Game -Guess something about the next person

Loneliness, Depression & Relationship Forum

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Nah, it can't be a game because I haven't earned any achievements yet.

The next person really wants to hang on to the most impossible things.
Very much so. Except for when I'm not.

The next person has a sense of social responsibility.
Hey! Look at me! When will the avatar change... keep looking...

The next person wants to visit Canada.
Sure, I've always liked cold weather. And hockey jerseys. Maple syrup is good too. That seal club thing would be a great place to visit also! Man, a club comprised entirely of elite seal upper class society. Bred on pedigree fish. Shazzam!

The next person likes to snub others in conversation.
Nope. Gave up 15 years ago. Unless you meant smoking hot... in which case, definitely.

Next person creates more problems than they solve.