Hey Jayme- You are awesome! Thank you so much for responding and taking the time to explain some of this stuff to me, I feel like a child sometimes having to learn how to make friends and whatnot but you made a lot of sense and gave me something to think about now when I meet someone. I always would over-share things about me and my life but never knew it before. Definitely gave me something to think about next time I meet someone new!
I would highly encourage you to go to one of those meetups you're talking about. It sounds scary as hell to me too and I feel the same exact way about what the other people would think if I was going. But both of us have to stop acting this way and letting the fear take over. I caught this little blip from the new will smith trailer "danger is very real, but fear is a choice". I was thinking about this the other day and it couldn't be any more of a fact. We can choose to be fearful of something, or we can choose to not be fearful of it, either way we're making a choice. One of the choices makes the danger harder to handle because we're all caught up in the "what if this happens, what if that happens".... whereas the other choice allows us to tackle the danger and defeat it because it shifts our focus on how to handle it rather than WORRY about how to handle it.
I hope I was able to help you with that a little bit. If you make the choice to go to the meetup, please let me know! I'd love to help you with any fears about going or just hear how it went. You're an awesome person Jayme to send me this post out of the goodness of your heart! Thank you so much again!!!!
You're awesome back! Glad to be of some assistance. Hey, we can help each other out! I do remember that quote from the After Earth trailer. Your explanation makes a lot of sense. Now, to just put it into practice... It's going to be very hard for me It just seems like such an adult step lol. I'm so much better at giving advice to other people then I am at actually taking advice for myself.
Anyways, I sure would like some support and I'll gladly support you. Lets keep in touch!