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I'm a woman, but in 28 years I've seen plenty of women be ******* and plenty of men be real douches. It's not disrespect it's just the truth.
I fear that if I say what I want to say in this thread it would hurt some people..but I will say it in any case, and I will tell it in a story.

Last night I was talking to my husband and he was saying that he doesnt know ANY males who cheat, or lie, or beat women or are players. He said the average male does not cheat and is a good person. I started to cry.

He asked me 'why are you crying?'
I didnt actually tell him..(cause he figured it out).. but the truth is I was crying cause what he said hurt me.

EVERY SINGLE MALE that I dated(/was interested in) before him cheated. Most males that I know cheat (not online.. in real life), are players and a huge percentage of them would and have beat their women before.

I'm not exactly sure why I was so hurt by what he said at that moment.. but it was like he was say.. you are a weirdo.. your world is not real. Guys are angels and you are simply attracted trash.

So with respect to this thread.. sometimes for whatever reason people's worlds are different.

In my world, women are the one's who stay with their kids while men leave (and I know it would hurt men who have been abandoned by their mothers to hear that)
In the world I have lived in men are the one's who lie to women, and manipulate them, and use them. And women are often the victims.

I know that that is not always the case though.. and I think it is in fact something very culture specific. But believe me.. in my world most women are not as manipulative as men are. :p

Also if anyone has an e-version of the book that they can send to me.. I would like to read it :)
jales said:
I know that that is not always the case though.. and I think it is in fact something very culture specific. But believe me.. in my world most women are not as manipulative as men are. :p

Also if anyone has an e-version of the book that they can send to me.. I would like to read it :)
It is true our past experiences paint our view of the world. The difference is that your view is the most common view of the world. If a man is sexually harassed everyone says "Oh Boo Hoo, don't cry about getting sexual attention". When a female gets sexually harassed a settlement check is passed to them. When a man is beaten by a female he is laughed at and called weak. When a woman is beaten by a man she is a victim and he is a horrible person. To a degree even when cheating is involved. When a female cheats, it is the mans fault for not being what she wants. When a man cheats he is a liar and a bad person.

Like your husband, I do not know any guys who really go out and cheat. My roommate is a wuss who would gladly let a woman use him if it means he gets to have sex once in a while. My co-workers are too wrapped up in their own worlds to really even notice they have wives. Others are thankful to have a "mate" in their life. When I was with my ex. I loved her and gave her plenty of attention. In the end she cheated on me because my actions betrayed what I Said. She got hung up on the fact that despite all the love and attention I gave her, I did not call her my girlfriend. So when she found a guy willing to call her a girlfriend she made sure to **** his brains out. Even though he emotionally abused her all the time. In the end she went to him because she realized that she was using him to get a rise out of me. She is not allowed to use people.

It is also easy to prove men are less manipulative then women. Look at society, for 1000s of years women were not allowed to feel hostility or angry. They were taught that fighting and being agressive is wrong. They are taught that they should be happy and loving no matter what. So in order to get out that hostility they had to learn how to cause that kind of pain with a smile on their face. Just because you are told feelings are bad does not mean you do not have them. Men on the other had are told to embrace their aggression and be assertive. WE have been since before we were sentient. We hate another guy, we kick his ass. You hate another girl... well.. you do not have many options other than to manipulate a situation to make her look like an idiot. Females fighting, even today, is regarded as the lowest of low actions.

As for an eBook, I know the nook has it for $10... which means the kindle might have it... I am sure you could find a PDF torrent.
Jales, I'm sorry you went through that. Sure that's going to set your mind in a certain way. I have seen both men and women abuse the **** out of each other or drag each other down with one or the other not holding a job. It sucks. I haven't been a victim to any dudes crap and I don't dole out crap either, but what I've seen has made me have NO intrest in the whole marriage and kids angle. I like to keep free and deal with people from a safe distance to make sure I keep that freedom.

Okay I am a female, only one so I can only speak for me. I am very manipulative. But somehow the guys I have met have been better at it than me. I think it has something to do with intelligence. All my exs have been smarter then me. But yea.. the things I have seen guys pull off, I know that I am not smart enough to have thought up those sort of lies and tricks. Males are smart. But I will admit that I am manipulative as well. Very manipulative, but not as bad as my exs.

According to your argument though.. for 1000's of years men were not allowed to cry or express the fact that they have emotional needs. Yet they still had these needs. Maybe they used sex as a way of expressing these emotions. Maybe as societies were built they learnt how to manipulate and use women for sex really well .. women needed to cry: they cried. Men needed to cry, they looked for a new woman to bed.. using those feelings of lust and joy that come when you are with someone new to cover whatever emotional pain they had. I'm just supposing though.. to show you that the maybes can go both ways.

It actually is not a negative thing: my past. I am happy now that I met the guys I did. I'm pretty happy relationship-wise now and I would not have that if it were not for them. Some guys make really good husbands and fathers. But people know what works best for them. Do you think you will be happy/are happy.. if you remain single for the rest of your life?
This is what is wrong with this book. There's absolutely NOTHING positive about it. It's goal is to make people bitter and not actually solve their problems. Congratulations to all of you who love the book, you're unhealthy!

Like this disturbs me. Afrozensoul talks about how we should stop stereotyping men and believing that if they are being beaten they are weak and if they are sexually harassed they wanted it, while at the same time stereotyping women.

It is also easy to prove men are less manipulative then women.

It's either one thing or the other . . . . are we fighting the stereotypes about people or agreeing with them? Or are we just throwing it all out the window and accepting what's convenient for us like it sounds like we are?

All you are doing by being bitter is hurting yourself. Bitter people are never happy. They reinforce their bitterness by destroy all chances they have at having a healthy relationship.

People manipulate. People abuse. People sexually harass. We are all victims of it. People are getting angry in this thread about women victimizing themselves, while at the same time victimizing all men. You have to understand, all healthy and normal people will readily and easily admit that there are victims on both sides. If you are running into people that actually claim differently (which is rare) and think only men are bad, then they are man haters, just like being super angry at women and thinking only women do stuff is being a woman hater.

It's one thing to complain and share and another thing entirely to accuse. It's all right for you guys to complain, but when you cross over the line and start accusing women and talking about them like they are all evil, then that's something else entirely.

This book should be teaching you how to get out of those situations, avoid them, and heal from them. It should be teaching you how to be wise and how not to turn into misogynists.

And this is why men should stop hating feminists so much. =/ They see anger + woman and automatically assume it's bad, while in reality, feminists, like me, fight for women to get equal pay so that when we get divorced, we don't actually need any of your money and can overturn at least some of the laws involving child support and alimony. Those laws were put there because women struggled to get the same jobs and make the same pay that men get. You can't just be with a woman for years, take her youth and/or have kids with her and then dump her into the streets. But if women start getting jobs more and more, then that won't be the case.

You also have to realize that there are no winners in bad relationships or divorces. Not usually. Both people are pretty miserable and unhappy. And depending on the couple, different things happen.

Like, one of my best friends in person, Alexis, is divorced. She lost her house and has to pay alimony because she was her husband's sugar mama and he didn't have a job. Just like you are claiming there are exceptions to the whole abuse thing, there are exceptions to this as well! A lot of them. All women don't make it out of divorces with a bunch of money.

Also the whole "women are manipulative" thing makes my ex a woman then. It's amazing the horrific things he asked of me and said to me that he manipulated me into agreeing with or believing. It was his words and how easy he was at twisting them. I'm so glad my current boyfriend isn't like that.

Also, I've known men who were abused physically and emotionally and we were all supportive of them when they got out of the relationship. Some of this idea that men will be mocked by society for struggling through these things is self-inflicted. Men are usually too prideful to seek help (because they are taught to do so by society) and don't even realize it is there and exists. Although you might have to talk to WOMEN to find it because gasp, yes, some of them care!

You also need to realize that women are abused all the time and taken advantage as well. And as much as you suffered, they suffered the same things, too. And by being bitter at them because you dated a few ******* is completely unfair. It's as unfair as you being blamed because some girl dated a guy who punched her so much that she got sent to the hospital.

You just need to move on and be thankful for the knowledge you received from your horrible life experiences. Complain and even cry if you need to, but don't become bitter because it destroys you.

I've been hurt a lot in my life in a variety of ways. I could either let it destroy me or make me stronger and I personally chose the latter. Because there's nothing as powerful as being able to be screwed over by the world and laugh at the end of it because now you are all the better for it.
It's amazing how people can click on a thread, not even read it, and start making all sorts of assumptions about the topics, beliefs, and viewpoints being discussed.

Enchanted Girl,

That book is not about being bitter or being negative. I am one of those men who was systematically abused by my ex-wife for well over a decade. She stole, lied, cheated, abused our daughter, deceived my family members, hid money in accounts, drank and used drugs behind our backs. It was very bad. I barely survived it due to becoming suicidal.

So, yeah, I read a few books to help me understand:

* First of all, what the **** had happened to me.
* Second, who the **** does those sorts of things.
* Finally, to accept, learn, and move on in a healthy way.

So, while you haven't read the book that you are claiming is bashing women (it's actually co-written by a woman), you had no idea what you are talking about. As to other people's opinions and viewpoints in this thread, I can't control that, but please don't barge into my topic and talk about a book you haven't read and my motives that you don't know when you've never even talked to me.

This thread is exactly what I portrayed it as: a ******* public service. A lot of men don't understand that BAD WOMEN are out there. When we don't know that, we get taken advantage of, manipulated, and completely and utterly destroyed by these women. There is NO shortage of material out there talking about the harmful things that men do to others, but there IS a stereotype in society that women can do no wrong and are always the victims.

So forgive me for trying to look out for the other guys out there who may find themselves staring down the barrel of a gun because some woman destroyed their souls and they never knew that she could even be capable of it.

This just goes to show and reinforce the stereotype against men and for women.

Think about it! I make a thread trying to help good men avoid bad women, and it's turned around on me as a womanhater! Ha! The irony!
Kenny said:
It's amazing how people can click on a thread, not even read it, and start making all sorts of assumptions about the topics, beliefs, and viewpoints being discussed.

Enchanted Girl,

That book is not about being bitter or being negative. I am one of those men who was systematically abused by my ex-wife for well over a decade. She stole, lied, cheated, abused our daughter, deceived my family members, hid money in accounts, drank and used drugs behind our backs. It was very bad. I barely survived it due to becoming suicidal.

So, yeah, I read a few books to help me understand:

* First of all, what the **** had happened to me.
* Second, who the **** does those sorts of things.
* Finally, to accept, learn, and move on in a healthy way.

So, while you haven't read the book that you are claiming is bashing women (it's actually co-written by a woman), you had no idea what you are talking about. As to other people's opinions and viewpoints in this thread, I can't control that, but please don't barge into my topic and talk about a book you haven't read and my motives that you don't know when you've never even talked to me.

This thread is exactly what I portrayed it as: a ******* public service. A lot of men don't understand that BAD WOMEN are out there. When we don't know that, we get taken advantage of, manipulated, and completely and utterly destroyed by these women. There is NO shortage of material out there talking about the harmful things that men do to others, but there IS a stereotype in society that women can do no wrong and are always the victims.

So forgive me for trying to look out for the other guys out there who may find themselves staring down the barrel of a gun because some woman destroyed their souls and they never knew that she could even be capable of it.

This just goes to show and reinforce the stereotype against men and for women.

Think about it! I make a thread trying to help good men avoid bad women, and it's turned around on me as a womanhater! Ha! The irony!

First of all, the person I quoted wasn't you.

Secondly, you are trying to attack my character repeatedly and therefore negate what I said by claiming that I do not want you to say that men are victims too which I stated repeatedly in my post. If I didn't believe they were and didn't want them to avoid these situations then I wouldn't have said I did.

And thirdly, your entire argument was based on the fact that I didn't read this thread. I read EVERY WORD and also every review given on the actual link you gave us. I didn't read the book, so that was the only way I could form my opinion.


But this doesn't only reflect intimate relationships, work collegues and even flatmates can also demonstrate this selfish dark-side. The type of female psychosis that this book describes is quite possibly under the surface in most women.

Also, I think this book has a somewhat jaded view of women as a whole. The authors seem to be cautioning men to protect themselves against all women, not just the vindictive ones. They present a chapter about men who get women pregnant and are forced to take on the mainly financial responsibility of fatherhood "against their will". However, barring rape or incest, men and women always have a choice when it comes to parenthood. If you don't want to have children, don't have sex. If you choose to have sex, use birth control. For men, that may mean using a condom or getting a vasectomy. In my mind, if a person is that dead set against having a child, it's an easy choice.

I was talking to a farming friend of mine who had just gone through a horrible divorce after a short marriage and he said to me bitterly, “I went up the aisle with a farm and I came down with a half a farm.”

I absolutely hate that last quote because it portrays all marriage as money being stolen from you. I'm sorry that this happens to people, but if we view marriage in this negative light, no one will ever be happy. A lot of the threads were very phobic about men committing to women (saying things like: read this before even considering comitting! while I never read a book about guys being abusive me in my life and am okay anyway) and I think men and women's phobia of commitment and selfishness are the things that destroy most relationships, so I don't encourage those feelings.

Fourthly, you have yet to tell me where it actually gives you advice on how to help you and that's the part I was complaining about and also the part of my post that you ignored. The only thing I said that was different than what you posted just now was that there is help out there, but men have to be open enough to find it and that books meant to help people should actually give advice on how to help people or they are going to make you all bitter. If that makes you mad, then I'm sorry you want to cling to bitterness so badly, but it's more productive to handle things a different way.

Lastly, I will admit I haven't read the book and therefore can not claim to be an expert on it.

EDIT: Oh and I forgot to add . . . . who cares if it was written by a woman? Women can be woman haters, too. I've seen it a whole lot actually.
Women, you know that if this book had been about men who are douches (yes, some men really are douches, I am not disputing that), you'd be saying the same things the guys are saying now, about how it's informing women to watch out for manipulative, abusive men and whatnot.

Besides, the ratio of books about abusive women to books about abusive men is like 1:50,000 (slight exaggeration...slight). The authors of 'That Bitch' just had the balls and ovaries to shed some light in the other direction. Truth is a two-way street, some truths are just a little more politically incorrect when both sides of the spectrum are seen.
Kataphractos said:
Women, you know that if this book had been about men who are douches (yes, some men really are douches, I am not disputing that), you'd be saying the same things the guys are saying now, about how it's informing women to watch out for manipulative, abusive men and whatnot.

Besides, the ratio of books about abusive women to books about abusive men is like 1:50,000 (slight exaggeration...slight). The authors of 'That Bitch' just had the balls and ovaries to shed some light in the other direction. Truth is a two-way street, some truths are just a little more politically incorrect when both sides of the spectrum are seen.

First of all, you are using the argument: two wrongs make a right, which doesn't work! So what if women would do the same thing! They are wrong, too, if the book they are reading is written incorrectly.

And secondly, I don't support books that cause bitterness, although I'd absolutely support any books that actually promoted people healing.
First of all, the person I quoted wasn't you.

I never said you quoted me. Did I say that? Where did I say that? However you came in and heavily implied that this book and thread were about being bitter. You couldn't be more wrong. Wanna know how I know that? Because I read the book and started the thread. So don't tell me what my intentions are. Thank you.

Secondly, you are trying to attack my character repeatedly and therefore negate what I said by claiming that I do not want you to say that men are victims too which I stated repeatedly in my post. If I didn't believe they were and didn't want them to avoid these situations then I wouldn't have said I did.

Wait a second, you hijack my thread and claim that a book (you admit to not having read) and all the subsequent posts are about promoting bitterness and stereotypes against women! And then you have the nerve to say I attacked your character! Where did I attack your character? I am simply correcting your abundance of ignorance, blunders, and mistruths.

And thirdly, your entire argument was based on the fact that I didn't read this thread. I read EVERY WORD and also every review given on the actual link you gave us. I didn't read the book, so that was the only way I could form my opinion.

If my entire argument was based around the fact that you didn't read this thread, why did I also cite the fact that you haven't READ THE BOOK or READ MY MIND?!!! You seem to forget that this thread is a book recommendation that I made. This is my thread. Read the very first post in this thread. It is a book recommendation. Plain and simple. It says NOTHING bad about women. Yet, again, you have the nerve to insinuate that what my "motives" are behind creating this thread. Wow, the nerve!

Lastly, I will admit I haven't read the book and therefore can not claim to be an expert on it.

But you DID claim to be an expert on it! Your exact words were:

This is what is wrong with this book. There's absolutely NOTHING positive about it. It's goal is to make people bitter and not actually solve their problems. Congratulations to all of you who love the book, you're unhealthy! --- Quote: Enchanted Girl

And there you have it folks! Seriously, you have made a fool out of yourself. I'll forgive your lunacy if you just stop now. You really shouldn't keep this going or you are going to progress from looking mildly retarded to full on insane. I just discredited everything you said. And it was ... easy. LOL

Enchanted Girl said:
Kataphractos said:
Women, you know that if this book had been about men who are douches (yes, some men really are douches, I am not disputing that), you'd be saying the same things the guys are saying now, about how it's informing women to watch out for manipulative, abusive men and whatnot.

Besides, the ratio of books about abusive women to books about abusive men is like 1:50,000 (slight exaggeration...slight). The authors of 'That Bitch' just had the balls and ovaries to shed some light in the other direction. Truth is a two-way street, some truths are just a little more politically incorrect when both sides of the spectrum are seen.

First of all, you are using the argument: two wrongs make a right, which doesn't work! So what if women would do the same thing! They are wrong, too, if the book they are reading is written incorrectly.

And secondly, I don't support books that cause bitterness, although I'd absolutely support any books that actually promoted people healing.
Thing is, the vast, vast majority of guys who go through emotional/psychological abuse from a woman think they're alone. Feelings that they are a sissy, a weakling, less than a man, etc all go through their mind. If you look around, there is practically nothing in popular culture or society in general that hints that there is help out there for abused men or encourages them to get help, and that they are not alone. I should know, because I was in a relationship that turned psychologically abusive (passive-aggressiveness and guilt-tripping) in its last months. Was too ashamed to turn to even my family for help, and being a cadet in an ROTC program, it tore me apart in how I saw myself as a "model soldier" and how I viewed my abilities as a leader. The only support I could bring myself to accept was from my best friend, who was also in an abusive relationship (his GF was more the manipulative/loud type, though), and thank god for our mutual support, because I probably wouldn't've made it otherwise.

Whether it's "two wrongs" or not, the book bluntly tells its stories without pussyfooting around. It's therapeutic (I'm currently on chapter 3 of it atm) in that the stories are raw; they put everything out without editing or using "polite tact" to get the full brunt of the story across. Some may disagree with this approach, and I'm sorry it offends you, but it's a book written for guys about experiences with abusive women. I still stand by my statement in the first paragraph of my post you quoted.

And besides, the last chapter of "That Bitch" (and maybe second to last, I'm not sure) are about rehabilitation and moving forward with life after getting out of an abusive relationship, and another chapter describes how abuse by women is similar and different than abuse from men. And at least one chapter is devoted to looking at malicious psychologies, so it's not a book that's purely stories of abusive women.
jales said:

Okay I am a female, only one so I can only speak for me. I am very manipulative. But somehow the guys I have met have been better at it than me. I think it has something to do with intelligence. All my exs have been smarter then me. But yea.. the things I have seen guys pull off, I know that I am not smart enough to have thought up those sort of lies and tricks. Males are smart. But I will admit that I am manipulative as well. Very manipulative, but not as bad as my exs.

According to your argument though.. for 1000's of years men were not allowed to cry or express the fact that they have emotional needs. Yet they still had these needs. Maybe they used sex as a way of expressing these emotions. Maybe as societies were built they learnt how to manipulate and use women for sex really well .. women needed to cry: they cried. Men needed to cry, they looked for a new woman to bed.. using those feelings of lust and joy that come when you are with someone new to cover whatever emotional pain they had. I'm just supposing though.. to show you that the maybes can go both ways.

It actually is not a negative thing: my past. I am happy now that I met the guys I did. I'm pretty happy relationship-wise now and I would not have that if it were not for them. Some guys make really good husbands and fathers. But people know what works best for them. Do you think you will be happy/are happy.. if you remain single for the rest of your life?

You have a cool attitude about your past. I know there are good people in general out there, men and women. I don't know if I'll be happy, single my whole life, I live life day by day and see what happens. I like being single now and just working and saving money. I date but I like to keep the guys at a distance until I see where I want to go with it. Guys can try to corner you with marriage just as much as some women try to trap the guys. They are just a lot of times, good people who just want to be married. That is why I posted in this thread cause i see some women and men as being really good and just not sharing the same goals and then I see the ones who abuse each other. It isn't that either sex is all bad or manipulative and abusive BOTH groups can be good or bad.
Men nowadays stand to gain absolutely nothing from marriage and risk to lose absolutely everything.

I don't know why any self-respecting man would even enter into marriage in this day and age.

It's a contract with no benefits and dozens of serious, serious risks.
Kenny said:
Men nowadays stand to gain absolutely nothing from marriage and risk to lose absolutely everything.

I don't know why any self-respecting man would even enter into marriage in this day and age.

It's a contract with no benefits and dozens of serious, serious risks.

I almost agree with this but the same goes for women too. I see girls having the mens kids all the time then the dude flips town and she's left supporting them. I think marriage is a waste in general. I haven't met a man yet that I want to spend my whole life with, maybe my tune will change when I'm older, who knows.

Kenny said:
Men nowadays stand to gain absolutely nothing from marriage and risk to lose absolutely everything.

I don't know why any self-respecting man would even enter into marriage in this day and age.

It's a contract with no benefits and dozens of serious, serious risks.

This is why I say you are bitter and that book is unhealthy. I don't have to read your brain when you are saying your thoughts out loud.

If that book helped you, you would understand that entering into a marriage with the correct women would give you many, many benefits and you would also have the tools to avoid dating the wrong women so you don't have to be terrified of all women in general. You would respect marriage and think it was a beautiful thing if it is don't correctly.

I could be terrified that every time I enter into a relationship, I'm going to leave it with black eyes and broken bones and emotional scars and possibly children I have to support and watch by myself, but only some men are abusive out there. XD Not all of them, so I can't really say that with a straight face.

There's nothing wrong with having a book that talks about women being abusive. Any human being is capable of abuse, but if you read the whole thing and are terrified of marriage like that then the book obviously didn't do its job.

@Kataphractos: That's absolutely fine. My point is not that that's wrong, but that the book is doing only half its job. And if it doesn't do the other half sufficiently enough, then it actually doesn't help men at all. You know you have been helped when you feel healed and like those experiences have made you a better person and that you know how to live more healthy now.

I have friends that bash men and I tell them to keep it to a minimum. It's okay to complain some, but not to bash. That breeds hatred and bitterness.

It's okay to cry, but when you hate, you distance yourself from everyone and are a messed up individual who is just going to abuse others just like you were abused. Women who hate men usually treat them like crap and vice versa.
The book didn't make me bitter, Enchanted Girl.

Over a decade of abuse did. I was there. I lived it.

The book (and other books) have actually helped me to move from "being bitter", as you say, to being practical.

On a slightly related note, can you imagine anyone coming into a thread where a woman claimed to be abused for over a decade by a ruthless man, and then lecturing her about her bitterness?

Yet ANOTHER double standard. They never end.

I'm just poking fun at you, but you know I did scorch your ass, lol.

Feel free to keep up with your pushy rhetoric if you would like to. I honestly, and TRULY, don't care. You've already showed yourself to be ... well ... some things are better left unsaid.

Either way, you are on a fast track to being the third recipient of all time to experience the ignore feature. That's saying something because I've been on internet forums for fifteen years and I've only ignored two people up until now. :D
On a slightly related note, can you imagine anyone coming into a thread where a woman claimed to be abused for over a decade by a ruthless man, and then lecturing her about her bitterness?
I'd place a few firebuckets within easy reach before reading/following the thread.
@jales: I never said that men cannot be manipulative. I said females are just more prone to doing it.

Correct, for 1000s of years males have been taught that emotions like sadness are emotions for the weak. Even in our "modern" society. Males who are overly emotional are tagged as weak. Generally they are the targets of the females that the book is written about. As for looking for new ways to get females into bed... meh.. you are forgetting that really until the past... well 200 or so years females have had very little say. In past societies the dominating gender often treated the dominated gender like a commodity. So when it came to getting sex, in male dominated societies, females were easily sold. Those who were out at taverns were often times whores. Really having to woo the opposite gender is a recent thing.

@Enchanted Girl: I have not read the book so I cannot say one way or another if the book spreads bitterness. Have you read the book? If you have not then you cannot say that it does not teach men how to identify a manipulative female. The title is definitly there for marketing purposes. You need something that can catch the eyes of people. It plays on the emotion people who are manipulated generally feel, anger.

As for feminism... well that is not the point of this thread. I will just say, point me to the feminst group who is trying to get the various discrimination laws repeled and I will think feminists are not out to put men in the position of the weaker gender.

@Kenny: What do you mean men have nothing to gain from marriage. They gain the ability to always have a co-signer on loans. I have seen many couples who make at least $15,000 a year less than me.. yes couples with a combined income, who get approved for loans for more money than me. Despite my higher income and likely better credit.

Marriage also gives you someone to confide all your horrible crimes too. You know you can tell your spouse that you killed someone and if your spouse says anything in court you get off... spousal confidence or something like that. Just like Dr Patient Confidence or Lawyer Client confidence.

:D Plenty of good reasons to married.

Point me to the thread where a woman talks about being beaten, cheated on, stolen from, and having her children neglected by an awful man...and then a man comes into the thread and lectures and berates her for being bitter.

Can someone point me in that direction?

Oh wait! That would likely never happen and if it did, all hell would be unleashed.

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