Hot people lower my confidence.

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Mr Messy

New member
Jan 19, 2010
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God, I hate being outside and seeing hot people (own gender, same age, usually). Makes me feel like a loser, and I have no confidence for a while after that.

Also... couples my age together, kissing, etc. That reeeally depresses me as well, ha.

Anyone else experience this, and know how to get over it?
Mr Messy said:
Anyone else experience this, and know how to get over it?

Do you exercise? Getting in shape can go a long way toward increasing a person's confidence. In fact, I probably need to start doing it again. I think part of my problem lately is because I stopped. :/
Yeah I used to feel the same way a years ago, I always envied these couples here and there.. or when a hot person walks by

Then at one point I realized that I'll get no where being envious, and that it'll only make me feel worse, so i started focusing on myself (exercise, clothing, my hair, my complexion)

You'd be amazed at how taking care of yourself makes u feel better about urself, took me about a year to slowly make those depressing thoughts go away... so don't expect overnight changes!
when i think of a hot chic, i remind myself that that poor girl probably has lower self esteem than me and any man she gets with, may in fact, only want one thing, guess. not to mention shes probably a *****.
loketron said:
when i think of a hot chic, i remind myself that that poor girl probably has lower self esteem than me and any man she gets with, may in fact, only want one thing, guess. not to mention shes probably a *****.

man..:p lol my experience I've found that really, really hot chicks are kind of offish (if not downright spoiled bitches). Haha what makes it worse is that they respond positively to the same treatment in return. Easy way to score some lovin', I guess...but fairly abrasive as a long term thing.

Badjedidude said: my experience I've found that really, really hot chicks are kind of offish (if not downright spoiled bitches). Haha what makes it worse is that they respond positively to the same treatment in return. Easy way to score some lovin', I guess...but fairly abrasive as a long term thing.


Hmm, I sort of disagree. All the hot chicks I know are really nice. Although some of the more media and fashion-obsessed ones are bitches. You know, the ones who have to wear the latest clothes, and always need to be seen with a group of people, etc.
Those are the ones I'm talking about. :p Maybe the demographics are different where I live or something, but where I live women either tend to be quite ugly and unusually kind or stunningly hot...and the hot ones are generally the type you've described.

Nice to know what some guys really think about attractive women. Makes me want to go put a bag over my head rather than risk being called a *****. *rolls eyes*
Well its stereo-type too, think of all those high school life movies, hot attractive girl = main ***** character.

Tho, it depends on the type that ur into, if the hot bitchy types attract u, thenn GL on that.
There is some truth in it, though! The hotter a woman is, generally speaking, the less she has to spend developing her character to get what she wants in life...and the result is that she ends up spoiled and takes things for granted when she shouldn't. Stereotype or not, there is some truth in it...I see it all the time. I can't say that all beautiful women are like that, but in my experience it seems to almost be the norm.

LOVE YOU, EVE! YOU IS NOT *****! (don't hits me plz)

EveWasFramed said:
Nice to know what some guys really think about attractive women. Makes me want to go put a bag over my head rather than risk being called a *****. *rolls eyes*

Deb's got curves :p
Badjedidude said:
There is some truth in it, though! The hotter a woman is, generally speaking, the less she has to spend developing her character to get what she wants in life...and the result is that she ends up spoiled and takes things for granted when she shouldn't. Stereotype or not, there is some truth in it...I see it all the time. I can't say that all beautiful women are like that, but in my experience it seems to almost be the norm.

So uh ugliness forces one to develop character?


o_o what sort of character are we talking about? Just wondering...
:p I dont deny that there are beautiful women that are "bitches" (quoting, not saying or agreeing with the term), but I must point out that unattractive women can be mean too. :p
I (heart) you, badjedidude, lol. :p

And Zak, bite my curves. :p
SophiaGrace: Well, I was mostly talking about how often when a person (and not just women, btw) is extremely handsome/pretty or popular, they seem to have an easier time of things. People give them more attention, let the rules slide for them a bit, give them chances or bonuses that others won't get. When someone is pampered like that, they aren't forced to face the same challenges that cause others to grow or learn character. Take Paris Hilton, for example. She gets everything...attention, money, fame, and she doesn't do anything to earn while she may be pretty (to some. I think she's ugly), she's about as interesting and engaging as used, drying toilet paper. (That's an extreme example, but it conveys my point).

If you get everything for free or for little effort, you appreciate it less. If everyone pays attention to you because you're pretty, you never have to develop a sense of humor or an interesting personality to draw people in....things like that.

That's why I commented that sometimes the ugliest people you see will be the nicest, most funny people you'll ever meet. They were FORCED to develop that way simply in order to survive in a society that values the outside appearance.

Badjedidude said:
SophiaGrace: Well, I was mostly talking about how often when a person (and not just women, btw) is extremely handsome/pretty or popular, they seem to have an easier time of things. People give them more attention, let the rules slide for them a bit, give them chances or bonuses that others won't get.


Wait, arent people who are physically disabled given more chances & be more likely to have rules side for them?

I know when I was in high school, the teachers didnt know how to punish me because I had an interpreter & nurse with me all day during school and I HAD to eat in private for medical reasons. So that prevented them from assigning me Lunch detention.

And I was given more attention/support in the classroom because I was disabled...

I wasnt treated like a "normal person"

I guess I am more so now that I am in college because I no longer have a nurse or an interpreter following me around everywhere. (I go to a deaf college now and have learned how to take care of myself medically. I'm independent.)

It hasnt been easy to learn being independent though. Probably one of the hardest things i've had to learn :l.

But I bet people throughout my life will try to coddle me and not apply the same standards to me as they would others...
Yeah, disabled people are given lots of attention and help...but they're still disabled. And that disability or problem usually brings about some morality/character development in a person...

...whereas someone who gets that same attention for being "pretty" does not, because they have no disability to challenge them or cause them to grow internally.

It's awesome to hear that you're independent despite your disability. Are you completely deaf or is it a more complicated/different disability? Hmmm...I think it's probably safe to say that while others may treat you differently or apply different standards to you, you have definitely grown and developed good character. :p:D

I know I might get bashed for saying this but hey look at it this way.Just remember we were given the looks we had when we were born and had no way to control it. People who think they are all special because they are hot as far as facial features go didnt do honeysuckle for them. How can someone be a loser for something they could not control and besides I bet there plenty of people out there who think you are good looking, you just have to find the right person.The only thing we can control is our bodies by working out and exercising to keep them in shape. Its not like you can acquire or achieve better looks as far as someone's face goes unless you get plastic surgery but that would be changing how you were intended to be. It might not help but just remember people who were born with the better looking faces didnt do honeysuckle for them so why should you feel like a loser?

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