The Wonderful Sin
Well-known member
So, I was playing Left 4 Dead on Xbox Live, and I had just joined a versus match, when it came up that someone was trying to kick me. So, naturally I said, "What the f**k".
This 10 year old Hispanic girl answers with, "You suck at this game, you wiener head". Nobody else voted anything, so the vote eventually fell through and I was still playing.
"I just joined the f**kin' game, you idgit."
"But you suck."
"I haven't even spawned yet!!" (We were the infected)
"No, you suck!"
So I spawn as the boomer and get all 4 members with my bile, knocking 2 of them off a building so that they are helpless...
"How's that for suck, you f**king c**t."
So she tries to kick me again, the other members hit no this time. They have no mics so I don't know if they can hear us or not. They could be in a party chat or something, or they could hear us through their TV, who knows.
"You really suck, that was a stupid move"... I just incaped 2 survivors out of 4 with a f**king Boomer... A BOOMER!!!
"Let's see you do better".
"I don't need to do better, ********. I play this game 50 times a day, I play it non-stop.... wait... 49 times a day. I don't need to do better, because I am better."
All I can manage from that is a "wow".
"You probably play 1 time a year because you suck!" Note that I got this game 3 days prior to this incident, but have been playin it a lot with friends and renting the second twice for a 5 day period each. (I am saving money to get it after I get Final Fantasy XIII).
Getting fed up with this kid, I decide to hit kick on her. She gets in a "What the f**k? N-" before the other kids instantly hit kick as well.
Wonder if I can get any lulz out of FEAR 2's online when I play it after beating the campaign...
So that's my story. Happened Monday. Let's hear yours.
P.S. Anyone wanna play, I have L4D and FEAR 2 as far as online right now...
This 10 year old Hispanic girl answers with, "You suck at this game, you wiener head". Nobody else voted anything, so the vote eventually fell through and I was still playing.
"I just joined the f**kin' game, you idgit."
"But you suck."
"I haven't even spawned yet!!" (We were the infected)
"No, you suck!"
So I spawn as the boomer and get all 4 members with my bile, knocking 2 of them off a building so that they are helpless...
"How's that for suck, you f**king c**t."
So she tries to kick me again, the other members hit no this time. They have no mics so I don't know if they can hear us or not. They could be in a party chat or something, or they could hear us through their TV, who knows.
"You really suck, that was a stupid move"... I just incaped 2 survivors out of 4 with a f**king Boomer... A BOOMER!!!
"Let's see you do better".
"I don't need to do better, ********. I play this game 50 times a day, I play it non-stop.... wait... 49 times a day. I don't need to do better, because I am better."
All I can manage from that is a "wow".
"You probably play 1 time a year because you suck!" Note that I got this game 3 days prior to this incident, but have been playin it a lot with friends and renting the second twice for a 5 day period each. (I am saving money to get it after I get Final Fantasy XIII).
Getting fed up with this kid, I decide to hit kick on her. She gets in a "What the f**k? N-" before the other kids instantly hit kick as well.
Wonder if I can get any lulz out of FEAR 2's online when I play it after beating the campaign...
So that's my story. Happened Monday. Let's hear yours.
P.S. Anyone wanna play, I have L4D and FEAR 2 as far as online right now...