I have no idea what i want to do with my life!!

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Jan 12, 2012
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Hey :) so I'm 18, i'll be 19 in a few months and basically I have no idea what I'm doing with my life or what I'm going to do. I dropped out of college when I was 17 with bad grades, I mean I'm a smart kid but I just HATED school so I couldn't put effort into to it. After I left I did a random course at college which wasnt for me, I quit after a few months. I went to another college a while later and quit that too and now I'm basically lost. I have NO idea what I want and I've tried listing my interests and stuff but theres nothing I want to do for a career... I know for sure that I'll never be one of those people that have a boring job in some office that they hate. I'm a free spirit, very creative, a bit of a hippy haha. I tried doing art but I felt like it just wasn't for me, I wasn't passionate about it. I feel like without a goal to aim for, I'm not going to get anywhere. I can't put all of my effort into something unless I really want it. I guess the only thing I really care about is helping people but idk... I know I'm still young but I need to do something, doing nothing with my life is driving me crazy!!! Any advice??

Wow, you are in the exact same situation as me, to the finest detail, apart from that I'm an 18 year old guy and not a girl. I'm looking for the same answers. I know that if I had money that I'd travel the world, but every job I try is depressing so I have no way to earn good money. I also tried the art thing like you but to no avail either, and the idea of continuing my education is just out of the question.

Feel free to PM me anytime Evelyn :)
Sometimes in life we have to work at jobs that we're just not into or don't like. I did it for years it paid all of my bills, vacations, other fun activities and put money in the bank. My motto was I come here to do this job in order to get a check so that I can fund my real life.

Just try and think honestly to yourself about what it is in life that you really want. From there, start taking the steps required to attain what you really want. Get busy living, or get bust dying.

God Bless.
In all honesty you’re still young and you SHOULD be exploring different possibilities and making mistakes since it all leads to valuable character building experience. Fret not about knowing what to do, just get out there and do it, learn as you go along.

I don’t understand why society demands us to know our path at such a young age, I’ll be 33 in a couple of weeks and I still have no concrete idea of what I want to do other than the bare basics.
LoneKiller said:

Just try and think honestly to yourself about what it is in life that you really want. From there, start taking the steps required to attain what you really want. Get busy living, or get bust dying.

God Bless.

Great quote dude, the shawshank redemption is my favourite film haha
An important thing to remember is a job shouldn't be the most important thing in your life or something that defines you in and of itself.You just need a job for money so you can pay for food,clothes,a place to live etc.Really its not likely you'll have and constantly keep a sort of "passion" for any line of work you might do since at the end of the day it is work.Not to say you shouldn't try to make money from something you enjoy or at the very least find tolerable.

It might help if you try getting a more average job and holding that for a few months before you jump into anymore college courses.(by average i mean like retail,food service,that sort of thing.)But if you like helping people you might want to consider something such as nursing since you are actively helping people and i believe the course(s) for that is only like a year or so.Just keep in mind something like that might have long/weird hours and probably wouldn't always be the most enjoyable work.

The main thing you'll probably want is reasonable hours and decent enough pay so you don't have to worry about bills and such.Although I'm 18 as well so I'm not exactly an expert on this sort of thing.Just keep in mind that even if you have some sort of career goal(s) once you get that career its still just going to equate to working x number of hours a week for y amount of money and then trying to enjoy whatever free time you happen to have left over.

Lost Drifter said:
In all honesty you’re still young and you SHOULD be exploring different possibilities and making mistakes since it all leads to valuable character building experience. Fret not about knowing what to do, just get out there and do it, learn as you go along.

I don’t understand why society demands us to know our path at such a young age, I’ll be 33 in a couple of weeks and I still have no concrete idea of what I want to do other than the bare basics.

Heh, yup. 25 now and still haven't got a clue. I first thought just keeping busy and working would solve my problems, but that proved to be false. The problems would still wait me when I got a moment to think for myself. And the quality of work just made for some new problems, which in turn ganged up with the old ones, and things got ugly. Still...After high school, I spent years in different little jobs, a few education courses, until I finally came to try my hand at web design and making graphics.

So far, it's the most sensible thing and something I feel like I would enjoy doing...problem of course, is getting enough employment in this field, especially with the market being packed with big time firms as is. Thankfully, I've seen that even big firms can output crappy products, so there might be hope for me yet. :p Still haven't gotten busy living, and feel disinclined to get busy dying...Heh. I just hope it doesn't end up with me tired of living and scared of dying, with nowhere to go. :)

Best of luck to you on your search- hope you find what you're looking for. It might take a lot of trying and a lot of years. But in the end, spending that time searching is time invested in seeking to make your life more worthwhile, no? You have only one lifetime, so it's only reasonable to try and make the most of it.
I'm 38 and i haven't figured out what I want to do with my life either, other than get a date but since that's not possible...

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