How I am going to break out of it all...

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I was aware that you warned and banned. But not that you deleted posts without notice if you found them objectionable.

Now I know :D

I thought it was some kind of technological glitch before.

I learn new things about the forum every day :p
Badjedidude said:
I'll help you out a bit with one thing: Your biggest flaw here is that you're assuming that women who visit escorts are all logical, rational, mentally balanced individuals.... but a great many of your "clients" are most likely going to be women that don't function correctly in society for some reason, and so are desperate and overly emotional...capable of any action.

I still think you seem to have a very mechanical attitude about all of this, as if you're a piece of machinery "upgrading" itself before beginning its self-appointed tasking...all of this talk of using and dumping women supports that, despite your later retractions on the subject.

Just consider it. Consider that you may be wrong, that's all I'm asking.

Hmm, I suppose that's one of the weaknesses of being a logical and rational person yourself, one reasons, and one reason that surely others see reason.

Still, that's neglible in the grand scheme of things.

And what if it's mechanical now? It wasn't before when the ideas were first conceived. It was chaotic then, deciding where every path would eventually lead. I only sound mechnical because I've considered it a long time, came to a plan of actions, and am duly carrying out each step in said plan. In anycase, what I'm doing isn't exactly as pleasant as eating apple pie, it takes work and dedication and planning to see it through. So I just got to do it piece by piece.

I actually never retracted from planning to "using and dumping women". What I did do was to argue the case that what I plan to do would be procedurally and resultantly indistinguishable from what is already being done by those who are beautiful and have choices, as I have argued that only they solely preserve the right to do so. It was a subtle argument and maybe I should have been more explicit.

Only difference would be the mental aspect, I would be acting out of aforethought deliberation, the already beautiful would be acting out of unconscious instinct. But the consequence is the same. A girl gets dumped and probably cries. Though I seriously doubt generally any dumper dumps with a degree of cruel callousness anyhow, and I certainly wont' buck that trend by becoming a vest wearing wife beater.

I could be wrong, but then again, only I can decide whether it really do turn out to be wrong for me. Time will tell.
SophiaGrace said:
I think I remember you saying you weren't interested in a wife or creating a family with a dog & a white picket fence.

You want to know what I think? I think you are terrified of being hurt again. Of weeping over a woman that for whatever reason does not return your affection. Deep down this terrifies you, so reach out and take control in noncommitalance. In having sex with hookers, no strings attached sex.

Honestly you doing this is just running away from your fears instead of facing them head-on.

We humans need loving bonds. We need it. You need it. We all need it.

Don't run from your fears. Face them and they'll gradually resolve when you stop running.

Btw there is truely nothing wrong with being asian..

It's time I replied to this cracker of a post. I was terrified when I was younger. But as I got older, seen a bit more, thought a bit more, studied a bit more and lived a bit more. I realised an important concept.

The economic principle of "Substitutability". Let's ignore for a minute the technical definition where one good is substitutable by another if one's demand for said good is not infinitely demand inelastic.

This is common sense. You eat chicken and rice today, you eat jacket potatoes with cheese tomorrow. Your meals are substitutable for one another. You don't eat the same thing every day, you dont' wear the same clothes every day.

So you have one partner one day, have another the next. Both has nice breasts, ass and legs. One is substituable for another. Afterall, I am capable of finding them both attractive. It's not as if I've only ever found one girl so attractive in the world that every other is seemingly by comparison a cyclop.

One would not be terrified of rejection if one has CHOICES of substitutes. Just keeping shooting until you hit something. A would only be terrified of being rejected by B if EITHER 1) A has no chance with C if they fail with B. OR 2) And if A takes B to be not a substitutable good.

There is one avenue on which my view can be attacked, which I will now address. You might be tempted to say, "a substitute by another maybe, but it's not necessarily superior or preferable".

But think about this, even if another substitute is JUST equivalent of original good, because it's NEW, it gets one over the original; because new is exciting. Of course, if the substitute is inferior, one would not abandon the original in the first place.

I did not say this, someone else did, but it goes like this "No matter how pretty a girl is, somewhere, there's a guy that's bored of f*cking her". Case in point.

So you see, I'm not running away from my fears. I plan to conquer them. How? By putting myself into a position where I have choices and substitutes. This is part of what my enhancement procedures will offer me.

"Loving bonds"... what to say, what to say after I've JUST explicated all of the above? Well I've always wanted a cat, a simple creature. You feed it, put it infront of a warm fire and it curls up and purrs when you stroke it. I'll settle for a cat at that.

The asian thing... If I truly thought just by virtue of being asian is something I could never recover from, I would have jumped off the cliff near where my house is. The point of my enhancement procedures is that I do not believe all is lost by me being an asian. Just that the vast majority of asians are indeed as inferior as they're perceived. By being superior, I will be a shining specimen. Put it this way, there's at least one person of any ethnicity that is good looking and attractive to a given member of another ethnicity. It's possible, and I am working towards that. It's just in my case, due to my personal history, I am much more driven towards transforming and becoming recognised as that one superior specimen than those other asians who are content to simply be and set their sights lower.
The-One said:
Just that the vast majority of asians are indeed as inferior as they're perceived. By being superior, I will be a shining specimen.

That's an asinine remark and a completely unfounded generalization. I suggest you remove it before the wrath of the forum women falls upon you. (Or you're banned for it) And no, you won't be a shining specimen. You'll be an arrogant ******* for THINKING that you're better because you spent a few thousand bucks for some guy to cut your body apart and sew it up differently.

Are you a robot? Seriously. All that I see in your posts is a mechanical recitation of (what you believe to be) fact. No feeling, no emotion...just like a robot stating its specifications and design parameters. You don't even seem to realize that women are actually PEOPLE. The way you describe it, you'll just be an escort for a never-ending stream of "breasts, ass, and legs" with no discernable difference between them...and this gives you CHOICE? Even if you get to choose which women to be with as an escort, isn't that the same as choosing women in the context of a normal relationship? You're not even making sense, man. Everyone already HAS choices; there's no point in becoming an escort to give yourself a choice you already have.

You obviously consider yourself to be very logical and intelligent, so here's something that might surprise you: Your economic analogy is ****. Substituting one meal for another is vastly different from "substituting" one female for another. Relationship choices are vastly different than meal choices. Your entire comparison is off, man. Do you really believe that everyone just ***** one girl one day and moves on to another girl the next day, with no real difference between the two aside from physical appearance/constitution?

Get real. Seriously. Your entire premise assumes that women are a set of "breasts, ass, and legs," and are therefore interchangeable. Your little theory completely ignores a woman's character, her soul, her personality. So no, one woman is not substitutable for another, not even economically.

Do you really want a life for yourself that has you just sluffing through women like they're objects in some great economic/psychological theory that you believe will magically make you feel better? You're heading down the wrong road, dude. Good luck with that. I think you need professional psychological help.

I wouldved appreciated if you had copy-pasted my entire argument instead of editing it down.

I saw where you edited it and it has only convinced me that the point I made was one you wished to avoid.

You are over-intellectualizing your whole situation. A defensive mechanism. If you display any emotion is is determination to stay your own course. Because you've parried every argument we've placed at your feet to consider.

I can only conclude then that you did not come here for advice but rather to obtain admiration.'re so brave and sexy and I admire you so much for what you are doing.

There. There it is. There's what you came here for.

You can leave satified now.
SophiaGrace said:
I can only conclude then that you did not come here for advice but rather to obtain admiration.'re so brave and sexy and I admire you so much for what you are doing.

There. There it is. There's what you came here for.

You can leave satified now.

Admiration wasn't exactly what I thought of when I started this thread. True, I did post with what I thought to be a set of views and arguments that complemented one another; I just walk around a lot is all, thinking about various things.

I posted because I knew it would be controversial and novel and I simply would have liked to see the results. I'm not a troll in the sense that I spout obscenities or falsehoods or that I'm not actually lonely. What I have stated are true, my history, actions, intentions, thoughts. Would you expect me to go down to the next student society in my university and give a power point slide then took questions from the audience?

But more than anything else, the process of argumentation and debate helps me to think further. I've just squared the circle, now what do others think?

You see something new everyday, was it so bad you saw my views (lol)? In anycase, I'm sure some of what I've written is probably what another might be too afraid to say. Whether they be a member already or will stumble upon this site in due time.

Yes, I have "parried all the arguments put forward at my feet", how is that a bad thing? Both parties think a bit more and go to bed more enlightened.

Ahem... if you really think I'm sexy, PM a pic and your number, LOL.
The-One said:
Just that the vast majority of asians are indeed as inferior as they're perceived.

I am also offended by this... believe what you want about yourself.. but asians are not inferior, and this is not a forum that tolerates people saying things like that about an entire race of people.

Honestly if you say things like that in other post.. I will report your post to the moderators. Many people come here with low self-esteem concerning many things....race included. To have unintelligent people confirm it (through their opinions) is just not helpful.
Ok, enough "The One". I've heard all the bigoted justification for your ridiculous and callous plan I can stand.

Thread closed.
Sorry to open it back up again, but Steel closed it before I could I was typing my response actually, and after putting so much thought into it, I wanted to post it. For those that are just joining us, this is the OP:

This is sad. A couple of thoughts that occurred to me as I was reading this;

Everyone is uncomfortable with the skin they are in, despite what they may really look like. The most 'attractive' people are oftentimes the most self loathing, and promiscuity is often a symptom of self-destructive insecurity. The fact that your only real knowledge of relationships and sex comes from what you have observed from a college aged crowd explains a lot. These are not people who are acting from a place of stability, these are not adults, and the 'reality' represented by the on-campus environment is not in any way a reflection of the rest of society. Most of college age social interaction is motivated by fear and drugs. Beyond how the college environment is possibly influencing your impressions of society, what's really disturbing is how narrow-minded and shallow YOU are. This fraternizing you are describing, though highly visible via networking sites like Facebook etc, reflects only a very small portion of student population. They are plenty of people who do not fit within the social definition of 'attractive' and these are not unhappy people. Nor is all interaction fueled by the desire and intention of '*******.' College is an awesome time to personally expand your horizons, get involved in community and social action, make great friends based on their talents and intelligence, not whether you class men would bone them. You're inability to see or comprehend relationships between men and women as anything but 'sex' speaks to how IMMATURE and SUPERFICIAL you are. No offense, but if that's how you really see the world, no wonder you haven't made many friends. I am sorry that you are full of so much self-loathing, I know that feeling comfortable among your peers when you are so self-conscience of your ethnicity must be difficult, but honestly dude, get over it. You are lucky, look at how much you have to be grateful for. You are healthy and you have the intelligence and opportunity to get a college education. That in and of itself puts you FAR above 98% of the rest of the world. Stop feeling sorry for yourself, get a grip on reality and go put your gifts to use. Who knows, you may even make some friends in the meantime.
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