Hate being Asian

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eris said:
If I had a nickle for every time I was called a d*ke, I could buy all of those cornpone backwards hillbillies houses right off the bank that really owns them, and burn then to the ground.

Isn't it sorta bigoted to assume that most/only hillbillies are bigots? :p lulz
Chris 2 said:
There are many things wrong with being an Asian male especially living in America and having to deal with BS American media portrayal of Asian!

There are things that separate "Asian" from "Non-Asian" of course u never heard of "Black" from "Non-Black" because Asian are a lot different from everyone else.

One thing I just sometime can't understand is the height issue. I don't know why I have to be a lot shorter than my white counter part. Why must I have to look up at people rather than on the same level? Another thing why don't Asian have facial hair? It make us look a lot more like kids than adult, and sure who wouldn't want to look young but it doesn't help with how non Asian girls view us. If u are White, Black, or Hispanic and haven't notice this, then I say good day to you all, because these things cross my mind a few times a day.

Now there are a lot more things, but I'm tire, and quite frankly fed up. Please give me your opinion and comment. BTW I am only 5'8.5.

Really? ... really? At risk of sounding like a dick, this post kinda destroyed one of the "BS American media" stereotypes of all Asians being smart.

Asians are short because of genetics due to the locale/weather all that jazz. The same reason why black people are 'black'. You live in an extremely sunny area, your skin will build a defense against harmful radiation from the sun.

Also, I'd say a lack of facial hair is a plus dude. If you're going after a girl, you get extra points for no FH. You save money by not having to buy shaving gears. Shaving sucks. Seriously. That's probably why most guys with beards have beards.

Also also, 5'8" is about average height. Stop hanging around basketball players?
alonewanderer said:
Nah I'm pretty sure all hillbillies are racist.

I don't really believe that we all are.
I guess I am technically a hillbilly too, and therefoure surrounded by them :) We aint all bad

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