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The Wonderful Sin

Well-known member
Mar 2, 2010
Reaction score
So, I was playing Left 4 Dead on Xbox Live, and I had just joined a versus match, when it came up that someone was trying to kick me. So, naturally I said, "What the f**k".
This 10 year old Hispanic girl answers with, "You suck at this game, you wiener head". Nobody else voted anything, so the vote eventually fell through and I was still playing.
"I just joined the f**kin' game, you idgit."
"But you suck."
"I haven't even spawned yet!!" (We were the infected)
"No, you suck!"
So I spawn as the boomer and get all 4 members with my bile, knocking 2 of them off a building so that they are helpless...
"How's that for suck, you f**king c**t."
So she tries to kick me again, the other members hit no this time. They have no mics so I don't know if they can hear us or not. They could be in a party chat or something, or they could hear us through their TV, who knows.
"You really suck, that was a stupid move"... I just incaped 2 survivors out of 4 with a f**king Boomer... A BOOMER!!!
"Let's see you do better".
"I don't need to do better, ********. I play this game 50 times a day, I play it non-stop.... wait... 49 times a day. I don't need to do better, because I am better."
All I can manage from that is a "wow".
"You probably play 1 time a year because you suck!" Note that I got this game 3 days prior to this incident, but have been playin it a lot with friends and renting the second twice for a 5 day period each. (I am saving money to get it after I get Final Fantasy XIII).
Getting fed up with this kid, I decide to hit kick on her. She gets in a "What the f**k? N-" before the other kids instantly hit kick as well.

Wonder if I can get any lulz out of FEAR 2's online when I play it after beating the campaign...

So that's my story. Happened Monday. Let's hear yours.

P.S. Anyone wanna play, I have L4D and FEAR 2 as far as online right now...
haha well on gta iv online we played sounds down a modified headphone cable into the controller. peeps got well stressed lol


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