How not to get angry when you are being ingored

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Oh when I get home on my computer, I will find a lot of things you said.
"n my other thread. I stated i have a problem with people feeling the need to be critical upon a reply to a message on a dating site and simply said I would prefer no reply as opposed to:
1. Sorry not my type.
2. No thanks ( really do hate that one)
3. Not interested 
4. Don't think we are a good match thanks for writing ( the least abrasive and insulting of all)"
Yes , amy. I know what you were reffering. Yes. Exaclty.
And " hello" is not on that list. But I get your point. 😀😀😀😀
Hello isn't a rejection. But obviously them not replying is. So once again , not odd.
AmytheTemperamental said:
Hello isn't a rejection.  But obviously them not replying is. So once again , not odd.

Yes. Yes. A vicious cycle. Still has an affect. And is demoralizing. Becomes self destructive and self- defeating. 

So either way you can't win.

When it rains it pours as the saying goes
Rodent, if you see know what gif I need. The one with the Stars and the head.
I have this very unhealthy thinking where if people suddenly have stopped replying. Or no one starts. That it is the start of some cycle that will go on and on of no response and ignoring.

Not normal I know
Anyone on?

Question: if one feels they may sabotage every interaction on a dating site, or someone you know friend girl. By maybe texting too much coming across too needy, insecure whatever the case maybe. Is there anyway that he can redeem himself? Out of that isolation chamber he was put in? Waiting to text the person again a few days is the obvious answer usually. But what does amy say? Or callie? And the others who care to chime in?
Ok. So massaging. Emailing on a website?
I meant replying to anything via text. Not specific to a phone. A very general question regarding the reasons why women turn to stone after a few messages from me

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