I hate men

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sunny said:
it has nothing to do with gender, each person is an individual and you had met a real csum if that how he made you feel.
*hugs shells* i hope you overcome it and let yourself to trust other people who will come into your life

Yeah i agree with you there sunny, everyone is individual and this perticular individual that you fell for shells unfortunatly doesnt seem like the most honest of people... I cant really tell what the situation is from what you have written because there is not really enough information but it sure seems like he let you down badly.

Try and get over this person and move on shells even though ofcourse it can be very hard. Just know that It will be worth it in the end. :)
Im sorry ur going through this Shell.
Its ok for u to feel what u feel.
Its ok for u think what u think.

Kelsie is going through the very samethiing. Shes very heart broken.
Much trust had been damaged.
She said " behind every pretty girl theres a boy that broke her heart"

I wish i can take all her pains and troubles away..but I cant.
All I can do is listen to her and be there for her...

I wish I could that all ur troubles away too..
Kels also said. If a man ever ***** with her again..she'll be his worst Karma.lol

Be well
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There's an off button for mine and I pressed it awhile back and it's been the best thing I ever did.
i know what it is to still have feelings for the person even after they have done horrible things.

This website helped me when I was going through that time in my life though.
I spoke to people here like AngryLoner, SadRabbit, Anarcist, JustLost, Lonewolf...
talking to these people helped me more than you can imagine.

It took my mine a bit off the guy and helped me to be stronger and to NOT get back with him.. for the fiftieth time.

shells said:
SocratesX said:
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There's an off button for mine and I pressed it awhile back and it's been the best thing I ever did.

Mine's MIA.

I find it so frustrating to read a thread like this, when I know that I am one of those few genuinely "nice guys" but no ones interested. No one ever gives me a second look. Then women complain that all men are bastards because they all go after the "bad boys" and the men who will obviously treat them like crap. I honestly dont understand and I've given up trying to.
Shells and Jales and everyone else going through this, my heart goes right out to you. I am in a similar boat myself. When I came here last summer, I was struggling to find a way to salvage my marriage and since then the battle has been lost...BUT...thanks to this site and some of the wonderful friends I've made through it, I can honestly say that there are good folks out there, men and women. I've made friends here that will last a lifetime.

Through their words and support I managed to survive the roughest patch in my whole life. This is the first site, like this, I ever visited or posted at. I was dubious about making friends online. I doubted that any real bonds could form, but I was wrong.

There are some very hard and cruel people wandering around the world. Sometimes we find out we lived a long time with one of them, But there are also some that are pure gold.

Try to keep your hearts open to this. With luck we can all find some form of happiness, down the road... In the meantime it's nice to support others and be supported in return.
@shells nothing is wrong with you. Something is wrong with him. Cheating is just wrong, lying about it is double double wrong.
Some people are excellent liars and there is nothing that you could have done differently to have escaped them..

If you are anything like me you will be stuck in a dark place for a long time, even though you are talking to people.
Keep talking to people though, and get to know people. Get to know as many people as you can so that you will see that we are not all liars.

One of my ex boyfriends left me, and I begged him to come back and he just ignored me..even after he cheated I was begging him..and he said to me


I don't know if it is true or not what he said, but I took his advice ..well now things are different and I dont think like that again.. but it was useful advice at the time. Sometimes you just have to look at a guy and think of all you gave him, then think of all he gave you.. and if he has not dont enough... then you have to be strong enough to let him go.

Anyway, there are sooooooooooooooo many good guys that I have met that I am SURE SURE SURE SURE that you will find one.

@Nina, I know what you mean.
Sometimes it is okay to forgive someone who has cheated... if you really love him and he really loves you... it is okay to forgive

even though it may be hard.
jales said:
Sometimes it is okay to forgive someone who has cheated... if you really love him and he really loves you... it is okay to forgive

even though it may be hard.

Forgive them, yes, but don't give them the chance to do it again. You'll only have one person to blame if it happens again, and it's not the cheater.

I think if he truly loved her, he wouldn't of let it happen. If anyone says you can love someone and cheat on them, then carry on with your distorted idea of love.
^^^Too true, man.

I understand that people make mistakes... but cheating isn't a mistake, in my mind. It requires active participation from ALL parties involved. I dunno. Everyone's situation is different, but if someone cheated on me, I'd have to let them go, no matter what I felt for them. I'd tear myself in half doing it, but better that than the alternative.
im sorry shells, this must bring up a lot of insecurity, making you wonder what wasnt adequate within yourself that he cheated. In all likelyhood it had nothing to do with you though because youre a wonderful person (and dont you ever forget that).

He has things he needs to sort through and as long as he seems to feel remorse id say give him another chance.

Im sorry it hurts though shells, but i believe in your inner strength. That you WILL make it through this given time.
I didn't read through every post here but I just want to say I'm sorry to hear this.

Most men are indeed a bunch of a-holes (people are in general actually) that play with other people's feelings. I don't want to make any statements about myself but I honestly hope that I'm not like most men are but as someone else said before me , I think women just don't like good guys.

I wish you only the best and keep your hopes up!
Shells i understand your hurt, pain, anger, feeling so lonely because in the last 3 years in your heart and mind their has been a partner to fall back onto. But take a big step back and think before jumping back into the same relationship, if he has had an affair the chances are sometime in the future it willllllllllll happen again!, and then there is the mistrust from yourself that will never be forgotten which means barriers, and the days you feel mistrust you will turn your back on him at nights, and in turn he will feel rejected, and bang it starts all over again, not worth the mental torture.

Please do not put all the blame on men, of all 6.7 billion people on this planet 51% are women, from what i have seen, experienced, read and heard from men/women. There are alot of selfish people, maybe because of age, circumstances,money, feeling left out, or unloved, over worked i do not know but so many men/women fall/sleep with another person. I never have but god i have wanted to many times, but my heart will not allow it.( i understand right and wrong, and i have always wanted to follow the path of right, even thou its never got me anywhere in relationships so far, but i belive the right woman is out there), the relationship well how i can call it that i am kidding myself just coming out of, she put me down day in day out, said the most nastiest insults, if we went anywhere for a day or two she would say i owed her for her time (not money),when i did anything around the house never good enough, every time i mentioned lets go out she'd scream and shout about that i do go out , to work that is, whilse she went out with her mates,family or gym. Every time i have tried to walk out she would she her soft side and idiot me would lower my guard. reading this darn what a fool. 3 and 1/2 years, the thing is i came to london to sort myself out , help myself to communicate and fight this Soical Anxiety, i am not even a step forward and 39. Sorry to use your blog to let out my pity but please be stronger than me and use your head.
@ SullenGirl. Don't be so conclusive. Maybe it's just the ones you have been in contact with that suck. So, I think it would not be right to generalise; at least, I know I do not suck.
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Shells, you arent pathetic. You're a wonderful person (I truely believe this and I'm not just saying it to be nice.).

Although, I do understand that you feel as though your value has been reduced due to what has occured in your relationship. But, this feeling you have, it's not true. You're worth just as much as you always were. Dont let another person's action define your self-worth.


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