Well-known member
I'm a woman, but in 28 years I've seen plenty of women be ******* and plenty of men be real douches. It's not disrespect it's just the truth.
It is true our past experiences paint our view of the world. The difference is that your view is the most common view of the world. If a man is sexually harassed everyone says "Oh Boo Hoo, don't cry about getting sexual attention". When a female gets sexually harassed a settlement check is passed to them. When a man is beaten by a female he is laughed at and called weak. When a woman is beaten by a man she is a victim and he is a horrible person. To a degree even when cheating is involved. When a female cheats, it is the mans fault for not being what she wants. When a man cheats he is a liar and a bad person.jales said:I know that that is not always the case though.. and I think it is in fact something very culture specific. But believe me.. in my world most women are not as manipulative as men are.
Also if anyone has an e-version of the book that they can send to me.. I would like to read it![]()
It is also easy to prove men are less manipulative then women.
Kenny said:It's amazing how people can click on a thread, not even read it, and start making all sorts of assumptions about the topics, beliefs, and viewpoints being discussed.
Enchanted Girl,
That book is not about being bitter or being negative. I am one of those men who was systematically abused by my ex-wife for well over a decade. She stole, lied, cheated, abused our daughter, deceived my family members, hid money in accounts, drank and used drugs behind our backs. It was very bad. I barely survived it due to becoming suicidal.
So, yeah, I read a few books to help me understand:
* First of all, what the **** had happened to me.
* Second, who the **** does those sorts of things.
* Finally, to accept, learn, and move on in a healthy way.
So, while you haven't read the book that you are claiming is bashing women (it's actually co-written by a woman), you had no idea what you are talking about. As to other people's opinions and viewpoints in this thread, I can't control that, but please don't barge into my topic and talk about a book you haven't read and my motives that you don't know when you've never even talked to me.
This thread is exactly what I portrayed it as: a ******* public service. A lot of men don't understand that BAD WOMEN are out there. When we don't know that, we get taken advantage of, manipulated, and completely and utterly destroyed by these women. There is NO shortage of material out there talking about the harmful things that men do to others, but there IS a stereotype in society that women can do no wrong and are always the victims.
So forgive me for trying to look out for the other guys out there who may find themselves staring down the barrel of a gun because some woman destroyed their souls and they never knew that she could even be capable of it.
This just goes to show and reinforce the stereotype against men and for women.
Think about it! I make a thread trying to help good men avoid bad women, and it's turned around on me as a womanhater! Ha! The irony!
But this doesn't only reflect intimate relationships, work collegues and even flatmates can also demonstrate this selfish dark-side. The type of female psychosis that this book describes is quite possibly under the surface in most women.
Also, I think this book has a somewhat jaded view of women as a whole. The authors seem to be cautioning men to protect themselves against all women, not just the vindictive ones. They present a chapter about men who get women pregnant and are forced to take on the mainly financial responsibility of fatherhood "against their will". However, barring rape or incest, men and women always have a choice when it comes to parenthood. If you don't want to have children, don't have sex. If you choose to have sex, use birth control. For men, that may mean using a condom or getting a vasectomy. In my mind, if a person is that dead set against having a child, it's an easy choice.
I was talking to a farming friend of mine who had just gone through a horrible divorce after a short marriage and he said to me bitterly, “I went up the aisle with a farm and I came down with a half a farm.”
Kataphractos said:Women, you know that if this book had been about men who are douches (yes, some men really are douches, I am not disputing that), you'd be saying the same things the guys are saying now, about how it's informing women to watch out for manipulative, abusive men and whatnot.
Besides, the ratio of books about abusive women to books about abusive men is like 1:50,000 (slight exaggeration...slight). The authors of 'That Bitch' just had the balls and ovaries to shed some light in the other direction. Truth is a two-way street, some truths are just a little more politically incorrect when both sides of the spectrum are seen.
Thing is, the vast, vast majority of guys who go through emotional/psychological abuse from a woman think they're alone. Feelings that they are a sissy, a weakling, less than a man, etc all go through their mind. If you look around, there is practically nothing in popular culture or society in general that hints that there is help out there for abused men or encourages them to get help, and that they are not alone. I should know, because I was in a relationship that turned psychologically abusive (passive-aggressiveness and guilt-tripping) in its last months. Was too ashamed to turn to even my family for help, and being a cadet in an ROTC program, it tore me apart in how I saw myself as a "model soldier" and how I viewed my abilities as a leader. The only support I could bring myself to accept was from my best friend, who was also in an abusive relationship (his GF was more the manipulative/loud type, though), and thank god for our mutual support, because I probably wouldn't've made it otherwise.Enchanted Girl said:Kataphractos said:Women, you know that if this book had been about men who are douches (yes, some men really are douches, I am not disputing that), you'd be saying the same things the guys are saying now, about how it's informing women to watch out for manipulative, abusive men and whatnot.
Besides, the ratio of books about abusive women to books about abusive men is like 1:50,000 (slight exaggeration...slight). The authors of 'That Bitch' just had the balls and ovaries to shed some light in the other direction. Truth is a two-way street, some truths are just a little more politically incorrect when both sides of the spectrum are seen.
First of all, you are using the argument: two wrongs make a right, which doesn't work! So what if women would do the same thing! They are wrong, too, if the book they are reading is written incorrectly.
And secondly, I don't support books that cause bitterness, although I'd absolutely support any books that actually promoted people healing.
jales said:@AFrozenSoul
Okay I am a female, only one so I can only speak for me. I am very manipulative. But somehow the guys I have met have been better at it than me. I think it has something to do with intelligence. All my exs have been smarter then me. But yea.. the things I have seen guys pull off, I know that I am not smart enough to have thought up those sort of lies and tricks. Males are smart. But I will admit that I am manipulative as well. Very manipulative, but not as bad as my exs.
According to your argument though.. for 1000's of years men were not allowed to cry or express the fact that they have emotional needs. Yet they still had these needs. Maybe they used sex as a way of expressing these emotions. Maybe as societies were built they learnt how to manipulate and use women for sex really well .. women needed to cry: they cried. Men needed to cry, they looked for a new woman to bed.. using those feelings of lust and joy that come when you are with someone new to cover whatever emotional pain they had. I'm just supposing though.. to show you that the maybes can go both ways.
It actually is not a negative thing: my past. I am happy now that I met the guys I did. I'm pretty happy relationship-wise now and I would not have that if it were not for them. Some guys make really good husbands and fathers. But people know what works best for them. Do you think you will be happy/are happy.. if you remain single for the rest of your life?
Kenny said:Men nowadays stand to gain absolutely nothing from marriage and risk to lose absolutely everything.
I don't know why any self-respecting man would even enter into marriage in this day and age.
It's a contract with no benefits and dozens of serious, serious risks.
Kenny said:Men nowadays stand to gain absolutely nothing from marriage and risk to lose absolutely everything.
I don't know why any self-respecting man would even enter into marriage in this day and age.
It's a contract with no benefits and dozens of serious, serious risks.
I'd place a few firebuckets within easy reach before reading/following the thread.On a slightly related note, can you imagine anyone coming into a thread where a woman claimed to be abused for over a decade by a ruthless man, and then lecturing her about her bitterness?