Just Games said:
Look it's well past my cocoa time but the terms stalker and abusive I'm just not getting.Seems funny to me how so many of us have got so wound up about a guy who's sent a couple of messages and written some poems that he hasn't even sent.He doesn't even know if she's in a relationship or not so it's a bit harsh to say he's a stalker.To say someone who hasn't answered a couple of messages is abusive...well a bit far fetched.I'm sure like me a bit later he'll laugh to himself and think was she really worth the effort.....hopefully like his other thread where alot of over girls like his poems he'll meet someone else,because that's the best way to forget about someone.
Agreed. +1
I really disagree with how shaming tactics seem to be the go-to response on this site when it comes to these issues. You'd think we'd be more understanding of each other since we've shared similar experiences and feelings. That doesn't mean only telling people what they want to hear, or being yes-men and yes-women - it just means giving people space to feel what they feel, and letting them work it out in their own way.
I shouldn't get worked up though. I'm busy, and I don't have any skin in this game. I just tried to offer OP a different perspective that I hoped would be more relatable, and a suggestion to take time off and rethink this whole thing, because that's what worked for me to get out of a very similar situation and I didn't see anyone else telling him that. I remember how the shaming tactics were used on me too and it didn't work at all, all it did was upset me more cause I felt like people were rooting for my problem, for me to stay stuck in my social place, for my loneliness and against me. It made entrench my position, and made me want to "win", instead of thinking about what I was even trying to win anyway, and why or if I even really wanted it, if it was worth all the unhappiness, and if it ever really made me happy at all.
I just noticed how the more people piled shaming words on him like "stalker", the more OP said he would "never surrender" and things like that. I could see things going the same way for OP as they did for me, where it became about taking sides and "winning", when it doesn't seem like he's stopped to really think about what he's struggling for and if it's even something he truly wants. The only thing that worked for me was when someone told me the same thing I told OP - take time to separate yourself from the situation and look at it more objectively. And even that was slow going, but it worked in the end whereas the shaming tactics didn't, so I thought I'd pass it along.
Like you, Just Games, I've had it happen twice now where I looked back and shook my head and wondered why I struggled so hard for some girls, what I even saw in them anyway. Sometimes crushes are real, but sometimes it's something we go along with, just because we have for so long. But if we stopped and thought about it, maybe the crush wouldn't make sense anymore, and fade away