Internet data. I'm tired of trying to ration it out every month.
Well, you can always start. Many times a person only needs a few weeks to a month of food and water to get through a crisis.Food and Water. I think that world civilization is going to collapse fairly soon. I have heard that there are now runs on the banks in China. I wish I had become a prepper years ago, alas, there is little I can do now.
I would have never expected that one, its overrated !! But what doI know...Sex. Duh!
" All the governments have been EXTREMELY irresponsible to say the least."Well, you can always start. Many times a person only needs a few weeks to a month of food and water to get through a crisis.
I am a prepper and have survival skills and tools. But, over the years I've realized if something BIG happens most everybody is screwed except the elite. I'll stay alive a little longer then most. But, I'll also have to deal with all the bad elements. I may even make it through the event. But, if I think life sucks now. It will surely suck even more then.
The Bank run in China is troubling. All the governments have been EXTREMELY irresponsible to say the least. We are all in for more inflation as other markets crumble and drag the world's economy down since we are all so interdependent now.
I strongly believe that the immanent financial collapse and the provoking of World War 3 are being done by design to bring in a New World Order. I literally had a student at Uni who I know for a fact is a Mason, try to recruit me into his lodge. I have seen photos of him in the Lodge in Leicester where he is involved in Masonic ceremonies.Well, you can always start. Many times a person only needs a few weeks to a month of food and water to get through a crisis.
I am a prepper and have survival skills and tools. But, over the years I've realized if something BIG happens most everybody is screwed except the elite. I'll stay alive a little longer then most. But, I'll also have to deal with all the bad elements. I may even make it through the event. But, if I think life sucks now. It will surely suck even more then.
The Bank run in China is troubling. All the governments have been EXTREMELY irresponsible to say the least. We are all in for more inflation as other markets crumble and drag the world's economy down since we are all so interdependent now.
It sure seems that way. The things the powers in charge are doing simply do not make sense IF you think they are trying to build stronger countries and trying to unit the world. Quite the opposite.I strongly believe that the immanent financial collapse and the provoking of World War 3 are being done by design to bring in a New World Order. I literally had a student at Uni who I know for a fact is a Mason, try to recruit me into his lodge. I have seen photos of him in the Lodge in Leicester where he is involved in Masonic ceremonies.
Taken from a report I have just been looking into; just more material to support my narrative of real;ity, You want nice, go buy a Harry Potter film, and take that pill, I only deal in reality, thats all I have left, and I am never selling that out!I strongly believe that the immanent financial collapse and the provoking of World War 3 are being done by design to bring in a New World Order. I literally had a student at Uni who I know for a fact is a Mason, try to recruit me into his lodge. I have seen photos of him in the Lodge in Leicester where he is involved in Masonic ceremonies.
So if you are the victim of a violent crime in Chicago, your odds of having a police officer available to help you are about the same as guessing a coin flip correctly. Nothing to see here, right ?New data uncovered by Wirepoints through public records requests to the Chicago Police Department (CPD) reveal that in 2021 there were 406,829 incidents of high-priority emergency service calls for which there were no police available to respond.
That was 52 percent of the 788,000 high-priority 911 service calls dispatched in 2021.
The ability to wake peolpe up to the reality about whats going in the world .If you could have an endless supply of something, what would it be?
You must have had a very bad experience in your life at some point, I empathies, with this. Find it and embrace it and deal with it, except it as an experience. I to have this very same thng, only this year 4 month ago I nearly died due to lack of air , terrifying of course. But, I will not let it run my life; I will not live consumed about what maybe or not be in the future. Personally, I have, a great unshakable faith in God for good reason, (another story, I also believe in destiny, and at some point, I will go home to be with everything I love, as I have lost everything in his world I love, my entire family inc my Dogs have gone from this earth. But I will stay the course as best I can until that time to go home. I take each day as it comes; the rest is up to God and his plan for me! But I do admit It is NOT easy. You are not alone!Oxygen...I fall into water, and am sinking..pull the Oxygen card. Buried alive? Again, Oxygen card to dig myself out. Being murdered by strangulation? Oxygen until they tire out. Lung cancer from decades of smoking? **** you, Oxygen. Structure fire? Well, as long as I physically avoid the fire part and deal with the smoke...again, Oxygen ************.
Its just Communicating I think, but yes your right it hit the right button, I think!!Ok...did you mean to have a reply, or is my post so very awesome you wanted others to read again? Cause, that's pretty nifty if so.
You come into this world naked and broke. and trust me, you will go out of it naked and broke! The love of money is evil. it will lead to a path of destruction. Its a tool only, to enable us to do what we have to do. thats all!Seriousely thou..
Tainted love would totally suck.
Money....An enless supply of money or wealth.
If I get jadded by tainted love
At least i can go buy 20 different hookers everynight for the rest of my life to lessen the Though I know it won't cure my loneliness. At least I'll have a smile on my face![]()
I have no idea about the reasons of the individual regard the start of this thread, but like you, I respond. If not, question, what are forums for, if not to communicate? AHHAH if want images go to Google images. Just a joke, I am sure you get the pointAnd is that button practicality, humor, or your way of initiating basic back and forth? It's all gravy regardless
The story of king midas comes to mind! HAHHA.An endless supply of money, would be bad, if you think about it logically. If you were prudent in your financial dealings, you'd be accused of not spending enough. If you spent below the limit of catching the attention of others, maybe, you could get by without causing too much fuss. If however, you intended to donate large sums of money to causes that mattered, you may come to people's attention.
Worst case scenario, you spend and spend and spend yourself into oblivion, or you would crash the economy; not unlike if a 1 billion ton golden asteriod hit earth. Gold would be worthless then.
So an infinite money situation would **** things up pretty bad, except for the person who could be very, very careful, and set a fixed limit, in which case, the supply wouldn't be endless, and the wish goes unfulfilled.
I don't know what I'd want an endless supply of, honestly. Love is my first guess... But, I dunno. Maybe I'd hate that...