If I could push a button to end this world. I would sit on it right now.

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Mar 21, 2020
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In my mind
OMG! I'm so tired of my damn neighbors and people in general. They just don't give a **** about anybody else, about causing problems, or about causing discomfort to others. I got into again with a different neighbor and his constantly barking dog and his playing of music. He says he likes that his dog barks at anything and everything. It keeps people from breaking into his place. Yet, if I toss a stick or a rock towards the dog it stops barking and it wants to play. The dog is barking because it's bored, wants to be played with, and taken for a walk (exercised). But, instead they keep him couped up in a tiny back yard.

We are at an impass. The police will do nothing. So, I started playing music SUPER loud and barking over a SUPER DUPER loud microphone. All the neighbors heard that I'm sure. That got his attention, he started yelling for me, and he said he wanted to work things out. Yet, he likes that his dog barks all the time and isn't going to change anything. I said can't you see your dog wants to be played with and exercised. He probably wouldn't bark so much if he was worn out. But, hope. Any ahole can get a dog and let it constantly bark.

I can no longer take the excessive noise and barking. I do not know what to do. At some point I will probably snap and it will not be good. I simply don't know why people are the way they are and the police will not enforce the laws, well except for moving violations like speeding or drug abusers that are usually victims of society.

I just moved out of a bad situation as I was about ready to snap and set myself up here. But, this situation is not much better. So, if I sell this place where in the hell can I go where it's quite? The retirement communities allow dogs and don't enforce barking rules. My dad ran into that and the barking dogs tormented him.

I really would love to hear nothing. That would solve my biggest, most frustrating problem. But, I can't figure out a way to do that while keeping my balance and not get more ringing in my ears.

Does anybody know of any procedure to go completely deaf without creating other issues? I'm serious. I'm getting close to my witts end. This isn't a joke. The noise is completely torturing me. I just want to make it stop. Thanks for atleast reading this. Any suggestions will be appreciated.
Earplugs? You probably don't want to go completely deaf - like what happens if you're actually able to move out to somewhere quiet with no neighbours (pure bliss. . . ) and you want to hear something nice that you might enjoy listening to, like birdsong. Kinda hard to do that if you're stone-cold deaf.

I'd suggest earplugs. And I was going to suggest arranging for the dog to have a little 'accident' but I would never really mean that - I love animals and besides, it's not the dog's fault that he's owned by a dickless wonder.

How about suggesting to the neighbour that you take the dog for a walk and play with it regularly? Obviously the clueless neighbour hasn't figured out that you can't just keep a dog penned up in a tiny little space and expect it to be happy.
Earplugs? You probably don't want to go completely deaf - like what happens if you're actually able to move out to somewhere quiet with no neighbours (pure bliss. . . ) and you want to hear something nice that you might enjoy listening to, like birdsong. Kinda hard to do that if you're stone-cold deaf.

I'd suggest earplugs. And I was going to suggest arranging for the dog to have a little 'accident' but I would never really mean that - I love animals and besides, it's not the dog's fault that he's owned by a dickless wonder.

How about suggesting to the neighbour that you take the dog for a walk and play with it regularly? Obviously the clueless neighbour hasn't figured out that you can't just keep a dog penned up in a tiny little space and expect it to be happy.
Thank you for the suggestions. I have tried every quality ear plug / ear phones / noise cancelation headphones and used them in conjunction with each other. I have tried white noise, like fans, rain, etc, etc, etc. But the dog parking, signing, loud stereos, blowers, loud exhausts, everything just cuts right through even the loud ringing and popping I always have in my ears. Also it doesn't take long before they start to cause pain even the comfortable ones. If you want them to work they need to be tight.

I don't talk to anybody and I don't want to talk to anybody. This one neighbor is the first one that I didn't end up in an argument with or a fist fight. Sure, I've gotten my revenge several times on several people. But, there's always a couple aholes in every neighborhood.
Noise cancelling headphones are also quite helpful, but earplugs are cheaper.
Thank you for replying. I'm so far beyond that. I've tried all the highest rated ones including the 3M ones and the high dollar noise cancelation headphones. I need something more. Unfortunately I have good hearing except for all the buzzing and popping that I normally have in my ears. I just want it all to stop.
But the dog parking
Dogs are allowed to park there? Damn, that must be quite the sight.

Okay, okay, seriously though. Check your ordinances. If the dog barks constantly, you can call the cops. Same with the loud stereos.

And maybe move into the country or into an older community where they won't do that.
Also, won't help at all if you're outside, but have you checked into sound proofing your bedroom?
I have called the cops. I have flagged cops down. I told the cops that I was at my witts end and then I was going to take the son of a bitch down. I then focused directly at his eyes and said I'm not joking. I no longer care if I die but I'm not going alone. I called the main headquarters downtown and begged for someone to talk to me about this. I said if they didn't help I would drive my car through their front entrance. And guess what nothing. I'm shocked they didn't drag me off and at least have me evaluated. There is a lot of **** that goes on here and the police do their best to avoid it. Barking dogs and noise is not even on their radar. And, yes, I have recorded barking dogs, gone to court as a witness. The court gives them a warning. Then I do all the work again. Then they fine the person $50 or so. That's it.
Also, won't help at all if you're outside, but have you checked into sound proofing your bedroom?
Yes. I also have no windows. Everything is filled in. I could install a double wall system with a second sealed door. That would help. But, that's a lot of work and will waste a lot of space. Much of the sound proofing stuff is a joke, except for the very expensive stuff.

Also, I'm like damn, I have a nice large backyard. I should be able to enjoy it.
I never found earplugs to be of any use in such matters. People blaring their music tend to see it as no big deal. They enjoy it, what is the issue? If it goes long term, it can be surprising how many people end up dead over such disputes. It shouldn't be surprising considering that continuous blaring music is used in psychological warfare to drive the opponents over the edge. Still it seems that your neighbor is allowed to use it on you even though that is not the intent.
A combination of moulded ear plugs and noise cancelling headphones. No surgeon under the sun, will do voluntarily deafness. Likewise, there isn't anything practical that you could do either, that wouldn't have some form of repercussion.

Instead of calling the cops about the noise, call them and complain that the neighbours play songs that describe deviant sexual orientation towards children, along with several sightings of them acting suspiciously around children. Better yet, mail them a couple of kids magazines beforehand.

Ethical? dilligaf!
What about municipal bylaws. Here , they are not enforced by the police; the are enforced by bylaw officers. I had a neighbour who got fined so many times that he moved. Also, when he was out, someone called the SPCA. They came, the dog was barking inside, the SPCA called the cops to break in so they could take the dog. That's when the neighbour came home. He got so biligerent with the cops that the cops threatened to arrest him and send the dog to the kennel with the SPCA. A lot of neighbours were outside. We all wanted him gone, That poor dog kept everyone awake at night. He moved.
OMG! I'm so tired of my damn neighbors and people in general. They just don't give a **** about anybody else, about causing problems, or about causing discomfort to others. I got into again with a different neighbor and his constantly barking dog and his playing of music. He says he likes that his dog barks at anything and everything. It keeps people from breaking into his place. Yet, if I toss a stick or a rock towards the dog it stops barking and it wants to play. The dog is barking because it's bored, wants to be played with, and taken for a walk (exercised). But, instead they keep him couped up in a tiny back yard.

We are at an impass. The police will do nothing. So, I started playing music SUPER loud and barking over a SUPER DUPER loud microphone. All the neighbors heard that I'm sure. That got his attention, he started yelling for me, and he said he wanted to work things out. Yet, he likes that his dog barks all the time and isn't going to change anything. I said can't you see your dog wants to be played with and exercised. He probably wouldn't bark so much if he was worn out. But, hope. Any ahole can get a dog and let it constantly bark.

I can no longer take the excessive noise and barking. I do not know what to do. At some point I will probably snap and it will not be good. I simply don't know why people are the way they are and the police will not enforce the laws, well except for moving violations like speeding or drug abusers that are usually victims of society.

I just moved out of a bad situation as I was about ready to snap and set myself up here. But, this situation is not much better. So, if I sell this place where in the hell can I go where it's quite? The retirement communities allow dogs and don't enforce barking rules. My dad ran into that and the barking dogs tormented him.

I really would love to hear nothing. That would solve my biggest, most frustrating problem. But, I can't figure out a way to do that while keeping my balance and not get more ringing in my ears.

Does anybody know of any procedure to go completely deaf without creating other issues? I'm serious. I'm getting close to my witts end. This isn't a joke. The noise is completely torturing me. I just want to make it stop. Thanks for atleast reading this. Any suggestions will be appreciated.

I feel your pain as i used to be in a similar situation with a huge friendly pitbull door across from me and i actually liked when he barked because he annoyed the ******* neighbors in the building and it helped get rid of them. His owners trained him and suddenly he stopped. As a dog lover i hate excessive barking. My slumlords only mostly rent out to dog owners, because extra fees. Many dogs here bark at all hours but i like it because it creates disturbance and contributes to the bad reputation of this slum i'm in. What you describe is typical ignorance and stupidity common to this country. I have ignorant neighbors that do things their way. I train, tame, condition them. Some are untrainable. Some listen and comply. I'm not used to so much ignorance and disrespect as i come from a better place where disturbance was never a problem. Everyone knew order, respect for others. I will never rent or buy a home in the states again. I don't want to end up with neighbors from "hell". I read plenty of nightmare stories. Police often doesn't want to get involved.

Try talking to your ******* neighbor. See if you can take the dog for a walk or play with it. Google or ask in dog forums how to train dogs not to bark. If you don't feel like doing it, contact your municipality but email to the mayor or town clerk, so you have something in writing. Don't call. Go to their meetings and tell them you're a resident and you need this resolved immediately and police needs to get involved. I don't use their service here so i do my own thing.

If all fails give your neighbor one last written warning then file a civil complaint in municipal court. Get police involved just to have a record that you tried to get police involved and they refuse to help, but they still want your tax money for their service. Level of ignorance in this country is insane.
Yes. I also have no windows. Everything is filled in. I could install a double wall system with a second sealed door. That would help. But, that's a lot of work and will waste a lot of space. Much of the sound proofing stuff is a joke, except for the very expensive stuff.

Also, I'm like damn, I have a nice large backyard. I should be able to enjoy it.

You have the right to enjoy your space. Unfortunately "my" middle class area is turning into a ******** as many flee and others take over the area. Now i can't walk anywhere without smelling pot, loud music, basketball banging. They install powerful audio systems in garages. They can be heard 5 blocks away. Day, evening, after 10pm. No respect for anyone. We keep fleeing away from these idiots and they catch up with us. Flight needs to stop.
I feel your pain as i used to be in a similar situation with a huge friendly pitbull door across from me and i actually liked when he barked because he annoyed the ******* neighbors in the building and it helped get rid of them. His owners trained him and suddenly he stopped. As a dog lover i hate excessive barking. My slumlords only mostly rent out to dog owners, because extra fees. Many dogs here bark at all hours but i like it because it creates disturbance and contributes to the bad reputation of this slum i'm in. What you describe is typical ignorance and stupidity common to this country. I have ignorant neighbors that do things their way. I train, tame, condition them. Some are untrainable. Some listen and comply. I'm not used to so much ignorance and disrespect as i come from a better place where disturbance was never a problem. Everyone knew order, respect for others. I will never rent or buy a home in the states again. I don't want to end up with neighbors from "hell". I read plenty of nightmare stories. Police often doesn't want to get involved.

Try talking to your ******* neighbor. See if you can take the dog for a walk or play with it. Google or ask in dog forums how to train dogs not to bark. If you don't feel like doing it, contact your municipality but email to the mayor or town clerk, so you have something in writing. Don't call. Go to their meetings and tell them you're a resident and you need this resolved immediately and police needs to get involved. I don't use their service here so i do my own thing.

If all fails give your neighbor one last written warning then file a civil complaint in municipal court. Get police involved just to have a record that you tried to get police involved and they refuse to help, but they still want your tax money for their service. Level of ignorance in this country is insane.
Thanks for the advice. The only way to get police / government involved here is if I start shooting. I'm not quite there yet. But, if I do get there that will be the end of the line for me. So, my two alternatives is to move, which I just did, and ended up in a similar circumstance. So, that doesn't seem like a viable option. Or, try to get my hearing surgically elimated. Their are several problems with that. One being doctors don't understand that is helpful. Instead they think you are nuts and send you for counseling because they believe hearing is pleasent for everybody. But, if one doctor does see how no hearing would dramatically improve my quality of life they might help. However, I would want someone that knows what their are doing, as in, they did it before and succeeded. Or if that doesn't work, I might just say F it, which is my style, and poke out my eardrums with a sharp screwdriver. I need to look more into that.
What about municipal bylaws. Here , they are not enforced by the police; the are enforced by bylaw officers. I had a neighbour who got fined so many times that he moved. Also, when he was out, someone called the SPCA. They came, the dog was barking inside, the SPCA called the cops to break in so they could take the dog. That's when the neighbour came home. He got so biligerent with the cops that the cops threatened to arrest him and send the dog to the kennel with the SPCA. A lot of neighbours were outside. We all wanted him gone, That poor dog kept everyone awake at night. He moved.
Read above were I called the cops and said crazy things to get them to react to anything. They wouldn't even respond to me when I screamed at the officer on duty over their interconnected phone at a branch office, because nobody was there, that I would come down to the main headquarters and drive my truck through their front entrance. They still would send anybody even to haul my butt in for a Psych evaluation. This is why people end up doing shooting sprees and everybody says, gee they didn't give us any clue. Hell yeah, they did. Everybody ignored them. The cops don't want to do anything. The politicians don't want to do anything except spend money and make more laws that will get ignored.
Thanks for the advice. The only way to get police / government involved here is if I start shooting. I'm not quite there yet. But, if I do get there that will be the end of the line for me. So, my two alternatives is to move, which I just did, and ended up in a similar circumstance. So, that doesn't seem like a viable option. Or, try to get my hearing surgically elimated. Their are several problems with that. One being doctors don't understand that is helpful. Instead they think you are nuts and send you for counseling because they believe hearing is pleasent for everybody. But, if one doctor does see how no hearing would dramatically improve my quality of life they might help. However, I would want someone that knows what their are doing, as in, they did it before and succeeded. Or if that doesn't work, I might just say F it, which is my style, and poke out my eardrums with a sharp screwdriver. I need to look more into that.

No that's not a solution. Is pro bono attorney or free legal advice with your local legal aid an option for you? Can you call your lawyer bar association and ask for info or contact your local free legal aid office?
Read above were I called the cops and said crazy things to get them to react to anything. They wouldn't even respond to me when I screamed at the officer on duty over their interconnected phone at a branch office, because nobody was there, that I would come down to the main headquarters and drive my truck through their front entrance. They still would send anybody even to haul my butt in for a Psych evaluation. This is why people end up doing shooting sprees and everybody says, gee they didn't give us any clue. Hell yeah, they did. Everybody ignored them. The cops don't want to do anything. The politicians don't want to do anything except spend money and make more laws that will get ignored.

Exactly why this country is mental illness and crime breeding ground. All want to get paid more, do nothing or as little as possible. Ignorance and stupidity everywhere on every level. I'm "enjoying" my last months with my degenerate neighbor here. Moving into my car and **** landlords and neighbors. Never again. Until i find/build something tax-free without anyone near me for miles.
You have the right to enjoy your space. Unfortunately "my" middle class area is turning into a ******** as many flee and others take over the area. Now i can't walk anywhere without smelling pot, loud music, basketball banging. They install powerful audio systems in garages. They can be heard 5 blocks away. Day, evening, after 10pm. No respect for anyone. We keep fleeing away from these idiots and they catch up with us. Flight needs to stop.
Yep. That total BS.

I got pushed out of my last neighborhood. I planned on that being my last home. Nope! Drugs all over the place. Shootings. I was shot at twice. Told the cops. They acted like is was normal and said I should not go out walking at night. Yet, they won't clean it up. So, I moved. This is a far better area. But, all these aholes drink all the time, play the loud music, let their barks bark, and they don't give a ****. People are fed up with everything. They are tired of the mess we are all in and have been for awhile. Nobody around here gives a ****. Oh but, the laws dogs and officials will say they do. They just won't do anything to fix the situations.
Yep. That total BS.

I got pushed out of my last neighborhood. I planned on that being my last home. Nope! Drugs all over the place. Shootings. I was shot at twice. Told the cops. They acted like is was normal and said I should not go out walking at night. Yet, they won't clean it up. So, I moved. This is a far better area. But, all these aholes drink all the time, play the loud music, let their barks bark, and they don't give a ****. People are fed up with everything. They are tired of the mess we are all in and have been for awhile. Nobody around here gives a ****. Oh but, the laws dogs and officials will say they do. They just won't do anything to fix the situations.

Is it just you or other neighbors are unhappy about this situation as well? Would be better to get others on board and sue the ******* out of existence.

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