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Feb 4, 2011
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Hey guys, I'm Chris, 23 from the UK. I'm new here and from looking around I'm really glad I've found this forum. I've decided i'm going to write a bit about my situation, mainly because i've not done it before and also I need to vent a little.
Well like I said, i'm 23 and from the UK, I currently live at home and have been since July 2009. Since finishing university i've found it really hard to find and maintain any form of relationship with people. I'm either at work or sat at home passing the time or sleeping. I live in a small village without any mode of transport, there isn't even a shop here. I walk 4 miles to work and back (which isn't so bad, because I quite like outdoor activities!) But I find it's very draining especially as I work as a waiter/barman who walks around and am on my feet for 12 hours a day.
I dread going to work because it's so unfulfilling, I have a nightmare of a boss and because we're constantly busy there is no chance to form any real bond with anyone I work with. There's also no other work opportunities around where I live.

I'm single, I can't drive and I have no way of meeting anyone new. I've learnt how to occupy myself, I play the guitar and I read books. But from going from a very sociable person to a recluse is not only taking its toll on my personality, but my confidence is at an all time low at the moment.

All my friends seem to be with partners or have moved out and working in the area they wanted after university. Whereas I feel i've gone back to square one and I have real trouble remaining positive. I worry this will also have a knock-on effect for when I actually get to meet new people. I don't want to come across as miserable to them but unfortunately that's what I am at the moment.

As well as this, at university I had a few bad experiences with girls/girlfriends and it's really put me off and made it hard for me to trust not only girls, but people in general. It gave me a taste of bitterness that I just can't shake at the moment. Infact i've turned into quite a bitter person on the whole because of my situation. I'm not constantly bitter, there are times when I enjoy myself, but these occasions happen very rarely, then I end up back at home feeling very shut off from the rest of society and anybody who I can relate to.

I've had to write this very quickly as i've got to go to work, but venting has helped, I could honestly keep writing all day, there's so much on my mind but I just lack the confidence to tell anyone, I don't like people worrying about me and I also don't want to come across as miserable to my friends, I try to put on a brave face infront of them but I find this also causes tension and probably doesn't help the relationship I have with them. I have so many anxieties concerning my future I just don't know how to deal with them all if i'm honest.

Anyway thanks for reading, I have to get ready for work. Words of advice are very welcome and again i'm glad to have found this forum.
Hi Chris and welcome to the site. It sounds to me as if you have a good grasp of what's wrong. You're young and need to get your footing in life and maybe even a new location. I also think, learning to drive and getting a car, if at all possible, would put you back in touch with folks and leave you less drained form all the walking. The bitterness from bad break-ups is to be expected, to some extent, and once you get back out in circulation and socializing again, it'll probably lessen. You sound bright and articulate to me. I think you're on the right path sharing and venting some of it out here. Thanks for putting a bit of yourself out there. I hope to read much more from you. Have a good time at work. :)
Welcome. You sound like an interesting person, even though it's hard do try to stay positive!
I have to agree with what Nina said ( I always do she gives some great advice ). Getting your drivers license may not seem like a huge thing but trust me it is. When this chance opened up for me I refused it but after some long persuading sessions I agreed and after I finished driving school I could not believe the possibilities that a small piece of plastic can open up to you.

You sound like a great guy and the fact that you opened yourself up to this forum is a good beginning.

First step in solving any problem is admitting you have one.

I wish you all the best and hope to hear more from you soon.
Aww thanks brick! You always have a clear and really nice voice to read as well.

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