Just a loner said:
Hi guys ,thank you all.
Scary is not the proper word ,but im afraid they will find me too diferent ,but of course i will not change my style.I know some goth girls but they have boyfriends and i cant just look to goth girls and ignore the rest of the female population.if they reject me there is no problem ,im a loner anyway,I dont know what love is ,i think im just unlovable.
Reminds me of an incident I had little over 10 years ago with 2 gothic girls... I used to work for a retail store as a salesman & the store was attached to a major mall in town... I used to sell appliances & major electronics, large TVs & stuff... There was a dress code for sales people in my dept... Dress shirt & a tie... One day, I was on my way out to the mall to grab a lunch & I happened to pass by 2 goth girls... All black dresses & jewelries & make ups... Instantly, I saw that one of them was very attractive... I guess I looked at her longer than I should've though I wouldn't call it staring... And that quick, the other girl got in my face & said, "What the hell do you think you're looking at?"... It kindda startle me so I stepped back & after about 10 seconds, I said, "Ummm... Nothing..." As I was walking away, I see the attractive girl mouthing to me, 'sorry...' as her friend was saying, "Yeah, I thought so... Keep walking...!!!" I just shook it off & didn't think much about it till 2 days later, I had the following day off... When I walked into work, my co-worker says to me, "There was a girl looking for you yesterday... Told her you were off & you'll be back today... I think she said her name was Nicole?"... At the time, I didn't know anyone named Nicole... When I asked my co-worker what she looked like, he said, "Blonde hair, about your height... Blue eyes, pretty face..." Still no clue so I let it go... About 3 hours into my shift, sure enough, blonde hair, blue eyed girl walks up to me & says, "Hi... Ummm... Remember me?"... Turns out, she was the one of the 2 goth girls I thought was very attractive... She went on to explain that they were having a bad day, with all the staring & comments & teasing everywhere they went, & her friend is type of a girl with a very "thin skin" & she just about had it for the day... I just happened to be the next guy that came around & even though it wasn't her I was looking at, she just blew up... And "Nicole" came back to apologize for her... When I told her I didn't recognize her, she said she took all her make ups off & got into her "regular" clothe just so I don't feel uncomfortable talking to her... Here, I thought she was very attractive in that whole outfit, make ups & all... Not to say she wasn't attractive without all that, I'm just saying she carried herself very well in & out of her "normal" self & outfits & make ups... Turns out, she only live about 10 minutes away from the mall... We hung out few times in & out of the mall... We'd meet at the mall & would have lunch, or dinner depending on my shift... She would wear her full "gothed out" outfit & me in my suit & tie type of attire... Looked like something out of commercial, or a movie...
I basically have 2 points, out of long ass story of mine... First, weather or not you're loveable isn't really up to you, as strange as it may sound... There are people out there that will find you attractive regardless of what you wear & what type of "make up" you decide to put on your face... And yes, I'm assuming make-up is a part of the whole goth thing even on guys, though I probably just made an ass of myself for assuming that... I mean if there's a goth girl that didn't have any problem hanging out with suit & tie guy, I'm sure there are plenty of sunflower dress girls that don't mind hanging out with goth guys & even find them attractive & possibly fall in love with... Second, as for the "ignoring the rest of the girls"... Like I just got done saying, I'm sure there are group of girls out there that will find you interesting & attractive even if their lifestyle may not be into gothic... Doesn't mean they're completely "ruled out" goth people as a possible dates & boyfriend material... I wouldn't go that far... Hell, if things were little different then, I would've asked this girl out & would've dated her... Who knows, if it went well, we might have gotten married... I wasn't really ready for a relationship back then anyway, not to say she was kissing my ass or anything...