Yes, that's what us moderators DO.
Badjedidude said:I'll help you out a bit with one thing: Your biggest flaw here is that you're assuming that women who visit escorts are all logical, rational, mentally balanced individuals.... but a great many of your "clients" are most likely going to be women that don't function correctly in society for some reason, and so are desperate and overly emotional...capable of any action.
I still think you seem to have a very mechanical attitude about all of this, as if you're a piece of machinery "upgrading" itself before beginning its self-appointed tasking...all of this talk of using and dumping women supports that, despite your later retractions on the subject.
Just consider it. Consider that you may be wrong, that's all I'm asking.
SophiaGrace said:I think I remember you saying you weren't interested in a wife or creating a family with a dog & a white picket fence.
You want to know what I think? I think you are terrified of being hurt again. Of weeping over a woman that for whatever reason does not return your affection. Deep down this terrifies you, so reach out and take control in noncommitalance. In having sex with hookers, no strings attached sex.
Honestly you doing this is just running away from your fears instead of facing them head-on.
We humans need loving bonds. We need it. You need it. We all need it.
Don't run from your fears. Face them and they'll gradually resolve when you stop running.
Btw there is truely nothing wrong with being asian..
The-One said:Just that the vast majority of asians are indeed as inferior as they're perceived. By being superior, I will be a shining specimen.
SophiaGrace said:I can only conclude then that you did not come here for advice but rather to obtain admiration.
Oooo..you're so brave and sexy and I admire you so much for what you are doing.
There. There it is. There's what you came here for.
You can leave satified now.
The-One said:Just that the vast majority of asians are indeed as inferior as they're perceived.