Active member
Seems to me you are too deep and emotional to be cold and calculating... which is what you must be to be able to thrive in the gold digging profession.
Luna said:Dating for Love vs. Dating for Money
You treat your partner good, they'll still cheat on you and eat up every penny of yours.
You treat your money good, it'll stay with you.
Now, now, now...I know what you all are thinking.
I was once an innocent, bright-eyed and bushy-tailed young girl (or perhaps a squirrel in a previous life...) that believed in such a thing called "love".
This week will be the beginning of my "cleansing".
I am going to work hard to strip my mind of the ridiculous notion of love that I have thanks to my family's upbringing.
Life is nothing like what you see in the fairytale Disney ******** or the Romance novels scattered about the bookstore.
(Can you believe they take up about 10+ small shelves at the Chapters near my place???)
My family has taught me that if I treat people well, they will treat me well in return.
Life has taught me that if I treat people well, they will take advantage.
There is none of this "You just haven't met the right people" for me.
I turn good boys bad.
Why not I take advantage?
It's easier said than done to suggest "Don't have expectations".
I work hard at my job - I expect to move up.
If I practice over and over with something - I expect to get better.
Why would I put forth effort and time if I knew for CERTAIN, that it would result in failure?
I never understood why people dated for money before.
I do now.
Why date for love when it'll leave you open for stress and heartbreak.
Suppose you are 1 of the few billion people out there to find true love...okay.
Good for you, but where does it leave everyone else?
Now some of you have responded to my earlier posts with comments such as:
"You're wanting to rush into a relationship too soon/ You need to find happiness within yourself etc." and so forth.
While I greatly appreciate your response...if I keep at the rate I'm going right now, I am going to die a virgin with OVER 9000!!! cats as companions.
If there's anything I could use right now, it's money.
I need money.
Yes, I know money can't buy happiness, but it can buy material happiness.
Better to be unhappy and rich, than to be unhappy and poor.
If I did not want money, I would sell everything that I have and live on the streets.
However, I like to live comfortably.
If I could have a nice home near the seaside and live in luxury, why not?
Might as well be wined and dined vs struggling together with a "partner" who will only take me for granted.
Dating is a business transaction.
No wonder none of the men I "dated" did not stay.
They paid, but I didn't put out.
I didn't put out, because my feelings interfered (Didn't feel that he cared for me/ hot and cold on me etc).
Many men I know among their buddies - they complain.
"Why doesn't she put out already?"
"I bought her A/ B/ C...etc."
Well what-the-****.
Why couldn't I have seen it?
He pays = I put out
That's all there is to it.
(Yes, yes...all you gentleman here...I know you're not like those guys...somehow, all the good ones are on the ALL boards.
I'm not being sarcastic - I'm giving you the benefit of the doubt for now...)
Of course, I need to kick up my appearance up several notches to land the rich men that would pay for me.
Why not?
I have placed too much value on sex for too long.
Combine it with sexual frustration and continuous dating failures, I'm crazy.
But I figure...might as well!
I'll have a higher chance on this paying me back than anything else.
I go where the opportunities are.
If there aren't any, then I create them.
Papabear said:You are 20, still a child... why don't you wait to grow up a bit first...
You aren't even to the point where you SHOULD be looking for something serious. Go have fun, quit trying to get married and have kids with a bunch of guys that aren't ready for the same thing. Save that **** for the late 20's
Papabear said:You are 20, still a child... why don't you wait to grow up a bit first...
You aren't even to the point where you SHOULD be looking for something serious. Go have fun, quit trying to get married and have kids with a bunch of guys that aren't ready for the same thing. Save that **** for the late 20's
VanillaCreme said:Papabear said:You are 20, still a child... why don't you wait to grow up a bit first...
You aren't even to the point where you SHOULD be looking for something serious. Go have fun, quit trying to get married and have kids with a bunch of guys that aren't ready for the same thing. Save that **** for the late 20's
How do you know what point anyone should look for something serious? I'm 21, not a child if a year matters to you, and I want something serious. Although, I do think that people should relax and live a bit before getting into something serious, I know myself well enough and I know what I want. Though, marriage isn't my thing, I wouldn't mind having someone in a committed relationship.
SocratesX said:Are you incel VanillaCreme?
SocratesX said:Are you incel VanillaCreme?
septicemia said:PLEASE shed yourself before you go on a date! Use one of those sticky roller things if you have to, it will work out WAY better for you
Badjedidude said:^^^Hahaha grammatical shock.
Let's hurry and CPR you some healthness before is dying!