Dear Friends,
Why do things keep getting worse and worse? Where is my reprieve? Even though break has come to me, my problems have not ended.
I had a meeting with the professors yesterday and I couldn't talk about it until now. I told them how I had been doubting whether this was the right profession for me but that I had felt so connected to it that I really felt this was right for me, and that I was willing to do whatever it took to improve.
It didn't matter to them. They didn't support me. Instead, they "encouraged" me to either take a break or leave the program altogether. Although yes, they did throw in that i could continue again next semester, but that wasn't how it felt to me.
Still no support. They glossed over the fact that I apparently improved on my 4th counseling video. I never got my review for it. I never got to know whether I passed or not. They told me I'd get an incomplete for the class, if I passed my 4th practice counseling video.
I had to ASK them how I did with it. And the professor kept saying "It's a moot point" because he couldn't give me an incomplete for the class since the school policy for incomplete's had changed. It wasn't a moot point….if I improved with my counseling skills, I should be encouraged. It should've been the first thing he said when I walked in the door. If I had a student like this, it would've been the first thing I said when they sat down, to try and encourage them. I had to ask if I could get my review for it, and the reviewer still hasn't responded to my email requesting a review of my 4th video tape.
I told the other professor that I hadn't been giving 100% and her response was "80%…100%…it doesn't matter." What do you mean it doesn't matter? It matters. It's like they've already made up their minds about me and nothing I can do…no offer I can make, no matter how genuine it is….matters.
You know, something is gone inside of me from this experience. I feel damaged in some way. It's taken away A) my ability to believe that my actions matter , B) my self esteem , C) Something inside my head has broken and a door has opened that previously wasn't open before. I can't bring myself to say what it is, but, suffice to say this experience I am going through is not healing, nor has it been kind to me.
I have a meeting with my AA today. She's nice. I like her. Probably the only person that encourages me now in the program. She stuck up for me. (like the people here at ALL have)