing, and what about my Dogs who are my only family, who is going to look after them; so Obviously it never happened, but at one point I was doing it 100% scary when I think back. But its Way too messy and the poor person who would end up cleaning the mess up, No, no. not for me. Slowly and peacefully drift off to sleep, and never way up is the way to go. But that’s all negative. I just do my very, best now be as positive as I humanly can and put it all in the hands of God, but that’s me, but I still so, so miss my Soul mate, we never get over these things we just learn to live with them. I just try not to think about her, its just way too painful for me to do, brakes me in two.. I now use my experience and Psychology science background on myself, Hoo it works. hahah, it helps me anyway!I am in the same situation. I am in my 50's, no family, no friends. The only thing I worry about is I have no one to manage my health care or financial matters when I get sick. All health care facilities require an emergency contact person, and I have none.
Same situation as you and Normski. I don't even have any animals. I've checked into long term health insurance. But, as of the past decade many long term health insurance companies have jumped ship. It's no longer profittable for them. The rates are getting really high too. Since it's an insurance policy, if the company goes under that you paid into for years you are screwed.I am in the same situation. I am in my 50's, no family, no friends. The only thing I worry about is I have no one to manage my health care or financial matters when I get sick. All health care facilities require an emergency contact person, and I have none.
Same situation as you and Normski. I don't even have any animals. I've checked into long term health insurance. But, as of the past decade many long term health insurance companies have jumped ship. It's no longer profittable for them. The rates are getting really high too. Since it's an insurance policy, if the company goes under that you paid into for years you are screwed.
I figure if I die, I'm dead so nothing matters after that. If I get seriously injured or sick and can't get to help then I'll get to experience that part of life before I die. That's what I figured I would do with the Covid thing.
But, I will be steering myself towards an assisted living facility if/when I start loosing my mind or health in a bad way. My home means nothing to me. I might even like it better at an assisted living facility. To be honest, I thought about volunteering at an assisted living facility as a way of getting myself into one when I get older. My dad was planning on doing that. He even visited a few of them. But, he got sick and died before that happened.
Yep. They don't judge either. They are excited that you are there. That food and water is all they need. To them we are totally awesome! I wish one person thought I was totally awesome! That would be great!dog and cats are good for the like of us lot, I find that to be true. They don’t lie, cheat, and they don’t stab you in the back, or talk about you, way better than 99.5% of humanity.
Yeah, people are big time into judging others now. If you are not like them or think like them then there is something wrong with you. Then you are unliked and become a target.There is not a lot a people near me, but enough, but most or near all do not like me,.......
Yep, life is rigged. There are more and more controls. Most, IMO, are just walking around like robot zombies. But, I think many are starting to realize things are a scam and that are frustrated. But, that don't know what to do. In the end, they follow the herd around and do and think as they are told.As everything is rigged, a lie, a deception, too keep us dumb-ed down, I see it, I see it all, People say, so what is the truth then, I say 98% of the time; “you could not begin to handle the truth” …
I think you are awesomeYep. They don't judge either. They are excited that you are there. That food and water is all they need. To them we are totally awesome! I wish one person thought I was totally awesome! That would be great!
Yeah, people are big time into judging others now. If you are not like them or think like them then there is something wrong with you. Then you are unliked and become a target.
Yep, life is rigged. There are more and more controls. Most, IMO, are just walking around like robot zombies. But, I think many are starting to realize things are a scam and that are frustrated. But, that don't know what to do. In the end, they follow the herd around and do and think as they are told.
And, then the like of us turn up, and they call us MAD, or Imbalanced, are we ? or are they? Got to get yourself put right, Another term for reprogrammed to be compliant to their Twisted narrative.Yep. They don't judge either. They are excited that you are there. That food and water is all they need. To them we are totally awesome! I wish one person thought I was totally awesome! That would be great!
Yeah, people are big time into judging others now. If you are not like them or think like them then there is something wrong with you. Then you are unliked and become a target.
Yep, life is rigged. There are more and more controls. Most, IMO, are just walking around like robot zombies. But, I think many are starting to realize things are a scam and that are frustrated. But, that don't know what to do. In the end, they follow the herd around and do and think as they are told.
Are you crazy? Cats are the most judgmental species on this planet.....The judge the **** out of you every single minute of the day while they plot world domination.They don't judge either.