How do you show your love for others?

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Laughter, support, consideration, dedication, loyalty, listening, affection, touch, laughter (again), understanding (attempt to), teasing... All these and more are of course just words that are easily written, but id like to think this is what I at least strive to do.

Oh and sometimes the exchange of cash before they leave :)
It's been a long time since someone loved me romantically. Let me try and scrape something up from the back of my mind...

Nope, I can't find anything. I know that I always felt loved when somebody loved me, but what it was that they did that made me realise it, I have no idea.

When I love someone, I give them my undivided attention. I try to listen to them at least as much as I talk. I can put aside my own feelings in order to make them happy. I try and tell them I love them at least once a day. I write them little notes and buy them little gifts that I leave laying around. I tend to maintain eye contact with them far longer than I ever would with anyone else. I try and show them in every way that I am happy just being in their company regardless of anything else that's going on in my life.

Whether I ever actually succeed is another matter. You'd have to ask someone on the other end...
Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud, love does not dishonor others, it is not self-
seeking, love is not easily angered & it
keeps no record of wrongs.
Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth, It always protects, always trusts, always
hopes, always endures. These are the principals of love that I live by, I encourage and hope to be met with in return.
I try and show love by cooking, but it's hard when someone doesn't appreciate food, and then only wants to eat all of four things all the time. Haven't cooked real food in forever.
Show my honesty, give my time, give my support and understanding, patience, show how I feel.
I do favors, buy them gifts that I think they would like. My brother is a huge wrestling fan, so I bought him a t-shirt once with the Undertaker on it. What makes me feel loved are the people I have in my life who truly care about my well being.
WildernessWildChild said:
Pounce on them and lick their face.

Hugs, stroking, touching, listening, smiling, trying to reply to what's being asked, cooking healthy meals and treats, keeping the house clean.

I never really felt loved till my M looked at me for the first time when I was born. I don't suppose she could see me that well, but she just knew she was supposed to be with me and that I would look after her and keep her safe. I love it when the girls hold their hands out for hugs, show me things, tell me things, ask me for help (well, A can't tell or ask anything yet, but I do feel like we're communicating), it makes me feel so lucky and special to be loved by two such wonderful little girls.

My fiancé makes me feel loved in similar ways, but it's different because he makes me feel protected, and important in a completely different way. Sometimes when I'm upset and I can't talk about it, he just sits near me. Not getting in the way or putting pressure on me, not usually looking at me. Sometimes he's not giving me any of his attention at all, but it's really comforting because I know he chose to be near me because he knows I need him.
Tuppence said:
I never really felt loved till my M looked at me for the first time when I was born. I don't suppose she could see me that well, but she just knew she was supposed to be with me and that I would look after her and keep her safe. I love it when the girls hold their hands out for hugs, show me things, tell me things, ask me for help (well, A can't tell or ask anything yet, but I do feel like we're communicating), it makes me feel so lucky and special to be loved by two such wonderful little girls.

Aww. That's really cute. :)

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