somber_radiance said:
^No offense but I didn't understand
Anyway...OP, I can relate. I am one of the few among my girl friends that's still single (since forever too). I hate how they complain about how their boyfriend did this or that. My response? Just dump him then if you're so unhappy! When I'm in a good mood I tell them to be happy...or dump them. Gawd. Just shut up!
What's worse is when these said friends break up...and they make SUCH a big deal about being single...But they only end up being single for a couple weeks before they find the next boyfriend...who usually lasts around 2 years. I don't understand why they can't just "enjoy" single life like me....for several YEARS in a row. I've been single so long, I don't think I know how to be in a relationship. If I ever happen to meet someone compatible, I'll probably scare him away.
Then they always say there's less drama when you're single. Not true. I get a lot of crap from dudes that are confused about what they want from me (platonic vs. romantic).
The longest Ive been single is 5-6 months tops.
I like to say 1 year. If I check the actual time line, it's only around
6 months. I took the suggestion of getting to know myself and
all that good stuff....I found out I dont do very good alone.
I'll simply think too much. Then get all mental and depressed.
Plus my sexual drive is relitive still strong. Surpressing this
will also lead to depression. Sexaul fustrations.
So I'll get into relationships...hoping for the best. I know it's not
always gonna smooth sailing. Sometimes I just need to vent
or talk to someone about situations while being in a relationship.
Emotions are high and I might not see so clearly when my gf and I
are fighting.....Maybe just to vent or someone to listen to me.
I know I must work through the problems oneway or the other.
I guess that's what marriage counseling or journaling is for....
Or Im better off talking to my other friends the are in relationship
about such matters...Their more understanding becuase they'll
go through the same bullshit every so often too. But they're
bussied in their relationship ans arnt always avaliable.
fresia all my lonly single freinds that just wanna see me happy, feeling good, Or they'll complain that I've move on with my life and left thier asses behind. The other ones that are more active...will want me to go chase women with them.
So when Im in a major fight while in a relationship..
My single friends are wacked out and depressed.
My friends that are in relationships are too bussied.
I dont want to go hang out with my other friends becuase it'll sabatage my relationship.
See how a person can feel lonely or alone while in a relationship from time to time?
Bascailly the same stupid honeysuckle was happening to me even trying to use my support group.
I'll call people because I really need help or need to talk to someone....
30 sec into the phone call...Im listening to thier god ****
fresia it...i cant count on no one other than me...anyways.
I'll just talk to myself before I check into the loonie asylum.
This way I'll really see honeysuckle and talk to GOD.lmao