I treated GF like horrible jerk and feel guilty

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I wouldn't recommend 50 shades of grey though, Peter. It's a bad written book and seeing your age, maturity, etc I don't know if it suits you. But ofcourse you could always try it.
Ymir said:
Now I'm curious. Did she reply?

^ I'm curious too.

What is a "picky fuzz"?

I agree with everyone who's saying to leave it alone. I would not want to hear from you again, no matter how sorry you made yourself sound, and I wouldn't trust you. It's more likely to cause her further pain than to have any positive effect.
I didn't read pages 7-8, but judging from your initial post this seems very clear. You're a self centered spoiled ******, and you found a girl who likes asshats (Not really difficult they're everywhere). You obviously only feel bad because she left you for another ******. You don't show any sign of really wanting to be a decent civilized human, so just go out and repeat the process. There's a world full of women with no self value looking to be treated like crap by someone just like you, go find another one.

If you really felt bad about being a complete douche you wouldn't be so arrogant and defensive.
Solivagant said:
I agree with everyone who's saying to leave it alone. I would not want to hear from you again, no matter how sorry you made yourself sound, and I wouldn't trust you. It's more likely to cause her further pain than to have any positive effect.

As do I. Coming from a girl who had to take extreme measures to get a guy to leave her alone, I hope he never acknowledges my existence ever again. I don't care if he feels bad now, he didn't have any remorse or cared when we was pulling what he did on me then when it actually mattered.
Hmmm... You do sound like you were a real ******* and I don't think just because you're ready to apologise, doesn't always mean the person is ready to hear it. It also sounds like you want apologise to relieve your conscious, which is not the right intentions of an apology. There is no excuse for you previous actions, so unless she comes to you wanting answers for why you were such a ****, you shouldn't be going to her.
My dad was very abusive and I completely cut him out, if he rang me now to apologise it would piss me off sooo much. I would think how dare you think it's your responsibility to put bed an issue you started in the first place, when the person doesn't even want to know you. It's just another way of controlling the situation in my opinion.
Just leave her alone.
I have new advice now....

ardour said:
Clearly you don't need one. Seems like an bottomless well of hatred. Okay...if you were put through hell and feared for your life with these guys then of course it's understandable you would not want to hear it or read it.. but what the OP did falls under the jerk category more than anything (maybe the threatening part is more serious) People can change; they certainly can from being a garden variety jerk.

Words can do just as much damage as physical abuse. It doesn't matter to her if he's changed because she has the memory of a hateful man and unless the person that was being abused has decided to forgive, it's just not his place to try and forgive himself by forcing an apology on her. It can take very long time to forget hateful words and to realise they are not true. Anyone that is willing to go out of their way to hurt and sort of break a person is a bit more than a jerk in my eyes.
Solivagant said:
Ymir said:
Now I'm curious. Did she reply?

^ I'm curious too.

What is a "picky fuzz"?

I wonder too.. and yes, I wonder what is picky fuzz also?

Littlesecret said:
Hmmm... You do sound like you were a real ******* and I don't think just because you're ready to apologise, doesn't always mean the person is ready to hear it. It also sounds like you want apologise to relieve your conscious, which is not the right intentions of an apology. There is no excuse for you previous actions, so unless she comes to you wanting answers for why you were such a ****, you shouldn't be going to her.
My dad was very abusive and I completely cut him out, if he rang me now to apologise it would piss me off sooo much. I would think how dare you think it's your responsibility to put bed an issue you started in the first place, when the person doesn't even want to know you. It's just another way of controlling the situation in my opinion.
Just leave her alone.

LS *hugs*
I was thrilled to be referred to as a "kid, that totally made my day- being a kid beats being a self-centered narcissist any day :D
WildernessWildChild said:
I was thrilled to be referred to as a "kid, that totally made my day- being a kid beats being a self-centered narcissist any day :D

Rainbows said:
Now I'm curious. Did she reply?

as a matter of fact no. Maybe she changed her email but when we spoke last time 2 years ago I asked her never to say me anything more. I was very childish than. Even that time she was more mature in terms or relationships that I am today. Therefore I am sure she suffers of no such petty hassles as feeling hurt. In fact, she felt sorry for me that time, she knew what was the reason of my pitiable behavior - my complexes, not her attitude.

The reason why I sent her greetings was to show her that I have the life she always wanted so she can be happy about me. Just as I am happy about her - she also have life I desire for myself - loving family, meaningful relationship and good friends.

My original question was never meant what to do with her, she is perfect, the question was what to do with ME and my conscience. But forget it, this is inquiry I need to ask mature individual and I already did - professional coach.


for the rest of you spammers here, I will finally put in a way even You will understand it: value your time more and spent it to either productive issues or things that make you pleasure. If arguing over lifespan of cabbage or getting upset about anonymous arrogant OP over internet is really something that pleases you than you have personal problem and need to get a life. That is all!
Peter.EU said:
But forget it, this is inquiry I need to ask mature individual and I already did


for the rest of you spammers here, I will finally put in a way even You will understand it: value your time more and spent it to either productive issues or things that make you pleasure. If arguing over lifespan of cabbage or getting upset about anonymous arrogant OP over internet is really something that pleases you than you have personal problem and need to get a life. That is all!

But I still don't know what a "picky fuzz" is...

Rainbows said:
Now I'm curious. Did she reply?

^ P.S. That was Ymir's post. =/
So she didn't reply, haha. Can't say I'm surprised. You sent her an unsolicited message after you told her to not speak to you. Maybe she changed her e-mail, maybe not, but I would take it as a sign that she doesn't want to get in touch with you ever again, so much that she either changed e-mail adress or flat out ignored you.

Is it an apology if the other person doesn't listen? Hahaha.
Stop stalking her. Also you say you've got the life you wanted, which is clearly not the case since you keep stalking. You tell us to get a life while you still concern yourself over someone who doesn't think about you anymore, is married, or whatever, etc. That's oh so ironic. What you could do is get more productive and learn some programming languages, or scripting languages. Codeacademy is a good place to start when it comes to scripting languages. For programming languages, I suggest using google, buying books or use w3schools to start. You could go to university and spend your life more productive but Open University isn't suggested. For literature you could try "Internal Affairs: Emotional Stability in an Unstable World" written by Harrison House.

P.S: If I offended you, I apologize. However, I always like to give good advice. You also might consider not calling people unproductive when you don't even know them in the first place, it's not like they have got problems of their own and are on this forum for reasons as well.

Have a nice day.
Littlesecret said:
Words can do just as much damage as physical abuse. It doesn't matter to her if he's changed because she has the memory of a hateful man and unless the person that was being abused has decided to forgive, it's just not his place to try and forgive himself by forcing an apology on her. It can take very long time to forget hateful words and to realise they are not true. Anyone that is willing to go out of their way to hurt and sort of break a person is a bit more than a jerk in my eyes.

How would he know unless he offers it?

I don't know about you guys, what is that saying about a woman scorned... okay in some cases it's far more serious than "scorn", as in serious abuse, in which case you're justifiably repulsed by that person, but short of that the lack of forgiveness here for what seems like plain old jerk douchey behaviour is just saddening to be honest.
ardour said:
Littlesecret said:
Words can do just as much damage as physical abuse. It doesn't matter to her if he's changed because she has the memory of a hateful man and unless the person that was being abused has decided to forgive, it's just not his place to try and forgive himself by forcing an apology on her. It can take very long time to forget hateful words and to realise they are not true. Anyone that is willing to go out of their way to hurt and sort of break a person is a bit more than a jerk in my eyes.

How would he know unless he offers it?

I don't know about you guys, what is that saying about a woman scorned... okay in some cases it's far more serious than "scorn", as in serious abuse, in which case you're justifiably repulsed by that person, but short of that the lack of forgiveness here for what seems like plain old jerk douchey behaviour is just saddening to be honest.

" I called her names, ignored her, an when she finally broke up with me I even threatened her. I disrespected her privacy, acted perverted or sent her female friends messages with sexual content."

plain jerk douchey behaviour my ass

Also he stated he got in touch with her and she didn't reply. I'll repeat myself and say that this is evidence she doesn't want to talk to him again. What is saddening is that one more time he thinks he has the right to disrespect her wishes.
I read The Hungry Catterpillar and The Tiger Who Came to Tea so **** off.
painter said:
I read The Hungry Catterpillar and The Tiger Who Came to Tea so **** off.

I snorted.

"I read fifty shades of grey, so in your face!"

btw lol @ardour
lol @ peter.eu

yeah no
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